Here is the question atheists can't answer...

God never existed and the universe always did. Or maybe it's the other way round'. How much does it matter?
God's existence is unproven and the time line of the universe is well known. It matters because humans are curious. You may not be, but I am.
There may even be a creator and maybe out of respect for all life you don't kill unnecessarily and you try to be a good person because you never know but what I can't do is buy into any religions. They are lies.

What if there is a creator and he wants us to disrespect life, kill unnecessarily and wants us to be horrible people? Is that a possibility? If so, shouldn't we honor a creator like that?
I can't even fathom that. I would reject that just like I do all organized religions.

I get it. It is truly amazing. How did we get here? What is the reason? The point I want to stress is that we really don't know. I'm not comfortable with anyone claiming they know. Do you know? Bullshit. You think you know mixed with wishful thinking and cognitive dissonance. With a splash of gullibility.
I can't even fathom that. I would reject that just like I do all organized religions.

I get it. It is truly amazing. How did we get here? What is the reason? The point I want to stress is that we really don't know. I'm not comfortable with anyone claiming they know. Do you know? Bullshit. You think you know mixed with wishful thinking and cognitive dissonance. With a splash of gullibility.

I was being a little sarcastic. There is a religion that has a god that is a mean bully. People from that religion just ignore the god from their text and create a god that they like better. The problem with that is that the wisdom gained from their holy text is lost when they mischaracterize the main character. The god in the Bible is a complete jerk. If you understand that Yahweh was a jerk, then the Bible totally comes to life as the most magical book in existence.

The God in the Bible is not a rainbows, sunshine, unicorn, gumdrops and lollipops kind of dictator. He is a vicious, jealous and emotional psychopath. The positive thing about receiving that message is that powerful people in real life are vicious, jealous and emotional psychopaths. There are good lessons to be learned in the Bible. Who gives a damn if they are lies? That negates the whole point. All religions were designed to be fictitious lies from the very beginning. (think on that for a minute) That doesn't negate the value they offer to the individual willing to study their texts.

Don't miss out just for the luxury of being right all the time. Being right 100% of the time gets boring after a while. It's much more rewarding to learn things. That's what I recommend.
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I can't even fathom that. I would reject that just like I do all organized religions.

I get it. It is truly amazing. How did we get here? What is the reason? The point I want to stress is that we really don't know. I'm not comfortable with anyone claiming they know. Do you know? Bullshit. You think you know mixed with wishful thinking and cognitive dissonance. With a splash of gullibility.

I was being a little sarcastic. There is a religion that has a god that is a mean bully. People from that religion just ignore the god from their text and create a god that they like better. The problem with that is that the wisdom gained from their holy text is lost when they mischaracterize the main character. The god in the Bible is a complete jerk. If you understand that Yahweh was a jerk, then the Bible totally comes to life as the most magical book in existence.

The God in the Bible is not a rainbows, sunshine, unicorn, gumdrops and lollipops kind of dictator. He is a vicious, jealous and emotional psychopath. The positive thing about receiving that message is that powerful people in real life are vicious, jealous and emotional psychopaths. There are good lessons to be learned in the Bible. Who gives a damn if they are lies? That negates the whole point. All religions were designed to be fictitious lies from the very beginning. (think on that for a minute) That doesn't negate the value they offer to the individual willing to study their texts.

Don't miss out just for the luxury of being right all the time. Being right 100% of the time gets boring after a while. It's much more rewarding to learn things. That's what I recommend.
I will keep looking for the answers to how we got here, what created us, whats the purpose, are we alone, etc. And I'll always wonder what happens after we die. We all will. But if you tell me there's a heaven and you know how we got here, am I to just fake it?
Let's assume all religions are untrue. There are two strong possibilities:

A highly intelligent person or small group of intelligent persons created a powerful weapon that has manipulated billions of people to bend to the desires of the author(s) of the religion. That means these holy texts are gold mines for knowledge.

A mentally ill individual suffering hallucinations created a powerful weapon that has manipulated millions of people in the same way. I find this possibility to be extremely unlikely. These texts would be worthless scribbles of nonsense and would fail the test of time. Documents of this caliber would disappear within 50 years.
I will keep looking for the answers to how we got here,

Really? Why? You already know you won't find the answers to these question. Nobody ever has. Wouldn't it be more worthwhile to learn what makes humans tick and use that to your advantage? That has been mastered by lots of people. Every billionaire has mastered the skill of understanding human behavior. Every successful politician that has been democratically elected has mastered the skill of understanding human behavior. Every person in power that didn't inherit it has mastered the skill of understanding human behavior.

Trying to find the origin of the earth seems futile from my perspective.

Learning to control your own passions and learning to manipulate human beings are much more beneficial areas of mastery. The major religions teach both of these.
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Let's assume all religions are untrue. There are two strong possibilities:

A highly intelligent person or small group of intelligent persons created a powerful weapon that has manipulated billions of people to bend to the desires of the author(s) of the religion. That means these holy texts are gold mines for knowledge.

A mentally ill individual suffering hallucinations created a powerful weapon that has manipulated millions of people in the same way. I find this possibility to be extremely unlikely. These texts would be worthless scribbles of nonsense and would fail the test of time. Documents of this caliber would disappear within 50 years.
You're forgetting the most powerful possibility: Spiritual growth evolves just like other human cultural aspects. Nobody just just "Hey! What about religion? Eh?"
You're forgetting the most powerful possibility: Spiritual growth evolves just like other human cultural aspects. Nobody just just "Hey! What about religion? Eh?"

Joseph Smith's Mormonism did more evolving in 50 years than Antone Lavey's Church of Satan. Not all religions are started by geniuses. Those are the ones that fade away.

Marshall Applewhite's little religion known as Heaven's Gate won't even reach the status of mythology. Not all religions were created by equally competent men. I wouldn't even be surprised if you didn't know who Marshall Applewhite was.
Joseph Smith's Mormonism did more evolving in 50 years than Antone Lavey's Church of Satan. Not all religions are started by geniuses. Those are the ones that fade away.

Marshall Applewhite's little religion known as Heaven's Gate won't even reach the status of mythology. Not all religions were created by equally competent men. I wouldn't even be surprised if you didn't know who Marshall Applewhite was.
Like different forms of martial arts, religions are simply tools toward an end. In martial arts, the goal is self-defense. In religion, it's spiritual awakeness. If a religious person isn't seeking that goal, if they are the religious equivalent of "Cobra Kai", then they are on the wrong path.
Joseph Smith's Mormonism did more evolving in 50 years than Antone Lavey's Church of Satan. Not all religions are started by geniuses. Those are the ones that fade away.

Marshall Applewhite's little religion known as Heaven's Gate won't even reach the status of mythology. Not all religions were created by equally competent men. I wouldn't even be surprised if you didn't know who Marshall Applewhite was.
Like different forms of martial arts, religions are simply tools toward an end. In martial arts, the goal is self-defense. In religion, it's spiritual awakeness. If a religious person isn't seeking that goal, if they are the religious equivalent of "Cobra Kai", then they are on the wrong path.
Joseph Smith's Mormonism did more evolving in 50 years than Antone Lavey's Church of Satan. Not all religions are started by geniuses. Those are the ones that fade away.
What religion had been started by a genius, Devine? What *is* a genius?
God is the only answer...


Unless they have a personal relationship they will never understand
Kind of hard to have a personal relationship with a being that can't be seen, or heard

For you, not for me. Look if you don't believe that's your choice, it's my choice to believe. Now run along and bother someone else. You're an annoying twatwaffle

I'm no fan of 'rabid' atheists harassing the faithful - but you are in a thread specifically taunting non-believers.

So? You worry about your own comments and let me worry about mine. Now shove off
Ah yes there is that tolerable tirade..
If there is no creator, how did the universe get here?
Again, this fails as an appeal to ignorance fallacy.

That science has yet to determine the origin of the universe doesn’t mean ‘god’ is the ‘answer.’

God is the only answer...


Unless they have a personal relationship they will never understand
I used to believe I had a personal relationship with God. Then I realized there is no God. But that's OK. I'd rather know the truth and appreciate every day. So lucky we were born. And hopefully lived a good life
You weren't "lucky" to be born. You were born because God created you, and placed you in your mother's womb, and he has given you all the good things in this life that you enjoy. There is no "luck" involved.
So God had sex with his Mom?
"Do you agree that loyalty, morale and good leadership have no value in a corporation?" No! Such value is accounted for in executive evaluations which are part of the firm's "Books."
Prove it. Obviously your respect for corporate executives is much higher than mine. I eagerly await your evidence. You must be a Trump fan to have such high regard for the system. LOL
"Executive evaluations" are reports on the performance of employees, Divine! Just how much experience do you have within corporate structures? Mine is over fifty years as having worked with them, both great minds as well as mental midgets.
Because I am too old to run, and my genius unknown in the political arena, and to prevent Lady Macbeth, and her parasitic party, from taking the job, I *do* intend to vote for the Trumper.
Joseph Smith's Mormonism did more evolving in 50 years than Antone Lavey's Church of Satan. Not all religions are started by geniuses. Those are the ones that fade away.

Marshall Applewhite's little religion known as Heaven's Gate won't even reach the status of mythology. Not all religions were created by equally competent men. I wouldn't even be surprised if you didn't know who Marshall Applewhite was.
Like different forms of martial arts, religions are simply tools toward an end. In martial arts, the goal is self-defense. In religion, it's spiritual awakeness. If a religious person isn't seeking that goal, if they are the religious equivalent of "Cobra Kai", then they are on the wrong path.
Joseph Smith's Mormonism did more evolving in 50 years than Antone Lavey's Church of Satan. Not all religions are started by geniuses. Those are the ones that fade away.
What religion had been started by a genius, Devine? What *is* a genius?

I'd say a guy with a 4th grade education that writes a book that evolves into a multi-billion dollar empire is pretty much a genius. I'd say a 32 year old Jewish carpenter that converts 2/7 of the world's population and has wiggled his way into 4 out of 5 of the major world religions is pretty much a genius. I'd say an 80 year old sheep herder that creates a nation smaller than New Jersey that has been hated for thousands of years yet somehow survived being scattered all over the world for 17 centuries yet reunited to become a major player in world politics was probably a genius. I'd say an illiterate pedophile that memorizes a 700 page document that motivates millions of people to seek world domination was probably a freaking genius. Do you have any alternate examples of geniuses?

FYI: I was referring to Joseph Smith, Jesus Christ, Moses and Mohammed. Those guys were geniuses or were aided by supernatural forces. Even if one of them was aided by supernatural forces that leaves the other 3 to be geniuses.
Joseph Smith's Mormonism did more evolving in 50 years than Antone Lavey's Church of Satan. Not all religions are started by geniuses. Those are the ones that fade away.

Marshall Applewhite's little religion known as Heaven's Gate won't even reach the status of mythology. Not all religions were created by equally competent men. I wouldn't even be surprised if you didn't know who Marshall Applewhite was.
Like different forms of martial arts, religions are simply tools toward an end. In martial arts, the goal is self-defense. In religion, it's spiritual awakeness. If a religious person isn't seeking that goal, if they are the religious equivalent of "Cobra Kai", then they are on the wrong path.
Joseph Smith's Mormonism did more evolving in 50 years than Antone Lavey's Church of Satan. Not all religions are started by geniuses. Those are the ones that fade away.
What religion had been started by a genius, Devine? What *is* a genius?

I'd say a guy with a 4th grade education that writes a book that evolves into a multi-billion dollar empire is pretty much a genius. I'd say a 32 year old Jewish carpenter that converts 2/7 of the world's population and has wiggled his way into 4 out of 5 of the major world religions is pretty much a genius. I'd say an 80 year old sheep herder that creates a nation smaller than New Jersey that has been hated for thousands of years yet somehow survived being scattered all over the world for 17 centuries yet reunited to become a major player in world politics was probably a genius. I'd say an illiterate pedophile that memorizes a 700 page document that motivates millions of people to seek world domination was probably a freaking genius. Do you have any alternate examples of geniuses?
It doesn't take genius to know that men marrying very young girls was very common up to the 20th century in the USA...The legal age of consent and marriage was 10 in most US states, up to the year when women got the vote....
A person who doesn't know how to spell can't be expected to understand much.

I doubt there is a connection. Spelling requires memorization skills not critical thinking skills. They aren't related. Just because someone is a poor spelling doesn't mean they aren't intelligent. That's a very common misconception among whiny people who can't win an argument so they pathetically resort to insults.

Don't be pathetic. Rethink your position on bad spellers.
It doesn't take genius to know that men marrying very young girls was very common up to the 20th century in the USA...The legal age of consent and marriage was 10 in most US states, up to the year when women got the vote....

Yeah but it's best to avoid that conversation. People start freaking out and fantasizing that you are a pedophile when you bring it up. 18 is a magic number that took hundreds of years of wisdom before we came to that conclusion. Calling Mohammed a pedophile gave me a little bit of street cred. He probably wasn't considered a pedophile in his time.

It's like saying we shouldn't listen to the writings of George Washington because he owned slaves. It's an unfair dismissal. Sometimes humans are unfair. I was just being pre-emptive.

Being a pedophile has absolutely nothing to do with your intellect. You can be a pedophile and the most intelligent person on earth at the same time. You can also be a pedophile and be the dumbest person on earth. One has nothing to do with the other.

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