Hens In The Foxhouse?

What a bizarre karma moment for Anderson Cooper to be a "moderator" with the ultimate zinger question with Trump directly in his sights. And then Trump goes for "locker room talk". It was more like drunken tailgate bus man cave talk. Then Melania wears the fashionable "pussy bow" blouse to the debate in screaming pink. Feels like the 70's all over again. Except whats wrong about all this for me as a female is that I think 3d6388ee3110f3058fa071f98456a9b7_9120e4eca570e49f1685f9c1c0cafc1e.jpg Melania defended women and freedom of speech and expression way better that Witch Trial Anderson who has probably heard all kinds of talk at gay parties but under the zinger "feminist" defense is boiling with denial.

Murdoch should fire them both immediately..this election is all about mud-slinging and denials now and there's no place for clucking feminist hens in the Foxhouse. :nono:

These two women are conservatives. Perino much more so than Kelly. What Kelly's concern has always been is that the GOP has taken the shittiest advice from the Cheney/Rove machine...that it results in losses for the republicans every time. I have the highest admiration for Perino in that she walks the walk. She dresses conservatively, speaks conservatively and acts conservatively. Kelly's tramp suits and slut getups on her show are off-putting. They completely undermine any feminist strength she is trying to show. If she wanted to rebel against Fox, she should dress in turtlenecks and baggy momma slacks. But of course I understand Fox nearly requires slut-wear of its women talking heads in contract.

Kelly is against Trump because 1. She knew he didn't have a chance to win...hurting her party to its core and 2. He would drag down all other republican candidates for Congress by association...hurting her party to its core..

I said months ago that if they nominated Trump to the ticket at the RNC convention, they should immediately have followed that proclamation with a concession speech to Hillary Clinton. THEY HAD TO HAVE KNOWN HOW TERRIBLE TRUMP'S PARTYING PAST WAS. They too knew he was buddies with Howard Stern for fuck's sake. That guy Stern is the biggest potty mouthed demeaner of women as sex objects that there ever was. As soon as the GOP nominated Trump I said to myself "well, there goes the republican party". And I wasn't the only one saying that. I'm sure Kelly and Perino were too.

Murdoch should fire them both immediately..this election is all about mud-slinging and denials now and there's no place for clucking feminist hens in the Foxhouse. :nono:

These two women are conservatives. Perino much more so than Kelly. What Kelly's concern has always been is that the GOP has taken the shittiest advice from the Cheney/Rove machine...that it results in losses for the republicans every time. I have the highest admiration for Perino in that she walks the walk. She dresses conservatively, speaks conservatively and acts conservatively. Kelly's tramp suits and slut getups on her show are off-putting. They completely undermine any feminist strength she is trying to show. If she wanted to rebel against Fox, she should dress in turtlenecks and baggy momma slacks. But of course I understand Fox nearly requires slut-wear of its women talking heads in contract.

Kelly is against Trump because 1. She knew he didn't have a chance to win...hurting her party to its core and 2. He would drag down all other republican candidates for Congress by association...hurting her party to its core..

I said months ago that if they nominated Trump to the ticket at the RNC convention, they should immediately have followed that proclamation with a concession speech to Hillary Clinton. THEY HAD TO HAVE KNOWN HOW TERRIBLE TRUMP'S PARTYING PAST WAS. They too knew he was buddies with Howard Stern for fuck's sake. That guy Stern is the biggest potty mouthed demeaner of women as sex objects that there ever was. As soon as the GOP nominated Trump I said to myself "well, there goes the republican party". And I wasn't the only one saying that. I'm sure Kelly and Perino were too.

There's no evidence either woman in a "conservative". Kelly has no political connections to the GOP whatsoever and simply followed Fox guidelines to have her own show. Nothing wrong with those guidelines either since virtually every other major network is in bed with the communist DNC and Clinton freakshow. As to Perino, she's a Bush person, still loves them, and thus is holding a grudge against Trump for humiliating Jeb!. Both feel they have enough cover to now openly attack Trump and should be taken off the air for the next month.

There's no evidence either woman in a "conservative". Kelly has no political connections to the GOP whatsoever and simply followed Fox guidelines to have her own show. Nothing wrong with those guidelines either since virtually every other major network is in bed with the communist DNC and Clinton freakshow. As to Perino, she's a Bush person, still loves them, and thus is holding a grudge against Trump for humiliating Jeb!. Both feel they have enough cover to now openly attack Trump and should be taken off the air for the next month.

They have a right to air their grievances against Trump. Sooner or later, Fox News is going to have to face up to the fact that Trump heading the GOP ticket is a monster they created; and that will cost them ratings as the public learns the dark truth about him. Including the truth that he's out to kill GOP support whose values come into direct conflict with everything Trump has done and stands for.

The people who watch Fox have values. And those with a modicum of brain cells are dropping off their avid support for the vulgar brute like fleas off a dying dog. Fox should take note. They put all their money on the wrong horse.
We've seen for months how hateful Megyn Kelly is to Trump and her campaign to ruin him continues on. Why she's after him only she knows for sure, but the word is he boinked her back in the day and never called back. She's also been playing nice-nice with CNN homo Anderson Cooper and is rumored to be leaving Fox for the Clinton News Network. So we know Kelly's story...she's a feminist shrew who's married to a house-husband. But what's the attitude coming out of Dana Perino lately? Last night she joined Kelly in smearing the Donald with these phony new "assault victims" crawling out of the Willy/Hilly woodwork. They're all frauds being promoted by the derelict NYTimes which is busy going tabloid before it goes bankrupt. Is Perino angling to be the replacement for Kelly's show or showing us she's a Bush girl and falling into line because Jeb! got his nuts roasted going up against Trump in the primaries?


Murdoch should fire them both immediately..this election is all about mud-slinging and denials now and there's no place for clucking feminist hens in the Foxhouse. :nono:
Another Misogynist for Drumpf!

Hey, you spelled "misogynist" correctly this time....somebody give her a cookie!
I try...but don't always get it right. Thank you...oatmeal raisin is my fav...unless you have home made Empire Biscuits......yum!
So this is where my oatmeal raisin cookies have been going.
They have a right to air their grievances against Trump. Sooner or later, Fox News is going to have to face up to the fact that Trump heading the GOP ticket is a monster they created; and that will cost them ratings as the public learns the dark truth about him. Including the truth that he's out to kill GOP support whose values come into direct conflict with everything Trump has done and stands for.

The people who watch Fox have values. And those with a modicum of brain cells are dropping off their avid support for the vulgar brute like fleas off a dying dog. Fox should take note. They put all their money on the wrong horse.

Megyn Kelly is a trojan horse and should be fired immediately. Perino is a Bush girl who was a nobody until Dubya made her is press secretary for two years and is still with them over Jeb! not being promoted to the top spot on the ticket. Not that a shill like you deserves this explanation but other readers do.
Megyn Kelly is a trojan horse and should be fired immediately. Perino is a Bush girl who was a nobody until Dubya made her is press secretary for two years and is still with them over Jeb! not being promoted to the top spot on the ticket. Not that a shill like you deserves this explanation but other readers do.
Megan Kelly just wants the party to win and she knows they are not going to (AGAIN). So she's standing out for the future: it ain't Trump. I'm a shill for no one. I'm just stating things how I see them. Why was Megan Kelly FURIOUS with Carl Rove when Romney lost?? She confronted him about how running Romney and all the doctored statistics towards the end didn't make him a winner. She wanted the GOP to win. Hence her anger. Who should be fired immediately should be Carl Rove and those guys. They don't have a CLUE about how to win the elections for the GOP. Cheney, raised by democrats, pro gay marriage, dodged the draft 5 times...THERE'S YOUR TROJAN HORSE... More like trojan jackass..

Do you realize that if the GOP was running Kasich on the ticket, they would be winning the Whitehouse & Congress? Fox News (the Cheney/Rove mouthpiece) was directly responsible for drumming out Kasich (beating Hillary in the general in the polling by double digits consistently) and elevating Trump instead with billions in free air time (who polled losing to Hillary in the general consistently during the primaries).

Now you're a smart guy. Sit down on your porch and think about that for a minute. Then ask yourself: "why are Kelly and Perino so damned mad at your boys?".. Those bastards knew about Trump's past long before the crucial time in the primaries when they could've turned a cold shoulder to him like they did to the MUCH CLEANER candidate Kasich. But for some reason they wanted to run a horse with only three legs. Ask yourself WHY?

If it wasn't to directly sabotage the GOP, then it was because they knew Trump would play dirty pool with the industrialists (the 1%...who better really?) when the fluff was all settled down. Kasich wouldn't; he would have been stronger and forced the assholes selling our nation on the auction block to compromise. And they simply wouldn't have that. So they now have Trump. But maybe they're hedging their bets that Hillary will play dirty pool with them instead? So they just don't give a fuck what the dickweed Trump does to the GOP for the next 3 decades as a result of their waffling calculations. As long as they make bank in the short term...that's all that matters to these seditious and treacherous traitors at the end of the day..
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We've seen for months how hateful Megyn Kelly is to Trump and her campaign to ruin him continues on. Why she's after him only she knows for sure, but the word is he boinked her back in the day and never called back. She's also been playing nice-nice with CNN homo Anderson Cooper and is rumored to be leaving Fox for the Clinton News Network. So we know Kelly's story...she's a feminist shrew who's married to a house-husband. But what's the attitude coming out of Dana Perino lately? Last night she joined Kelly in smearing the Donald with these phony new "assault victims" crawling out of the Willy/Hilly woodwork. They're all frauds being promoted by the derelict NYTimes which is busy going tabloid before it goes bankrupt. Is Perino angling to be the replacement for Kelly's show or showing us she's a Bush girl and falling into line because Jeb! got his nuts roasted going up against Trump in the primaries?


Murdoch should fire them both immediately..this election is all about mud-slinging and denials now and there's no place for clucking feminist hens in the Foxhouse. :nono:
Good Lord, and I'm sure you'll take this as the compliment that is.....

You sound like Donald Trump is the perfect candidate for you
Well Tom Horn and I usually agree on stuff. But on this he's way off. Trump never should've been given the air time he had on Fox. The dirty-pool players wanted him though. Perhaps they didn't calculate what it would do to their moral base who couldn't stomach Trump's pussy-grabbing, lying, back-stabbing self. He is as a personality character FAR WORSE than Hillary Clinton. And that's saying something.
You sound like Donald Trump is the perfect candidate for you

Damn straight he is....I want the border wall, I want our trade deals scrapped and re-written, and I want Conservatives on the USSC. As a little ice cream for dessert, I want Hillary and Bill Clinton both tried and convicted of treason.
Well Tom Horn and I usually agree on stuff. But on this he's way off. Trump never should've been given the air time he had on Fox. The dirty-pool players wanted him though. Perhaps they didn't calculate what it would do to their moral base who couldn't stomach Trump's pussy-grabbing, lying, back-stabbing self. He is as a personality character FAR WORSE than Hillary Clinton. And that's saying something.

I don't recall ever agreeing with YOU on anything....are you a secret admirer or a lying scoundrel?

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