Here We Go: Justice Department Says More Classified Records May Be Missing in Trump Probe


So do I but you run from your own damn points Slade. Go back to your bubble, you clearly are not willing to articulate anything of actual substance.
I’m not running from my point. For a search and seizure on an ex president to make it through the FBI/DOJ and judicial system it goes through many layers of accountability and checks. Trump bypasses all that an makes media buzz moves to help him control the narrative. That’s what he has always done. He doesn’t respect process, evidence or our institutions. I have much more trust in our institutions than a power hungry egomaniac.
I’m not running from my point. For a search and seizure on an ex president to make it through the FBI/DOJ and judicial system it goes through many layers of accountability and checks. Trump bypasses all that an makes media buzz moves to help him control the narrative. That’s what he has always done. He doesn’t respect process, evidence or our institutions. I have much more trust in our institutions than a power hungry egomaniac.
Yes you are and backtracking will not change that.

I would address your expanded point but why bother, you will do the same passive aggressive bullshit again.
Translation: They didn’t get crap in the raid and are now panicking that they have nothing on Trump. This is good news. What this tells us is: They did not find what they were looking for, which was the files Trump has on the DOJ’s illegal attempts to charge Trump.

The claim that Trump is hiding confidential and/or secret files is a claim to support a request for a warrant to search again or to search other sites. Such a search will be with a warrant permitting a search for classified files but will be used in fact to search for files Trump intends to use in legal action against the DOJ and its thugs in the FBI.

The files must be powerful stuff judging by the panic the DOJ is exhibiting.

What do you mean they didn't get anything? They got top secret nuclear information. How is that nothing? LOL!
Any documents that Trump's standing order automatically declassified are not classified.

Unless ... Unless Bided reclassified them sometime later, which is entrapment.
No evidence any were declasified, and if they were, they are still stolen, and he tried to keep them. They don't belong to him.
From another message board:

[Trump himself confirmed some of the docs were pertaining to the Iran Deal last week, when he retruthed this post from Paul Sperry.

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Based on Trump’s most recent comments to Newsmax, the docs are about essentially EVERYTHING! Trump said that the documents in question “expose a Deep State plot” against him. Which is the reason he Declassified them, and took the docs for protection. There are reportedly “11 sets of documents”, the FBI were interested in.

So what are the docs about? ALL of the docs about Deep State’s crimes that Trump was concerned they might destroy.]

This is DECLAS!
Where is your evidence they were declassified? And why are they at his home?
President Trump was the chief executive.....he didn't have to have anyones approvel to declassify anything......and he determined which documents are personal and which ones are presidential......he had all the power.....not some bureaucrat.
No evidence they were declassified. Why were they at his home? That's a federal crime. Why did he say they were his, when they were not?

But it does not look good if they continue trying to get more from him without any real show of why the first batch was something that justifies the current administration going after it's most probable opposition in the next election.

They need to wrap this up. It should not be all that hard considering the unlimited access they have had thus far.
If it's classified top secret, none of us may ever know. The judge put the breaks on the investigation. How can you wrap that up?
I am on topic, everything Trump has been accused of has been a lie. Starting with Russia collusion, but keep up the bullshit investigations.
Zero evidence of that claim. You are a liar. Mods, this cat is off topic habitually.
You are, you still believe Hillary did nothing wrong?
We know she didn't.
Trump was doing as he asked. But Hillary was asked to give some phones and her server over. She destroyed them. She should've went to jail for that alone. Some of her staff had classified information on their computers. Another thing she should've went to jail over. But she is a democrat, untouchable.
No evidence Trump was doing as he asked. You are a liar. And more off topic nonsense.
You can't be that stupid - you just can't be.
You actually think a foreign country can determine for the U.S. what is, and is not, classified/ declassified?
More great work from bodecea.
Nuclear information shared by two countries is unlikely to declassify.

Does the president have the authority to declassify everything he is taking while he is still president? Yes or No?

As the Executive of the US government his word is it. When Trump took those documents, he declassified them, while he was president.

The onus is on you to prove he did not declassify them. GO!
Classification is irrelevant. The fact that they were at his home is a federal crime.
Ok then Trump took classified documents but didn't intend to. Good enough? That's how they handled Hillary.
No! Not good enough. Do you want to use the same analogy for others? I didn't think so.
Bills of attainder are unlawful. This means that Biden reclassifying something is a bill of attainder for which Trump cannot be charged or held responsible for...

These people have crossed into the realm of unlawful acts. It is the attempt to frame Trump for something he did not commit. Garland needs to be arrested for this and charged.
Link to this evidence of yours?
Trump was doing as he asked. But Hillary was asked to give some phones and her server over. She destroyed them. She should've went to jail for that alone. Some of her staff had classified information on their computers. Another thing she should've went to jail over. But she is a democrat, untouchable.
the difference is intent. Hillary was careless. She didnt intend to have classified stuff going thru that server.

But Trump on the other hand, intentionally had classified docs sent to his golf club, and then ignored requests by the archives to return them.
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That is your conjecture.

Did you make the same conjecture when Trump asked Ukraine to perform an investigation on Hunter Biden?

They have that assumption but it only lasts so long.
That was a campaign finance crime. False equivalency.

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