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Here we go...

As it should be though it looks like you have made A decision. So I'm an A hole. Nowhere to go but up, some would say but I have confidence that I can go lowerer.
What was your handle over their dude. You were smart enough to change it here, I was not so fortunate...lol
As it should be though it looks like you have made A decision. So I'm an A hole. Nowhere to go but up, some would say but I have confidence that I can go lowerer.
80% of us are A Holes. I'm one of the best. Embrace your talents LF reject...lolol

You can take real abuse and mosquito flick it, so I know you are a hardened veteran
Woah... I have no idea of what point you are trying to make... You did good there though! You brought it down to 11 paragraphs! That's an accomplishment...

Thank you.

Still have no idea what you are saying. Say it in 30 words or less.

No public school teacher should spew their political ideology in public schools. That would be political indoctrination.
I don't believe I ever said anyone has to answer my questions. I'd go check but then, again I can't stands reading myself. Where did I say someone "has" to answer my questions? No, you don't HAVE to answer that.

That's adorable.
Lol, you demanded they answer. Now f off.
I don't believe I ever said anyone has to answer my questions. I'd go check but then, again I can't stands reading myself. Where did I say someone "has" to answer my questions? No, you don't HAVE to answer that.

That's adorable.
Hang in there. He's just hazing you to find your skin thickness.

Thank you.

The most important thing is to remember not to give to much information about yourself here because the people are crazy.

Well, then, more about myself...

I believe I may have mentioned that I like Jeopardy. On tonight's Jeopardy I saw a thing I've never seen before. For final Jeopardy only the champ was left standing. Pretty sure in my OP I said with cheek that I am a heterosexual. Like many men my first attraction to the fairer sex (oh my, that should wind some up) is visual. (How do blind people start their attraction?) The current champ is a gal and to me very easy on the eye. Hard on the heels of visual my next attraction to a gal is is she smart? Maybe being swell at Jeopardy is more of a function of exposure to trivia and/or a good memory but for me Mattea is smart. Not gonna say I'm crushing hard on her cause she is likely around my daughter's ages and that would be creepy so suffice it to say I'm a fan.
I went back and looked at the four posts that he addressed of Gracie's, in it were only three questions, and they were mostly rhetorically. There was not substantial information or opinions that were requested of Gracie. Post #156 one unanswered question about what rules she imagines him breaking.,

So I had at least one(1) question. Said question stands.

I have an old saying: "The asker of the unanswered question wins the debate."

What say you? Have I yet broken a rule? Do you imagine me breaking a rule? What rule would you imagine be breaking? Are any of my so-called questions to you actual questions?

Having fun yet?

Bonus Marchimedes saying: "They who wants to shut down the debate has already lost the debate."

Thank you for directing me to the posts in question. Great time saver and if you hadn't of done that I probably wouldn't have bothered with any of this. I would have just winged it. I have another tab opened to that post...

I asked(?)...

(Sorry, I'm not spending tonight getting good at quoting ,multiple different replies and putting them in perfect order.)

"Really? You don't know which side-o-the-aisle I come down on? You are adorable."

To me that's me asking, nah, that's kinda rhetorical but I submit the evidence that so far in this thread I've twice been called a lefty. Not saying I am, not saying I'm not but Lord people there's a few hints so far.
I have an old saying: "The asker of the unanswered question wins the debate."
A) Not if they are dumb questions.

B) Not if there was not a debate to begin with.

Having fun yet?
In all of that blather?

Is that a rhetorical question?

To me it's not. I fancy myself a mix of real, satire, sarcasm, maybe funny, logic, nuts, arrogance, convolution, never ending, eh, blather... I didn't expect this introduction thread to go on. (Snickers.) Maybe one day I'll start my real thread about my politics if ya'll can let this thread go.

For now I have replies in this thread and Marchimedes ALWAYS takes on all comers. One thing at a time. So, more of you...
. . . on top of that, he had a disagreement with Coyote over which of them brought up a site, "Lf.org," and he claimed Coyote did, when, in fact, he did. Then he claimed, that Coyote may have deleted a post where she did, but you can see, in the exchanges, it is clear, he did, it is there in post #40

Thank you for the post number I did indeed bring LF up first. My bad. Sorry. I do believe I never said that Coyote brought it up first, I believe I said that I believe Coyote brought it up first. I think. It's all good, if I screwed up I'll cop to it. Here's a thing with me: If I say "is" than I said that. If I say "I believe" or "I think" that means I ain't sure. If I was sure I wouldn't say believe or think. I think.

I, Marchimedes whole heartedly apologize to Coyote for posting that Coyote brought up LF first. I shall now say ten(10) Hail Ted Nugents and keep my hands offa myself for a week. I promise nuttin if I meet Mattea in a bar and I manage to make her giggle.
The upshot? His claims about Coyote,
Sure I screwed that up

and his claims about Gracie are all crap,

Not seeing that one.

he can't even keep track of what is going on in his own thread.

Yes, I missed one.

He will twist reality to match his own narrative.

Will? That's quite a prediction. This is just a introduction thread. I like to think when I get after politics I'm a tad more carefuler. Well see.

Folks that do not discuss things honestly?

Please to use The Queen's English.
I'm a Father of four(4) adult children. I'm a Yankee Libertarian W.A.S.P. A Mighty US of A Army veteran. I build, install, repair and destroy stuff for a living. I'm 58. I'm white, XX chromosomed, not rich, Chirstian though that has zero to do with my political ideology, (I haven't been to church cents I was 17,) my pronouns are Dude/Sir/Dad. I drive an old Ford Explorer Sport. Manual, of course. I can drink anyone under the table then eat my weight in chicken wings. I now announce that I'm a heterosexual as it seems to be all the rage these days to announce who one bumps uglies with. No, I don't care who you bump uglies with. (Libertarian, remember?) I enjoy rock/heavy metal and classical. My favorite color is blue. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, there is no accounting for taste so don't bother telling whatever I like best is not best cause that is not debate. I have a plan, I always have a plan. I tend to go on and on. My civilian uniform is Levis, Nikes and a T-shirt with sumpin written on it. My favorite T-shirt is a Batman T-shirt. I'm very good at Jeopardy. I was penning this post while watching Jeopardy and yes, I nailed final Jeopardy. What is the character limit for a post at this site? Never mind, I'll find it. Do ya'll have your copies of The Mighty US of A Constitution at hand? The Communist Manifesto? Little Red Book? Federalist Papers? Fox in Sox? I watch about 40% Fox News, 30% CNN, 10% MSNBC, the rest is BBC, HLN and others. I recently found Sky News, that would be Fox News Down Under. Show of hands: Who only watches that which they agree with? That was pathetic. I guess I have to shut this rant down now as I have no idea how long one gets to rant here. Lookie there, I didn't cuss once.

...and there ya go.



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