Here We Go: Justice Department Says More Classified Records May Be Missing in Trump Probe

the difference is intent. Hillary was careless. She didnt intend to have classified stuff going thru that server.

But Trump on the other hand, intentionally had classified docs sent to his golf club, and then ignored requests by the archives to return them.
Bullshit, you telling me she cannot read? She knew what classified meant and they were on her private email account. Even her staff had classified information on their computers. Which in itself is against the law.
Translation: They didn’t get crap in the raid and are now panicking that they have nothing on Trump. This is good news. What this tells us is: They did not find what they were looking for, which was the files Trump has on the DOJ’s illegal attempts to charge Trump.

The claim that Trump is hiding confidential and/or secret files is a claim to support a request for a warrant to search again or to search other sites. Such a search will be with a warrant permitting a search for classified files but will be used in fact to search for files Trump intends to use in legal action against the DOJ and its thugs in the FBI.

The files must be powerful stuff judging by the panic the DOJ is exhibiting.

I hope he did hide them.

They are declassified by the president in writing, they are copies, not originals, and the president ordered that they be published, which the DOJ unconstitutionally disobeyed. Unless Biden acts quickly to reclassify them, Trump has every right to publish them himself. (Every wonder why Biden doesn't do that?)

I hope he is saving them for the perfect moment in the election for them to have the best impact.

EDIT; Actually, I'd rather he release them right now. We need to see how corrupt the DOJ has been in their own documents. He's not the only one affected. Every American is less free when the DOJ goes rogue like this.
Israel....if you are listening....trump took your nuke secrets and is shopping them around to countries like Saudi Arabia.
I think they will want evidence, bodecea. Provide it quick, before they stop reading your posts.
Translation: They didn’t get crap in the raid and are now panicking that they have nothing on Trump. This is good news. What this tells us is: They did not find what they were looking for, which was the files Trump has on the DOJ’s illegal attempts to charge Trump.

The claim that Trump is hiding confidential and/or secret files is a claim to support a request for a warrant to search again or to search other sites. Such a search will be with a warrant permitting a search for classified files but will be used in fact to search for files Trump intends to use in legal action against the DOJ and its thugs in the FBI.

The files must be powerful stuff judging by the panic the DOJ is exhibiting.

They have been saying this all along.
There's no telling what classified info Trump has already given to his pimp and puppet master Vlad Putin.

Looks like Hillary was right all along.

Anybody who thinks the deep state won't keep 'investigating' Donald J. Trump, if for no other reasons than the media will keep feeding their crap to the gullible in hopes they can keep Trump's unfavorables up, is living in a dream world.
Bullshit, you telling me she cannot read? She knew what classified meant and they were on her private email account. Even her staff had classified information on their computers. Which in itself is against the law.
there were about 100 emails with classified info among a total of 33,000 emails. it was like a needle in a haystack.

by contrast, Trump had taken from whitehouse boxes of documents knowingly with classified docs.
That was a campaign finance crime. False equivalency.
No, its not.

Many assume guilt or corruption based off a party affiliation. The specific crime is actually irrelevant. The only question was how high it goes as though that somehow confers a higher level of trust in the process.

This is bullshit. It seems as though the opposite is true, the higher these things go the more corrupt they seem to be.
If it's classified top secret, none of us may ever know. The judge put the breaks on the investigation. How can you wrap that up?
Easy, charge him with a crime.

That is not complicated. If there is something serious there then they can go ahead.

And no, just because the information is classified does not mean that we cannot know the nature of the documents. We have a serious problem with the secrecy state. If you are going to go after your political opposition then secrecy is simply not an option in that case.

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