Here is how to oppose Trump's registry

The poem on the Statue of Liberty, by the way, was not EVER a statement of American immigration policy.

Nor should it be.

As for taking in refugees, while we may all like to help the afflicted, we ARE entitled to address our own safety concerns. In fact, that ought to be seen as an OBLIGATION of our so-called leaders.

Not that Obumbler cares about such matters.

^ proclaimed the asshole.

By the way you poseur hack dishonest bitch: most of us do seek to help the genuine refugees.

Only you assholes insist that it MUST be done "immediately" despite undeniable security risks and despite the present unavailability of adequate precautions.
Yep, you are an asshole.

A fraud like Fakey is really adept at the cherished rhetorical tool of "oh yeah? Well you ARE!"

Turning from that pissant's inability to defend his position, and back to a matter of more substance --

it should not go unmentioned again that the American People have every legitimate right to demand that we insure our safety as a condition for permitting any refugees in.

And if that task seems massively difficult, that doesn't mean we must simply give up on it and just let in the refugees and the infiltrators along with them.
Ilar, you have always failed in your far right politics on national elections.

None of the far righties and the progressive statist Trump will be nominated for the GOP.
Ilar, you have always failed in your far right politics on national elections.

None of the far righties and the progressive statist Trump will be nominated for the GOP.

No Fakey. YOUR pronouncements are lie-studded inconsequential bits of fluff.

Unlike you, I have no problem admitting that I have made mistakes. I actually imagined the late Sen. Thompson would make a strong run for President. He didn't.

YOU, on the other hand, being a liberal Democrat in unconvincing GOP cloak, endorse the imbecility of the liberal far left wing agenda of schmucks like President Obumbler.

And while Obumbler won (twice) it is unlikely that the American people will permit the dishonest sow, Shrillary, to become our President. (The socialist piece of stupidity, Bernie, has no chance.)

I know a fake Republican like you will root for Shrillary; she is a far left wing liberal Democrat after all. But a generally conservative Republican will defeat her.

And you will cry and whine and bitch and moan and groan and piss your panties. Nobody will care.
I have said for national elections no far right candidate would be nominated. I was right, and you, Ilar, were wrong. You will be wrong again. And I believe Rubio or Kasich or Bush can beat any Dem.
I am pinning my version on tomorrow morning.

Here is the model for opposition.


Knock Knock!! Obama is the current leader of America? He's currently (and has been for the last 7.5 years) been in charge of the nation responsible for all this "Muslim Hate." But, not a peep out of the left. I guess you'll wait for Trump to become President - then blame it on someone, right?
Wow man... you seem real real dense. Best of luck with that.
"Here is how to oppose Trump's registry"

And we need to oppose Trump's bigotry, as well as the bigotry of those on the right who agree with him:

'Republican front-runner Donald Trump promises that under his administration, he would keep a close eye on "certain mosques" as well as any Syrian refugees that entered the United States.

"I want surveillance of certain mosques, OK?" Trump said at a campaign rally in Birmingham, Alabama, on Saturday. "I want surveillance. And you know what? We've had it before, and we'll have it again."'

Election 2016: Donald Trump: "I want surveillance of certain mosques" - CBS News

We need to also oppose Trump's contempt for the Constitution and the rule of law, where mosques cannot be subject to surveillance for no other reason than being Muslim.

The fear, hate, ignorance, and bigotry exhibited by many on the right is as remarkable as it is reprehensible.
"Here is how to oppose Trump's registry"

And we need to oppose Trump's bigotry, as well as the bigotry of those on the right who agree with him:

'Republican front-runner Donald Trump promises that under his administration, he would keep a close eye on "certain mosques" as well as any Syrian refugees that entered the United States.

"I want surveillance of certain mosques, OK?" Trump said at a campaign rally in Birmingham, Alabama, on Saturday. "I want surveillance. And you know what? We've had it before, and we'll have it again."'

Election 2016: Donald Trump: "I want surveillance of certain mosques" - CBS News

We need to also oppose Trump's contempt for the Constitution and the rule of law, where mosques cannot be subject to surveillance for no other reason than being Muslim.

The fear, hate, ignorance, and bigotry exhibited by many on the right is as remarkable as it is reprehensible.

You mean 'reinstate' the US policy of putting surveillance of certain mosques right? Because you wouldn't /lie/ to us about this being all Trump's idea right? Nor about it being unconstitutional and illegal discrimination right?

So I watched the video from 11/21 posted in [another] thread and Trump saying he wanted surveillance of certain mosques, noting that we've had it before. And I was like hmmm so he's talking about reinstating a policy we already had? I need to see what he's yapping on here... So I find this:

November 16, 2015 -

Reporter: I heard the French are talking about shutting down mosques?

Other Reporter: Yeah, the ones who have radical teachings going on in them.

Reporter to Trump: Is that something you would consider?

Trump: "Well, I would hate to do that, but its something that you're going to have to strongly consider because some of the ideas and some of the hatred, the absolute hatred, is coming from these areas" and he goes on to talk about that used to have surveillance on Mosques in New York...

I'm finding this pretty curious since the press is portraying this as Trump's bigoted idea and shit, so I dig further and I find this from February 11th 2014:

"The New York Police Department’s intelligence unit did not discriminate against Muslims in carrying out far-reaching surveillance meant to identify “budding terrorist conspiracies” at mosques in Newark and other locations in New Jersey, a federal judge ruled on Thursday.

In a written decision filed in United States District Court in Newark, Judge William J. Martini dismissed a civil rights lawsuit brought in 2012 by eight Muslims who said the New York Police Department’s surveillance programs were unconstitutional because they focused on religion, national origin and race. The suit accused the department of spying on ordinary people at several mosques, restaurants and grade schools in New Jersey since 2002."

Also the judge says this here: Federal judge tosses out legal challenge over NYPD surveillance of Muslims

"Judge William Martini, sitting in the US district court for the district of New Jersey, threw out a lawsuit brought by eight Muslim individuals and local businesses who alleged their constitutional rights were violated when the NYPD’s mass surveillance was based on religious affiliation alone. The legal action was the first of its type flowing from the secret NYPD project to map and monitor Muslim communities across the east coast that was exposed by a Pulitzer prize-winning series of articles in 2011 by the Associated Press.

In his judgment, released on Thursday, Martini dismisses the complaint made by the plaintiffs that they had been targeted for police monitoring solely because of their religion. He writes: “The more likely explanation for the surveillance was a desire to locate budding terrorist conspiracies. The most obvious reason for so concluding is that surveillance of the Muslim community began just after the attacks of September 11, 2001. The police could not have monitored New Jersey for Muslim terrorist activities without monitoring the Muslim community itself.”

So, not only is this /not/ one of Trump's "outrageous ideas," but it had /actually/ already been in practice in /this/ country since 2001. BUT also that the court ruled it an acceptable practice and /not/ discrimination.

The more I see of the media's "honesty" on Trump, the more I despise them. What makes you so sure they're not /just/ lying about Trump folks? Better start thinking and looking shit up...

In fact, the surveillance program was IN PRACTICE in New York until April 2014 (see New York police end Muslim surveillance program) -- I did not look into if it's been, or is still being, practiced elsewhere in the country.
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Wasn't he talking about registering them in a different way so that they can be identified from other immigrants and so that we can keep an "eye" on them? I think that was the real thinking behind his "registry" comments. Of course it was, otherwise his comments would have been completely irrelevant and nonsensical.

Everything Trump says is irrelevent and Nonsensical, but he's your GOP Frontrunner right now. He says this kind of crazy shit and the Right wing eats it up.

How many more times do I have to tell you, idiot, I'm not a fucking Republican.

Joey B is a liar and a hopeless cause. You can't teach him anything.

He's something alright. :D
JoeB is a crazy person when it comes to Mormons and Mittens.
I am pinning my version on tomorrow morning.

Here is the model for opposition.


Just like the Democrats you belong to, you are an idiot.

The president isn't Caesar, he cannot just do whatever the hell he wants to. The Congress and possibly the Supreme Court wouldn't allow this. Really, just how stupid are you people?
Yet the asshole said it, yeah?

We cannot afford a president like Trump, whose ego makes Obama's seem a negative 8.

Jesus what an idiot you are. Did you not read my post?

Fuck the ego bull shit. I only care if he does his job. If he does that he can suck his own dick for all I care.

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