Here are the key statistics to know about the 1/6 insurrection. It’s probably worse than you remember

Many of them were obviously intentionally looking for congressmen like Pelosi or Pence but they were too stupid to find them. Of course that is the reason they went to her office, isn’t it? If she was there, you think they would have just sat at her desk and left? That doesn’t make any goddamn sense lol. Do you realize how stupid that sounds? They stormed the capitol to sit at desks. That’s why they assaulted capitol police and 4 people died? Who tells you this non sense and why do you believe it?
Do you arrive at such a lunacy based on the number of weapons recovered from the rioters?
The focus should remain on Pelosi and why she denied national guard when they could’ve arrived earlier had she allowed it. It explains why that line of the investigation was shut down by blaming capitol police senior staff for delay, or so it appears. Any violence is on Pelosi imo. The buck stops at the top but Dem heads will continue to indirectly blame the capital police for Pelosi’s (intentional?) fumble.
On January 3, capitol police chief Steven Sund was reportedly refused additional National Guard support by House Sergeant-at-Arms Paul D. Irving and Senate Sergeant-at-Arms Michael C. Stenger. Absolutely zilch to do with Pelosi.
I am not defending anyone black white left or right side of the isle.
those who steal trash burn kill or do any damage to public or private property, or other humans. are always in the wrong. picking and choosing who to hate & who to defend based on your political affiliation defies common sense.
On January 3, capitol police chief Steven Sund was reportedly refused additional National Guard support by House Sergeant-at-Arms Paul D. Irving and Senate Sergeant-at-Arms Michael C. Stenger. Absolutely zilch to do with Pelosi.
Exactly my point DM; who pray tell overrides the house sergeant in arms and has direct contact with both Senate Sergeants at Arms? I’m not spouting something off that hasn’t been reported by several sources, including legit sources.
On January 3, capitol police chief Steven Sund was reportedly refused additional National Guard support by House Sergeant-at-Arms Paul D. Irving and Senate Sergeant-at-Arms Michael C. Stenger. Absolutely zilch to do with Pelosi.
Sund had a different story, did he not? You’ll have to convince me that the SOA is not covering for Pelosi with court testimonies. I understand it’s hard to believe for some that anybody would risk lying under oath, but it happens. The guy was also canned; nice reward for his loyalty.

I don’t have proof this happened, and most likely Pelosi’s involvement/uninvolvement won’t be uncovered unless by future generations.

Of course, it’s your choice to believe whatever you want to believe. There will be no unified opinion regarding who could have done what better and why wasn’t it done when asked prior to event. Even FBI had information prior to the event. Wth!

Even if I were a diehard Democrat partisan, I would still want the truth. Pelosi is “over” the Senate SOA. Never underestimate crooked tactics used by our fine congressional heads to retain power.
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The number of people charged in connection with the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, according to the FBI


The age (in years) of the oldest person, an Army veteran from West Chester, Pa., arrested in connection with the attack


The age (in years) of the youngest person, a teenager from Milton, Ga., charged in connection with the attack


The number of states that the people who were arrested came from


The number of Capitol rioters who have entered guilty pleas in connection to the riot, according to NPR


The number of police officers who were injured during the riot, according to officials from the U.S. Capitol Police and Metropolitan Police departments


The number of Capitol Police officers who committed suicide following the attack


The approximate number of hours Congress was delayed in certifying Joe Biden's victory over Donald Trump in the Electoral College vote; the breach of the Capitol began shortly after 2 p.m. ET, and lawmakers returned to certify the results around 8 p.m. ET


The number of Republicans who voted against certifying the election after the attack


The number of tweets and retweets posted to Trump’s Twitter feed on Jan. 6, including this one at 6:01 p.m. ET: “These are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously & viciously stripped away from great patriots who have been badly & unfairly treated for so long. Go home with love & in peace. Remember this day forever!”

1.5 million

The estimated cost (in dollars) of the damage to the Capitol Building on Jan. 6, according to the Architect of the Capitol


The number of people, businesses or entities who have received subpoenas from the select committee investigating the attack, according to CNN


The number of witnesses that the Jan. 6 committee has heard from so far in its investigation of the attack, according to Reuters


The number of pages of records obtained by the select committee so far, including texts, emails and phone records from people close to Trump


The number of Republicans — Reps. Liz Cheney of Wyoming and Adam Kinzinger of Illinois — on the nine-member committee; Cheney is a top target for Trump and his allies in this year’s Republican primary, while Kinzinger has announced he’s retiring from Congress at the end of his term


The number of months Robert Palmer was sentenced to prison — the longest sentence handed down so far; Palmer, a 54-year-old Florida resident, pleaded guilty to assaulting law enforcement officers with a dangerous weapon after hurling a fire extinguisher, plank and pole at them


The percentage of Trump voters now convinced the election was "rigged and stolen" from him, according to the most recent Yahoo News/YouGov poll


The percentage of Trump voters who view the attack on the Capitol as "unjustified,” according to the same Yahoo News/YouGov poll


The percentage of registered U.S. voters who think the next election will be "free and fair,” says the poll


The percentage of American adults who are worried about the future of democracy, according to the poll


According to the poll, the percentage of U.S. adults who believe an attack like the one on Jan. 6 could happen again

They keep bringing it up…but tbe Floyd riots don’t even get listed as among America’s worst riots.
Neither does the Jan 6 riot. The Floyd riots don't get listed because the fake news media keeps lying about them.
“Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wisconsin) has sent a letter to the U.S. Capitol Police asking how and why a key door to the Capitol that was initially locked, became unlocked, allowing hundreds of unauthorized people to enter the Capitol on January 6.”

Here is the time line depicted on reviewed tape:
At approximately 2:26 p.m.: an unauthorized man inside the Capitol tried to open one of the upper west terrace double doors to exit the building by pushing the door’s crash bar.
  • The door did not open and the man turned around and walked back through the hallway and away from the doors.
  • At 2:33 p.m., five unauthorized people walked down the same hallway, past a police officer who appeared to gesture toward the doors.
  • This time, when one of the individuals pushed the door's crash bar, it opened.
  • All five people exited the building, leaving the door ajar for a moment allowing people from outside to gain entry.
  • At 2:34 p.m., the police officer near the door walked away from the door out of the view of the security camera.
  • At 2:35 p.m., five police officers not wearing riot gear or protective equipment came to the doorway and blocked people from continuing to enter.
  • Four unauthorized people pushed past the officers and a surge entered the building.
  • The police officers did not appear to take action to stop or block people for several minutes.
  • At 2:40 p.m., the five police officers came back to the door and stopped the surge of people from entering, and appeared to be talking with some of them.
  • At 2:44 p.m., around the time Ashli Babbitt was shot inside by a Capitol Police officer, one of the five police at the exterior door looked over his shoulder toward the interior of the Capitol building, appeared to speak to a colleague, and then the group slowly retreated from the doorway allowing a surge of people to enter.
  • At 2:47 p.m. law enforcement closed the doors.
Neither does the Jan 6 riot. The Floyd riots don't get listed because the fake news media keeps lying about them.
I witnessed the result of the massive destruction from anti-police 2 days of rioting in Louisville, KY. After many years of major improvements to the downtown area, a majority of the costly improvements were destroyed in one day. A brand new hotel suffered casualties, a cathedral, many businesses targeted, shattered glass, graffiti on all new buildings, and evidence of fires on many streets.

What a smart way to express oneself, yes? Hey leftist extremists who are still angry! Did you have something bad happen to you today? Well, here is the leftist call for you to take action! Take it out on your neighbors and storm local businesses! After all, that’s the radical leftist way!

Low life tactics do not happen, and are prevented from happening, in peaceful protests.

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