Here are the key statistics to know about the 1/6 insurrection. It’s probably worse than you remember

So you can’t answer the question?
If the intent was sedition or insurrection, with over 700 people arrested and charged why did the government not charge one person for either crime. Did they commit crimes, yes, should they be charged, yes. I sincerely doubt they thought they could overthrow our government, did you think 700 people with no real weapons could overthrow a government as large as ours? They all will get their day in court.

Sorry, I thought you were wanting only facts but it seems you are pushing an agenda of propaganda.
If the intent was sedition or insurrection, with over 700 people arrested and charged why did the government not charge one person for either crime. Did they commit crimes, yes, should they be charged, yes. I sincerely doubt they thought they could overthrow our government, did you think 700 people with no real weapons could overthrow a government as large as ours? They all will get their day in court.

Sorry, I thought you were wanting only facts but it seems you are pushing an agenda of propaganda.
It is without question their intentions were to stop the election results and keep Trump in power. It is without question they were targeting specific government officials. Do I think they were stupid enough to think they could pull that off? Yes I do.
1/6 was a deadly rightwing terrorist attack.

Conservatives attacked America’s democracy in a treasonous effort to overthrow the will of the American people.
Hey look its Dorothy and her little dog Toto calling out for Auntie Em, Auntie Em!
What a wacko.
And by "deadly" you mean an unarmed woman was murdered by a black cop right?

The number of people charged in connection with the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, according to the FBI


The age (in years) of the oldest person, an Army veteran from West Chester, Pa., arrested in connection with the attack


The age (in years) of the youngest person, a teenager from Milton, Ga., charged in connection with the attack


The number of states that the people who were arrested came from


The number of Capitol rioters who have entered guilty pleas in connection to the riot, according to NPR


The number of police officers who were injured during the riot, according to officials from the U.S. Capitol Police and Metropolitan Police departments


The number of Capitol Police officers who committed suicide following the attack


The approximate number of hours Congress was delayed in certifying Joe Biden's victory over Donald Trump in the Electoral College vote; the breach of the Capitol began shortly after 2 p.m. ET, and lawmakers returned to certify the results around 8 p.m. ET


The number of Republicans who voted against certifying the election after the attack


The number of tweets and retweets posted to Trump’s Twitter feed on Jan. 6, including this one at 6:01 p.m. ET: “These are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously & viciously stripped away from great patriots who have been badly & unfairly treated for so long. Go home with love & in peace. Remember this day forever!”

1.5 million

The estimated cost (in dollars) of the damage to the Capitol Building on Jan. 6, according to the Architect of the Capitol


The number of people, businesses or entities who have received subpoenas from the select committee investigating the attack, according to CNN


The number of witnesses that the Jan. 6 committee has heard from so far in its investigation of the attack, according to Reuters


The number of pages of records obtained by the select committee so far, including texts, emails and phone records from people close to Trump


The number of Republicans — Reps. Liz Cheney of Wyoming and Adam Kinzinger of Illinois — on the nine-member committee; Cheney is a top target for Trump and his allies in this year’s Republican primary, while Kinzinger has announced he’s retiring from Congress at the end of his term


The number of months Robert Palmer was sentenced to prison — the longest sentence handed down so far; Palmer, a 54-year-old Florida resident, pleaded guilty to assaulting law enforcement officers with a dangerous weapon after hurling a fire extinguisher, plank and pole at them


The percentage of Trump voters now convinced the election was "rigged and stolen" from him, according to the most recent Yahoo News/YouGov poll


The percentage of Trump voters who view the attack on the Capitol as "unjustified,” according to the same Yahoo News/YouGov poll


The percentage of registered U.S. voters who think the next election will be "free and fair,” says the poll


The percentage of American adults who are worried about the future of democracy, according to the poll


According to the poll, the percentage of U.S. adults who believe an attack like the one on Jan. 6 could happen again

You forgot two most important numbers:


The number of people who voted for Joe Biden


The number of people who voted for the orange Idiot. (though that number is very doubtful).
You forgot two most important numbers:


The number of people who voted for Joe Biden


The number of people who voted for the orange Idiot. (though that number is very doubtful).
That wasn't on Jan 6, Dumbass.
It is without question their intentions were to stop the election results and keep Trump in power. It is without question they were targeting specific government officials. Do I think they were stupid enough to think they could pull that off? Yes I do.
If it was without question then why were none of the 700 plus not charged? The rest of your post is a drama queen fantasy.

So you started posting facts as a way to get to inject a complete opinion based on no facts. The extremes of the parties are just a bunch of nuts.
Who does the sergeant at arms answer to and get his orders from? Well give you time to figure out how to try to lie your way out that one....
Apparently youre unfamiliar with what the sergeant at arms actually does, what that role is. There are two of them, one for senate, another for house.
When it comes to security, the capitol police board is responsible.

its sorta like how at a corporation, a CEO delegates authorities to VPs.
Capitol security authority is delegated to those two sergeant at arms.
So why did he send in the national guard and stop the whole thing? Booting the rioters out?

he didn't. pence did.

‘Clear the Capitol,’ Pence pleaded, timeline of riot shows​

‘Clear the Capitol,’ Pence pleaded, timeline of riot shows | AP News

you can also take yer pick of articles:

Why not send in the nation guard after it was over, secure the perimeter, declare marital law. . . and proceed with continuity of government plans?


AFTER it was over? you mean AFTER they busted down the door to the speaker's lobby? AFTER they actually found some congress critters? you think if any of donny's flying monkeys got their hands on a rep or senator, they would offer tea & cookies?
I'm not really sure what happened on the 6th was aimed at overthrowing an election. Where are you getting such a convoluted narrative?

It seems to me a specious argument, and one that remains unproven.

I am not sure, that there has been proven, any connections in that mob, to the organized administrative plan, on how power would continue to flow, or how congressional actions would. . . just . . .

"stop." And never start up again.

Everyone knows, or at least, nearly all educated persons know, that that, "noose," outside, was just a protest prop. It was too small to be functional, nor did anyone have any deadly weapons to do anything to lawmakers. No one was going to hang or harm any law maker, you DO know that, right? That is all propaganda. No one was ever going to overthrow anything, this is a narrative that is only being spun in the media, you have no evidence that this was going to be done. . . if the election was going to be "overturned," it would have to be done so in the public arena, according to law. . . such that it still exists. You know that.

. . . thus? It was just a protest that got out of hand, and was only a riot. By those who felt law was not being given a chance to operate and air out grievences. There was no real leadership, and thus, no long range plan, once Congressional deliberations were stopped. They never had any intentions to fight back once the national guard was called in, c'mon, you can't be this dumb. Where the hell is your critical thinking?

YOU KNOW, this was never a 'real' insurrection, there was never any real plan to stage a coup, you HAVE to know this. . . don't you?


If there was, there would have been a split in the military, and there would have been shooting, and a siege of offices involved. Military bases would have been involved and lot of folks would have died. Have you ever learned about violent insurrections and coups in other nations? You can't tell the difference between a riot and a coup, seriously?

Are you seriously going to shut off your brain and start to buy the consortium's propaganda? Did you think that the Trump administration wasn't going to send in the national guard, or that he was going to descend in a helicopter on the roof of the capital once the rioters had secured the Senate Chambers, to enter, like the Emperor, to declare himself "king?" Is that it?

I don't watch TEE VEE. . . is that what they are telling folks was the plan all along now? From what I recall, it was Trump that sent in the nation guard to stop everything and boot everyone out so the proceedings could continue. . . not what I would call the act of someone trying to stage a coup, no?

THAT ISN'T HOW YOU OVERTHROW AN ELECTION COYOTE. By having the state kick out your supporters and letting the proceeding continue?!? :rolleyes:


Wake up, who the hell is in power right now? Are you even paying attention?

If Trump had wanted to stay in power? Yeah, it appears he could have, but? He didn't, did he? :dunno:

It doesn’t matter what *I* think. It matters what the rioters believed and what Trump thought. Your excuse seems to be that it wasn’t an attempt to over throw the election because they were incompetent. That is kind of like excusing attempted murder…because they weren’t successful.
There is a much deeper agenda to this dog and pony show.

ACLU Statement Opposing H.R. 4192, Confronting the Threat of Domestic Terrorism Act​

Capitol Hill Assault Revives Calls for Domestic Terrorism Law, but Civil Liberties Groups Are Wary​

Five Reasons to Be Wary of a New Domestic Terrorism Law​

". .. . Perhaps the strangest twist of all for the Democrats is the number of former
intelligence agents who ran for Congress in 2018 as Democrats. It seems that the
Democratic Party is verily trying to live up to its label by veteran journalist and former
Black Panther Party member, Glen Ford, who now runs the Black Agenda Report (BAR)
news magazine, as the “more effective of two evils.” Apparently, the Democratic Party
has undergone a fundamental transformation and the tell-tale sign of that is its fielding
former intelligence operatives as Democratic Party candidates for Congress. James
Hohmann first drew attention to the phenomenon with his October 2017 article in the
Washington Post—itself owned in part by the C.I.A. Patrick Martin took the bait and52
delved deeper into this unprecedented “whatever-it-is.” His two-part investigation

An extraordinary number of former intelligence and military operatives from the
CIA, Pentagon, National Security Council and State Department are seeking
nomination as Democratic candidates for Congress in the 2018 midterm
elections. The potential influx of military-intelligence personnel into the
legislature has no precedent in US political history.
“If the Democrats capture a majority in the House of Representatives on
November 6, as widely predicted, candidates drawn from the military-
intelligence apparatus will comprise as many as half of the new Democratic
members of Congress. They will hold the balance of power in the lower
chamber of Congress.” 53

In the end, in a follow-up investigation, Martin found that eleven Military/Intelligence
candidates won their elections for Congress under the Democratic Party banner. 54
Bruce Dixon, BAR co-founder, writes that the Democratic Party is about to “pimp”
progressive voters once again and correctly asks: “So what will we get when and if a
2018 blue wave sweeps a Democratic majority into Congress?”

Make fun all you like.

I don't give a damn about Trump, I am concerned about ALL Americans.

. . . apparently? You don't see the danger.

If the Deep State gets its way, that law is passed, and if they put Trump back in power. . . use yer head.

You think he is going to use that against the Proud Boys? How about the threepers? You think he will go after them or the white nationalists?

. . . my guess is that he will go after ANTIFA, anyone sympathizing with ANTIFA, the nation of Islam, anyone that has a radical thought associated with BLM, etc.

THAT IS NOT WHAT I WANT for this nation.

Both extremes bother me.

BUT what bothers me more, is the establishment using them as a pretext to strip our basic freedoms from us.
It doesn’t matter what *I* think. It matters what the rioters believed and what Trump thought. Your excuse seems to be that it wasn’t an attempt to over throw the election because they were incompetent. That is kind of like excusing attempted murder…because they weren’t successful.
No, I just see that there were a lot of folks that agitated at the Capitol riot that were left alone, and thus? There was more than likely hybrid warfare in the interests of the Deep State going on.

The folks on the left are too deep into their partisan politics to see the truth, they only want to see the left vs. right partisan bullshit on their TEE VEE.

For all I know? Trump was in on it all. . . and it very much wouldn't surprise me if he was. We shall see. It wouldn't surprise me one bit if he comes out of all of this, unscathed, running for president and winning.

We should remember Hitler's Beer Hall Putsch. He still went on to become Chancellor. REMEMBER? The folks that are really pulling the strings know how to play the public like a fiddle.

Don't be played.

Don't think I am a Trump supporter, just an analyst.
FDR/Truman did a pretty good job rolling up Germany and Japan.... Tell me we still commemorate D-Day, Pearl Harbor Day, etc...?

Your blob ran up $8T in 4 you're worried about spending?

Trump's attempted holocaust failed too...but it did drive down demand for motor fuels and the like. Now that our economy is going again...demand has gotten back to where it was before the blob let the virus run rampant through the nation.
How many Americans were killed at Pearl Harbor, D-Day, etc. compared to January 6th?
How many Americans were killed at Pearl Harbor, D-Day, etc. compared to January 6th?

I can see the point I was making went in one ear and out the other. There is nothing in between to interrupt it's path apparently.

The number of people charged in connection with the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, according to the FBI


The age (in years) of the oldest person, an Army veteran from West Chester, Pa., arrested in connection with the attack


The age (in years) of the youngest person, a teenager from Milton, Ga., charged in connection with the attack


The number of states that the people who were arrested came from


The number of Capitol rioters who have entered guilty pleas in connection to the riot, according to NPR


The number of police officers who were injured during the riot, according to officials from the U.S. Capitol Police and Metropolitan Police departments


The number of Capitol Police officers who committed suicide following the attack


The approximate number of hours Congress was delayed in certifying Joe Biden's victory over Donald Trump in the Electoral College vote; the breach of the Capitol began shortly after 2 p.m. ET, and lawmakers returned to certify the results around 8 p.m. ET


The number of Republicans who voted against certifying the election after the attack


The number of tweets and retweets posted to Trump’s Twitter feed on Jan. 6, including this one at 6:01 p.m. ET: “These are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously & viciously stripped away from great patriots who have been badly & unfairly treated for so long. Go home with love & in peace. Remember this day forever!”

1.5 million

The estimated cost (in dollars) of the damage to the Capitol Building on Jan. 6, according to the Architect of the Capitol


The number of people, businesses or entities who have received subpoenas from the select committee investigating the attack, according to CNN


The number of witnesses that the Jan. 6 committee has heard from so far in its investigation of the attack, according to Reuters


The number of pages of records obtained by the select committee so far, including texts, emails and phone records from people close to Trump


The number of Republicans — Reps. Liz Cheney of Wyoming and Adam Kinzinger of Illinois — on the nine-member committee; Cheney is a top target for Trump and his allies in this year’s Republican primary, while Kinzinger has announced he’s retiring from Congress at the end of his term


The number of months Robert Palmer was sentenced to prison — the longest sentence handed down so far; Palmer, a 54-year-old Florida resident, pleaded guilty to assaulting law enforcement officers with a dangerous weapon after hurling a fire extinguisher, plank and pole at them


The percentage of Trump voters now convinced the election was "rigged and stolen" from him, according to the most recent Yahoo News/YouGov poll


The percentage of Trump voters who view the attack on the Capitol as "unjustified,” according to the same Yahoo News/YouGov poll


The percentage of registered U.S. voters who think the next election will be "free and fair,” says the poll


The percentage of American adults who are worried about the future of democracy, according to the poll


According to the poll, the percentage of U.S. adults who believe an attack like the one on Jan. 6 could happen again


The number of people that have died under Joe Xiden after he promised to get rid of the virus. Deaths will have more than doubled under Joe Xiden in his first year in office. EPIC FAIL

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