Here is the text of Trump’s Taliban deal.

Blow it out of your fat ass, you post count whore….

Dont know if you served or not, but I did….and in decades past I’d agree with you on that, but today? Under this coward of a President? Who left thousands stranded behind? Under these incompetent generals like Miley? Not so sure.
I believe you are letting your partisanship get in the way of common sense. Estimates are about two hundred Americans were left, some staying by choice. Every member of the Afghan special forces and their families were flown out, interesting story about how it happened. An aged 727, solid white, registered in Kenya, privately owned and operated, was contracted to fly multiple flights to get those special forces out.

But my point has been directed to these obscene numbers concerning equipment left behind. You can't claim every single gun, hell, every single bullet, that was ever furnished to the Afghan army was never used, nothing was ever lost or destroyed, nothing broke down, nothing was blown up, no vehicles were wrecked, or even stolen and shipped out of the country. Nope, the Afghan army never used any of it. They just piled it all up in a warehouse and dutifully turned it over to the Taliban. I mean believing that shit, those numbers, is the first level of insanity.

But the second, and even greater level of insanity, is the belief that American forces would leave equipment in working order behind for the Taliban to seize. I mean it as if you fools actually believe Biden ordered his generals to leave it behind. And more telling, you fools believe that those generals would follow those orders if they were handed down. To answer your question, no, I did not serve. But I know "Duty, Honor, Country", and you will note, "Country" is last in line. Those generals would no more have followed that order than they would follow an order from Trump to prevent him from leaving office. And yeah, some of you fools actually believe that could have happened. Delusional, absolutely delusional.
I believe you are letting your partisanship get in the way of common sense. Estimates are about two hundred Americans were left, some staying by choice. Every member of the Afghan special forces and their families were flown out, interesting story about how it happened. An aged 727, solid white, registered in Kenya, privately owned and operated, was contracted to fly multiple flights to get those special forces out.

But my point has been directed to these obscene numbers concerning equipment left behind. You can't claim every single gun, hell, every single bullet, that was ever furnished to the Afghan army was never used, nothing was ever lost or destroyed, nothing broke down, nothing was blown up, no vehicles were wrecked, or even stolen and shipped out of the country. Nope, the Afghan army never used any of it. They just piled it all up in a warehouse and dutifully turned it over to the Taliban. I mean believing that shit, those numbers, is the first level of insanity.

But the second, and even greater level of insanity, is the belief that American forces would leave equipment in working order behind for the Taliban to seize. I mean it as if you fools actually believe Biden ordered his generals to leave it behind. And more telling, you fools believe that those generals would follow those orders if they were handed down. To answer your question, no, I did not serve. But I know "Duty, Honor, Country", and you will note, "Country" is last in line. Those generals would no more have followed that order than they would follow an order from Trump to prevent him from leaving office. And yeah, some of you fools actually believe that could have happened. Delusional, absolutely delusional.
Who estimates only 20 remain? The Surrender Joe Regime?
Several here have repeated the lies that Biden was bound by this, and just followed the Trump deal.

Please copy and paste the parts of this deal that Biden followed.

What part of this deal did Trump follow?

"Meanwhile, SIGAR reported that there were more 40,000 'enemy-initiated' attacks in Trump’s last year in office. The most by far of any year of the war."

Roaming Charges: Hour of the Goat
Several here have repeated the lies that Biden was bound by this, and just followed the Trump deal.
Surrender Monkey Tramp was sure his SURRENDER was ironclad and he even bragged about how it couldn't be bypassed.

I started the process. All the troops are coming back home. They couldn’t stop the process. 21 years is enough. Don’t we think? 21 years. They couldn’t stop the process. They wanted to, but it was very tough to stop.” --Donald "Surrender Monkey" Trump, June 21st 2021, at a rally in Ohio.
Surrender Monkey Tramp was sure his SURRENDER was ironclad and he even bragged about how it couldn't be bypassed.

I started the process. All the troops are coming back home. They couldn’t stop the process. 21 years is enough. Don’t we think? 21 years. They couldn’t stop the process. They wanted to, but it was very tough to stop.” --Donald "Surrender Monkey" Trump, June 21st 2021, at a rally in Ohio.
Who cares? What Trump says months after leaving office doesn't bind Pedo Joe in any way, Dumbass.

Post the text of the deal, and highlight what parts Surrender Joe followed.
Who cares? What Trump says months after leaving office doesn't bind Pedo Joe in any way, Dumbass.

Post the text of the deal, and highlight what parts Surrender Joe followed.
wel apparently the new dembot cult excuse is that xiden is so weak that a former president’s comments bind him

i don’t know…
Surrender Monkey Tramp was sure his SURRENDER was ironclad and he even bragged about how it couldn't be bypassed.

I started the process. All the troops are coming back home. They couldn’t stop the process. 21 years is enough. Don’t we think? 21 years. They couldn’t stop the process. They wanted to, but it was very tough to stop.” --Donald "Surrender Monkey" Trump, June 21st 2021, at a rally in Ohio.
Biden changed Trump's border policy. Biden changed Trump's Paris deal. Biden changed Trump's Iran deal. Yet, you want me to believe that what just happened in Afghanistan was all Trump's fault. Sell that shit to some naive college kids.
I believe you are letting your partisanship get in the way of common sense.
You do, do you? I'm not the one coming in here lying. If you want to see naked partisanship, go find a mirror...

Estimates are about two hundred Americans were left, some staying by choice.
Oh, 'estimates' eh? Funny....About two weeks ago their figures were that 11,000 had reported to the State dept ....

"White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki told reporters on Tuesday that 11,000 U.S. citizens self-reported to the State Department"

That was 08/17/2021....On 08/31/2021 President Biden told us that 5,500 American's had been airlifted out....

Watch at the 4:30 mark....Now, Does 11,000 - 5,500 equal 100 or 200? Maybe by your math...But, by my math that leaves 5,500 stranded in country....

Every member of the Afghan special forces and their families were flown out, interesting story about how it happened. An aged 727, solid white, registered in Kenya, privately owned and operated, was contracted to fly multiple flights to get those special forces out.
This has what to do with getting American's out of Afghanistan?

But my point has been directed to these obscene numbers concerning equipment left behind.

Humvees, M4s, and Flying Blackhawks....You were saying?

You can't claim every single gun, hell, every single bullet, that was ever furnished to the Afghan army was never used, nothing was ever lost or destroyed, nothing broke down, nothing was blown up, no vehicles were wrecked, or even stolen and shipped out of the country. Nope, the Afghan army never used any of it. They just piled it all up in a warehouse and dutifully turned it over to the Taliban. I mean believing that shit, those numbers, is the first level of insanity.
And no one is saying that shit...So, my advice is that you stop with the strawman arguments, and stick to facts...And it is a fact that we left operational equipment behind that is now in the hands of the Taliban...

But the second, and even greater level of insanity, is the belief that American forces would leave equipment in working order behind for the Taliban to seize.
They're parading it in our face dumbass....It's right there in front of you....

I mean it as if you fools actually believe Biden ordered his generals to leave it behind.
Where did I say that Biden ordered them to do that...But, as CiC he is responsible...

And more telling, you fools believe that those generals would follow those orders if they were handed down.
It's right there on video...Are you blind?

no, I did not serve. But I know "Duty, Honor, Country", and you will note, "Country" is last in line.
Cute, what movie you pull that from?

Those generals would no more have followed that order than they would follow an order from Trump to prevent him from leaving office. And yeah, some of you fools actually believe that could have happened. Delusional, absolutely delusional.
Clearly, you have an entire narrative made up in your head...I haven't seen anyone argue what you posted here....

What we are saying, is that Biden;

1. Stranded thousands of American's behind enemy lines.

2. That the military abandoned equipment that is now in the hands of the Taliban. Making them now the 38th best armed military in the world...

3. That Biden, and his administration has lied repeatedly to the American people, resulting in lives lost trying to right his blunder over there...

4. Biden, has all but destroyed credibility among our allies, and on the world stage with this circus side show of a pull out...

He's far more dangerous that anything you people bleated about President Trump, and yet, laughably he tries to blame this on Trump...But "the buck stops with him" right? Yeah....
You do, do you? I'm not the one coming in here lying. If you want to see naked partisanship, go find a mirror...

Oh, 'estimates' eh? Funny....About two weeks ago their figures were that 11,000 had reported to the State dept ....

"White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki told reporters on Tuesday that 11,000 U.S. citizens self-reported to the State Department"

That was 08/17/2021....On 08/31/2021 President Biden told us that 5,500 American's had been airlifted out....

Watch at the 4:30 mark....Now, Does 11,000 - 5,500 equal 100 or 200? Maybe by your math...But, by my math that leaves 5,500 stranded in country....

This has what to do with getting American's out of Afghanistan?

Humvees, M4s, and Flying Blackhawks....You were saying?

And no one is saying that shit...So, my advice is that you stop with the strawman arguments, and stick to facts...And it is a fact that we left operational equipment behind that is now in the hands of the Taliban...

They're parading it in our face dumbass....It's right there in front of you....

Where did I say that Biden ordered them to do that...But, as CiC he is responsible...

It's right there on video...Are you blind?

Cute, what movie you pull that from?

Clearly, you have an entire narrative made up in your head...I haven't seen anyone argue what you posted here....

What we are saying, is that Biden;

1. Stranded thousands of American's behind enemy lines.

2. That the military abandoned equipment that is now in the hands of the Taliban. Making them now the 38th best armed military in the world...

3. That Biden, and his administration has lied repeatedly to the American people, resulting in lives lost trying to right his blunder over there...

4. Biden, has all but destroyed credibility among our allies, and on the world stage with this circus side show of a pull out...

He's far more dangerous that anything you people bleated about President Trump, and yet, laughably he tries to blame this on Trump...But "the buck stops with him" right? Yeah....

The same state department that you used to claim the number of Americans in Afghanistan was 11,000 now reports that perhaps 1,500 remain. I got no sympathy for them. Not like they were not giving plenty of warning. Most probably want to stay there. If we were going to leave, you got to set a date. You can't let the people in the country determine when, and if, you leave. Time and time again I have clearly stated that if we waited until all Americans were out of Vietnam we would still be there today. Nobody, not a single person, has contradicted that very valid point.

To the equipment, any operable equipment was attained from the Afghan military, not the US. Providing them with that equipment is not on Biden, most of it is on Bush Jr. But Trump, yes Trump, was the one that cut the deal with the Taliban, and part of that deal was trusting them to address terrorist activity from both ISIS and AQ. Does not that equipment facilitate that responsibility? If they use that Blackhawk to attack ISIS then good deal. Far more likely that happens, they sure as hell ain't flying across the Atlantic.

That part about 38th best armed military in the world is comical. First, who flippin cares. 38th? Is that supposed to be intimidating? I mean I guess they replaced Myanmar at number 38. LMAO

Leaving that hell hole was going to be a clusterfawk, regardless of who was president. It is done, it is over, and it is time to move on. Attempting to make political hay out of the situation is despicable, but then, that is the Republican party of today. You guys are circling the drain. As soon as the parasitic boomers die off your party is dead.
Several here have repeated the lies that Biden was bound by this, and just followed the Trump deal.

Please copy and paste the parts of this deal that Biden followed.

The agreement that you posted was between the U.S. and the Afghan government. It refers to the agreement made between the U.S. and the Taliban as the U.S.-Taliban agreement.

Biden stuck to this agreement in full, except for extending the timeline for the withdrawal.

This agreement became null & void when the Afghan government fell. It's irrelevant.

Either way, this is an agreement, not an evacuation plan.

But nice try....LOSER!
The agreement that you posted was between the U.S. and the Afghan government. It refers to the agreement made between the U.S. and the Taliban as the U.S.-Taliban agreement.

Biden stuck to this agreement in full, except for extending the timeline for the withdrawal.

This agreement became null & void when the Afghan government fell. It's irrelevant.

Either way, this is an agreement, not an evacuation plan.

But nice try....LOSER!
Biden stuck to this agreement in full, except for extending the timeline for the withdrawal.

The text of that agreement has been posted in this thread. Cut and paste all the parts Surrender Joe followed.

Once again I predict you won't be able to bring a single part of the agreement Surrender Joe followed.


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