Here is the text of Trump’s Taliban deal.

You apparently have no idea what you posted.

What you posted was a joint declaration between the now defunct government of Afghanistan and the Trump Administration.

You failed to comprehend this was not the agreement with the Taliban. From the joint declaration:

"The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan welcomes the Reduction in Violence period and takes note of the
U.S.-Taliban agreement, an important step toward ending the war. The U.S-Taliban agreement paves the
way for intra-Afghan negotiations on a political settlement and a permanent and comprehensive ceasefire."

In other words, there is a US-Taliban agreement that the now defunct Afghan government and the US agreed to abide by.

Here is what you should have attached: now that the Taliban turned loosed ISIS to terrorize...they have already nullified the first agreement to not allow international terrorists to terrorize.
Perhaps that is because 97.5% of your OP's suck? ;)
I'll add you to the growing list of Dimtard liars who can't show us any of the Trump deal that Surrender Joe followed.

Run along, Troll.
No to both. Watcha gonna do about it, Keyboard Rambo? :auiqs.jpg:

All the Dims are mortified by the blame Joe and they face further vexed by the fact that there is no easy, clear path for somehow trying to say that it was Trump's fault since Trump is long gone and Joe controls and calls all of the shots just as he has since the day he took office and nullified a zillion of Trump's other deals.

Joe Biden has on his own become the actual HORROR that they falsely tried to claim of Trump for years.

And now there is no escaping it.
You are flippin idiot. Yeah, that is the official record of ALL THE EQUIPMENT OVER TWENTY YEARS. The Afghan army probably abandoned some, but nothing like the numbers you are claiming. And come on, the stupid shit Taliban will fight each other over the scrap metal, they sure as hell are not going to cooperate, seek black market spare parts, or even be capable of flying the damn things. There is a video somewhere of the Taliban trying to fly a helicopter from the Afghan army, bouncing down the runway and flopping from side to side like a Three Stoogies movie.
why would the Taliban fight with itself?

anyway…a lot of wishful thinking on your part about what they might do with the fire power xiden gave them…they have one of the top 50 air forces in the world now, thanks to your Cult Leader…i sure hope your wishful thinking comes true, but given their history, expect more death…
No, most of it taken from the Afghani forces throughout the country. Why were they able to show off all their new weapons well before Surrender Joe bugged out of the Kabul airport, Moron?
Clown, the Taliban can't even reopen Karzai airport without outside help & they're gping to figure out how to operate military equipment that our service members train months on to safely use?
Think the Taliban have air traffic controllers, pilots, & aircraft mechanics just waiting to dig in, right genius?
All the Dims are mortified by the blame Joe and they face further vexed by the fact that there is no easy, clear path for somehow trying to say that it was Trump's fault since Trump is long gone and Joe controls and calls all of the shots just as he has since the day he took office and nullified a zillion of Trump's other deals.

Joe Biden has on his own become the actual HORROR that they falsely tried to claim of Trump for years.

And now there is no escaping it.
I thought I heard you Trump asslickers claim Biden had dementia & someone else was in control.

Try to keep your story straight.
Yep, THAT IS THE OFFICIAL RECORD of everything given to the Afghans, now under control of the Taliban. And if a little bit of it needs fixed, I'm sure we left all the parts they will ever need plus lots of well trained people to do the fixing.

Democrats and the Biddum Admin are mass murderers. Deal with it. Every rape, every murder, every torture yet to come will come at YOUR HANDS.
Would you listen to yourself. You have just admitted that is everything. Some Humvee that got blown up in a roadside bomb twenty years ago, you just counted it. 46 of those airplanes were flown by Afghan pilots to Tajikistan and Uzbekistan as they fled the country, you are counting them. The helicopter full of Seals that got blown out of the sky by an RPG more than a decade ago, you counted it.

In recent days, there have been numerous infographics purporting to show the amount of U.S.-provided equipment captured by the Taliban, the most widely shared of which came from an article in The Times. Some of the graphics openly disclose that the figures listed are estimates, but The Times’s figure does not. Rather, it gives exact numbers for each of 19 different pieces of military equipment. The problem is, these numbers are inaccurate. As with funding, they appear to conflate the total number of each piece of equipment that the U.S. provided to Afghanistan over the past 20 years with what the Taliban have now. This is clearly incorrect.

And then the part about the spare parts, why would you have such little respect for the US Military? Iran's F-14 Tomcats are a clear example of what happens when sophisticated US military equipment is "captured" by the enemy. But these planes were purchased, complete with spare parts. 80 planes, but only 79 made it to Iran. They were ordered and paid for in 1974, delivered three at a time over the course of the next two years. Like in Afghanistan, as Iran fell 27 of those Tomcats were flown out of the country by pilots. That leaves 52. Of those, it took three years to get a dozen in the air, and finding qualified pilots was so difficult that Iran released most of them from prison and forced them into service. Today, some forty years later, they have about 40 operable Tomcats. But this is Iran, with some highly educated expert engineers. Not like the Taliban, who have no aerospace engineers that I know of and are woefully incompetent. And it took them literally decades, and some black market purchases that resulted in some Americans getting jail time, to get that number flight ready. Today, Iran is the only nation in the world flying Tomcats. But there is one right down the road from me. But that is another story.

And no, there are not plenty of well trained people to maintain that equipment. The Taliban are some backward ass dipshits. However, if they were able to use that equipment it would be to attack terrorists groups like ISIS-K that are attempting to overthrown them, which is what Trump accepted that they were going to do. So what is the problem? This entire thing is indicative of Republican's obsession with "winning" at the expense of patriotism. And I will say again, it is completely disrespectful to the US military. We lost this war. We never, ever, should have went in the first place. Alexander the Great's army refused to go any further when they got to that hellhole. And even after a very famous, and impassioned speech by the greatest military leader of all time, they still refused. To bad that wisdom was lost to our leaders.

Yes, some equipment was left behind. But the likelihood that that weaponry is used against Americans is slim to none, and slim left town. Unless, and only unless, we are foolish enough to walk ourselves right back in to that cesspool. If that happens, then perhaps we deserve it.
Would you listen to yourself. You have just admitted that is everything. Some Humvee that got blown up in a roadside bomb twenty years ago, you just counted it. 46 of those airplanes were flown by Afghan pilots to Tajikistan and Uzbekistan as they fled the country, you are counting them. The helicopter full of Seals that got blown out of the sky by an RPG more than a decade ago, you counted it.

In recent days, there have been numerous infographics purporting to show the amount of U.S.-provided equipment captured by the Taliban, the most widely shared of which came from an article in The Times. Some of the graphics openly disclose that the figures listed are estimates, but The Times’s figure does not. Rather, it gives exact numbers for each of 19 different pieces of military equipment. The problem is, these numbers are inaccurate. As with funding, they appear to conflate the total number of each piece of equipment that the U.S. provided to Afghanistan over the past 20 years with what the Taliban have now. This is clearly incorrect.

And then the part about the spare parts, why would you have such little respect for the US Military? Iran's F-14 Tomcats are a clear example of what happens when sophisticated US military equipment is "captured" by the enemy. But these planes were purchased, complete with spare parts. 80 planes, but only 79 made it to Iran. They were ordered and paid for in 1974, delivered three at a time over the course of the next two years. Like in Afghanistan, as Iran fell 27 of those Tomcats were flown out of the country by pilots. That leaves 52. Of those, it took three years to get a dozen in the air, and finding qualified pilots was so difficult that Iran released most of them from prison and forced them into service. Today, some forty years later, they have about 40 operable Tomcats. But this is Iran, with some highly educated expert engineers. Not like the Taliban, who have no aerospace engineers that I know of and are woefully incompetent. And it took them literally decades, and some black market purchases that resulted in some Americans getting jail time, to get that number flight ready. Today, Iran is the only nation in the world flying Tomcats. But there is one right down the road from me. But that is another story.

And no, there are not plenty of well trained people to maintain that equipment. The Taliban are some backward ass dipshits. However, if they were able to use that equipment it would be to attack terrorists groups like ISIS-K that are attempting to overthrown them, which is what Trump accepted that they were going to do. So what is the problem? This entire thing is indicative of Republican's obsession with "winning" at the expense of patriotism. And I will say again, it is completely disrespectful to the US military. We lost this war. We never, ever, should have went in the first place. Alexander the Great's army refused to go any further when they got to that hellhole. And even after a very famous, and impassioned speech by the greatest military leader of all time, they still refused. To bad that wisdom was lost to our leaders.

Yes, some equipment was left behind. But the likelihood that that weaponry is used against Americans is slim to none, and slim left town. Unless, and only unless, we are foolish enough to walk ourselves right back in to that cesspool. If that happens, then perhaps we deserve it.
Who cares what your "blog" says. :auiqs.jpg: :itsok:
It is really sad. Sad that some people are so partisan, so consumed with the fat orange man, that they actually believe the US military would leave operational equipment behind for the enemy, no matter who the hell is president. That displays a stunning lack of respect for the US military, far more disrespectful than any football player taking a knee. So I don't ever want to hear one of you jackasses ever claim that you support the US military. You are all dumbshits.
Blow it out of your fat ass, you post count whore….

Dont know if you served or not, but I did….and in decades past I’d agree with you on that, but today? Under this coward of a President? Who left thousands stranded behind? Under these incompetent generals like Miley? Not so sure.

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