Here are some numbers for you Clintonites who think she should have won..because of the popular vote

Trump won because he rigged enough states to get their electoral votes.

But he can count on his opponents giving him the same chance as did Obama's opponents.

He rigged it huh?

I've been looking for that evidence, seriously, I have been.

I am thinking you may be right. Ever since I found out they had H.R. 6393 ready to go, I'm thinking the whole thing was a set up.

Do you have any evidence that the election was rigged?
I am using the Reince Priebus point that not having evidence does not make a point false.

We all know that Trump cheated.

My signature reinforces the inevitable failure of the Trump debacle as president of these poor USA.

Zeus above. . .

Reince Priebus is evil. Why would you use one of his points? First Hillary, now Reince, why not just suck Cheney's dick while your down there?
Personal attack = post failure, as you well know. Priebus is a betrayal of the Alt Right as will be too many of Trump's appointments.
land does not vote, people vote.
That's cute, but meaningless. What is or should be obvious is that the most populated states should not dictate to all states. That is the purpose of the EC. It worked fine.

Hillary lost because she was a poor candidate who had no credible record, no credible plans for improvement of the economy and nothing more than screaming criticisms of Trump. People all across the nation want what Trump offered...except for the big cities. Even New York State predominately wanted (and got) Trump despite the wishes of the vote-for-a-living welfare buns in NYC.
Hillary lost because urban voters are generally more highly educated and more progressive, yet they do not get full credit for their votes. Trump won because the vast majority of people who voted for him are poorly educated, unsophisticated thinkers who live in rural areas. That is the reality.

That's laughable, Esmeralda. Do you even know any people from "rural" areas? It's not Deliverance out in the "Fly Over States"...some of the most wonderful people in the United States live in rural areas. They aren't rubes. They think just fine. They simply don't agree with your politics. Labeling them as you and Hillary Clinton have done simply paints you and her as ignorant.
Nope, I seriously haven't got a clue as to what you are driving at. What constitutional liberty are you referring to?
Then you can't be helped.

IOW. . . . you're full of shit.
You are looking in the mirror and projecting.

Or you are. . .

Now you think you are Mandy Patinken. You are a loon, but you are fun to watch: like a lab rat thinking it can take on a python. Go for it.
Shit buddy, you don't even know who you are in that metaphor. You are in some seriously deep shit. :badgrin:
Trump won because he rigged enough states to get their electoral votes.

But he can count on his opponents giving him the same chance as did Obama's opponents.
Provide factual evidence supported by links to back up your claim. Even Obama said the vote was legal and untainted..
Trump won because he rigged enough states to get their electoral votes.

But he can count on his opponents giving him the same chance as did Obama's opponents.

He rigged it huh?

I've been looking for that evidence, seriously, I have been.

I am thinking you may be right. Ever since I found out they had H.R. 6393 ready to go, I'm thinking the whole thing was a set up.

Do you have any evidence that the election was rigged?
I am using the Reince Priebus point that not having evidence does not make a point false.

We all know that Trump cheated.

My signature reinforces the inevitable failure of the Trump debacle as president of these poor USA.

how did he cheat, dingleberry? give us specifics.

funny how the recounts are finding more Trump votes, and fraudulent Hillary votes.

So, put up or shut up. The bitch lost, deal with it.
How about putting it in terms you people can understand? You lost the election because you suck in every way.

Nice meltdown. Now throw something.

I love watching the retard left continuing to use the tactics that worked for the last 8 years...the word games, the changing of the meanings of words, for the express purpose of discrediting people for accurately describing the left...flail miserably now that the rules have changed.

Your nonsense is no longer relevant. I wonder when you'll catch on?

We've gotten you nuts on the Right to fight relentlessly in defense of the idea that the person who loses the vote should for some reason still win.

That is most satisfying.

the election was carried out in accordance with the rules set forth in the constitution. Trump won by those rules.

If you don't like the rules, get them changed. Until then---------------------STFU.
Then you can't be helped.

IOW. . . . you're full of shit.
You are looking in the mirror and projecting.

Or you are. . .

Now you think you are Mandy Patinken. You are a loon, but you are fun to watch: like a lab rat thinking it can take on a python. Go for it.
Shit buddy, you don't even know who you are in that metaphor. You are in some seriously deep shit. :badgrin:
says the rat :lol: but since you are deep in Trump's ass, you can't see or smell anything else
Trump won because he rigged enough states to get their electoral votes.

But he can count on his opponents giving him the same chance as did Obama's opponents.
Provide factual evidence supported by links to back up your claim. Even Obama said the vote was legal and untainted..
Obama was wrong. Trump was right: the election was wrong. The proof: he won.
Asaritis, county break down is informative yet unimport.

Only two figures that count: the number of votes in a state and that state's electors.

Trump won 30 states, Clinton won 20 and DC.

Irrelevant. States aren't equal entities. They are pieces of ground.

It is relevant in the sense that because of the added weight given in EVs to small flyover states, a Democrat has to win 53% of the vote to reach 270
Trump won because he rigged enough states to get their electoral votes.

But he can count on his opponents giving him the same chance as did Obama's opponents.
Provide factual evidence supported by links to back up your claim. Even Obama said the vote was legal and untainted..
Obama was wrong. Trump was right: the election was wrong. The proof: he won.
Provide evidence to support your claim or admit you are a liar.
land does not vote, people vote.
It should be one person, one vote, and the president elected by majority vote, not by counties.

why? the controversy "federalist vs state" is nothing new and not utterly moot
Hillary got more of the popular vote than 10 previous presidents. Someone who has gotten that kind of majority vote should be president. Fuck the federalist versus state discussion. The issue does not apply to our modern democracy. Get a grip.
Obama won 69 million in 2008,so no she did not. You also have to remember MILLIONS of people turn 18 and are able to vote between one election and another.
How about putting it in terms you people can understand? You lost the election because you suck in every way.

Nice meltdown. Now throw something.

I love watching the retard left continuing to use the tactics that worked for the last 8 years...the word games, the changing of the meanings of words, for the express purpose of discrediting people for accurately describing the left...flail miserably now that the rules have changed.

Your nonsense is no longer relevant. I wonder when you'll catch on?

We've gotten you nuts on the Right to fight relentlessly in defense of the idea that the person who loses the vote should for some reason still win.

That is most satisfying.

the election was carried out in accordance with the rules set forth in the constitution. Trump won by those rules.

If you don't like the rules, get them changed. Until then---------------------STFU.

We are not debating whether the rules exist. We are debating whether the rules are good or bad.

Pay attention.
Asaritis, county break down is informative yet unimport.

Only two figures that count: the number of votes in a state and that state's electors.

Trump won 30 states, Clinton won 20 and DC.

Irrelevant. States aren't equal entities. They are pieces of ground.

It is relevant in the sense that because of the added weight given in EVs to small flyover states, a Democrat has to win 53% of the vote to reach 270

wrong, a dem has to win Ca, NY, and a couple more states, the path is much harder for a republican since Ca and NY are always blue and have lots of EC votes. Trump beat the odds and the media who said he had no path to 270. The American voters shoved it up the media's ass.
Democracy is the rule of the mob. Thank goodness in this election the uneducated mob from these big city shitholes did not get to decide the election.
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