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Here we go...

Wow Crow. That was a quick turnaround from ya. For the record, I was using that blah blah smiley towards the OP's dronings on and on and on and on.....etc.

Emojis are gay.

You still here? Don't you have questions to answer? Welcome to the dive bar. I am not fond of you. Do you have children? What is up with you not answering my direct questions? Go ahead, ask me a question. I've a saying: The asker of the unanswered question wins the debate. Get the f outta my thread. All that's gonna happen is I'm gonna continue to kick your teeth in and so far this is not a good look for you. I get it, you used to be a big deal at this site. That ship has sailed as long as you come any where near me but the good news is you can ignore me and we can all pretend this never happened. Move along or suffer more. Now is when you ask me not to pick on you anymore. I'll do that.
Wow Crow. That was a quick turnaround from ya. For the record, I was using that blah blah smiley towards the OP's dronings on and on and on and on.....etc. :aug08_031:
I tried to be on your side. I still am... But I know you as well. So I'm even here between you two. I'll make my own decisions about this asshole.
Should be The Queen's English, math, science and history. If the budget allows art, music and gym. If the budget further allows shop, home ec...

The liberal is telling us these days that my children should be taught the liberal ideology in public schools.

I say that the liberal can teach their children their crap all they want at home.

Does the liberal want me teaching their children my political ideology in public schools?

It's a very clear case of political indoctrination and such has no bidness in public schools.

I'm getting close to the point where if a teacher wants to teach my kids their crap I'm gonna go punch them in the f'g skull. Math, a hole, that's all. I don't even want teach YOUR children that lower taxes is good for the American economy. This is were liberals are these days. Childless, liberal teachers have SAID that their political ideology overrides Dad.



Show up at bed time and read some books. Wake up in the morning and make them brush their teeth. Lay in my bed and make that baby with my wife!

I'm not telling them they can't have red hair and a nose ring. These childless f's are telling me that they get to have more influence than I have over the most important thing that has ever happened in my life.

Put my child, me and a teacher on a corner. A bus is coming. The bus should stop but it doesn't, my child walks out, without hesitation I'm pushing my child outta the way and I take the bus knowing I'm gonna die. Who else but a parent is gonna do that? Yet the liberal tells us the teacher knows better. F me running. Then toss in that the teacher is guided by their politics. I've had liberals tell me that public school teachers should have their way over MY children because I, as a conservative am not correct. It's a difference between conservatives and liberals. Liberals think they should be able to teach my children their ideology and conservatives would never presume such.

Go ahead, ask the liberal.
Woah... I have no idea of what point you are trying to make... You did good there though! You brought it down to 11 paragraphs! That's an accomplishment...

Still have no idea what you are saying. Say it in 30 words or less.
You're too loquacious. People here are stupid. They don't understand, unless you put it in their english.
Emojis are gay.

You still here? Don't you have questions to answer? Welcome to the dive bar. I am not fond of you. Do you have children? What is up with you not answering my direct questions? Go ahead, ask me a question. I've a saying: The asker of the unanswered question wins the debate. Get the f outta my thread. All that's gonna happen is I'm gonna continue to kick your teeth in and so far this is not a good look for you. I get it, you used to be a big deal at this site. That ship has sailed as long as you come any where near me but the good news is you can ignore me and we can all pretend this never happened. Move along or suffer more. Now is when you ask me not to pick on you anymore. I'll do that.
No one has to answer your questions, leftist.
I'm a Father of four(4) adult children. I'm a Yankee Libertarian W.A.S.P. A Mighty US of A Army veteran. I build, install, repair and destroy stuff for a living. I'm 58. I'm white, XX chromosomed, not rich, Chirstian though that has zero to do with my political ideology, (I haven't been to church cents I was 17,) my pronouns are Dude/Sir/Dad. I drive an old Ford Explorer Sport. Manual, of course. I can drink anyone under the table then eat my weight in chicken wings. I now announce that I'm a heterosexual as it seems to be all the rage these days to announce who one bumps uglies with. No, I don't care who you bump uglies with. (Libertarian, remember?) I enjoy rock/heavy metal and classical. My favorite color is blue. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, there is no accounting for taste so don't bother telling whatever I like best is not best cause that is not debate. I have a plan, I always have a plan. I tend to go on and on. My civilian uniform is Levis, Nikes and a T-shirt with sumpin written on it. My favorite T-shirt is a Batman T-shirt. I'm very good at Jeopardy. I was penning this post while watching Jeopardy and yes, I nailed final Jeopardy. What is the character limit for a post at this site? Never mind, I'll find it. Do ya'll have your copies of The Mighty US of A Constitution at hand? The Communist Manifesto? Little Red Book? Federalist Papers? Fox in Sox? I watch about 40% Fox News, 30% CNN, 10% MSNBC, the rest is BBC, HLN and others. I recently found Sky News, that would be Fox News Down Under. Show of hands: Who only watches that which they agree with? That was pathetic. I guess I have to shut this rant down now as I have no idea how long one gets to rant here. Lookie there, I didn't cuss once.

...and there ya go.

The most important thing is to remember not to give to much information about yourself here because the people are crazy.
All are welcome in a Marchimedes post/thread. So maybe I got to put the hook in in the first sentence/introductory OP. I'll read everybody's stuff beginning to end. Probably. Sometimes it takes some time to splain a complicated issue. Sometimes it takes multiple posts of the kinds of posts I've already shown a proclivity to posting. Show of hands. Who is being forced to read this thread? Raise both hands if you are French. Sorry about Hitler. The rest of you that didn't raise a hand if you think I go on now wait until I get busy on taxes. So far, for me I've been very short. How do? I'm still Marchimedes. By the time I get done with this thread here there shouldn't be any surprises. Have I pestered the rest of this site with me yet? Rhetorical question. I'm still gettin the lay of the land, the rules, the ambiance if you will and so far ya'll have been most accommodating and I thank ya'll for that. We gonna get along just fine.


I see no reason to emotionally invest myself in character flaws of other humans
Of course not. .. that is what is so awesome about you, and most of the forum doesn't understand or even get that. You don't even see a reason to emotionally invest yourself in your own character flaws!


Speaking of character flaws that are still more massive than moony's support of the Disney groomers.

Moony likely has already reported this post for a personal attack but I attacked the entertainers using their own children to forward the grooming narrative. He's nothing in comparison to that support.
No one has to answer your questions, leftist.
They weren't even really questions.

I went back and looked at the four posts that he addressed of Gracie's, in it were only three questions, and they were mostly rhetorically. There was not substantial information or opinions that were requested of Gracie. Post #156 one unanswered question about what rules she imagines him breaking., Post #157 basically rhetorical question about not knowing his political leaning, Post #147 more rhetoric stupid questions, Post #148 more rhetorical questions that don't need any response, , and that. . . sums it up.

In all of that blather? One, just ONE REAL unanswered questioned about what rule Gracie imagines him to be breaking. . .

In my imagination, since he tangled disingenuously with a mod already? And accused her of doing something he himself did? I can imagine, quite a bit. :heehee:

What he is whining about, is that he replied to four of her posts, and she did not reply back, o' sin of sins.

. . . on top of that, he had a disagreement with Coyote over which of them brought up a site, "Lf.org," and he claimed Coyote did, when, in fact, he did. Then he claimed, that Coyote may have deleted a post where she did, but you can see, in the exchanges, it is clear, he did, it is there in post #40

The upshot? His claims about Coyote, and his claims about Gracie are all crap, he can't even keep track of what is going on in his own thread.

He will twist reality to match his own narrative. Folks that do not discuss things honestly? Even when the entire forum can monitor the debate? Generally, as Gracie said about her instincts? These types of folks are not to be trusted. .. .

I doubt this person has ever admitted they have been wrong in their entire life.

We can see now why he has probably been banned, he either has a severe case of dementia, or has no compunction and no scruples against lying, when the evidence is clear to all.

A clear case of a mild psychosis. He should fit right in here at USMB!

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I tried to be on your side. I still am... But I know you as well. So I'm even here between you two. I'll make my own decisions about this asshole.
I don't need someone on my side. I appreciate your stance on wanting to do so, but then you ASSUMED something I posted (the smiley) was aimed at you. Since when have I ever been rude to you, or snarky? So for you to NOT THINK before responding the way you did, was an eye opener. And I never asked you to make a decision this way or that way. Again, ASSUMPTION. And another eye opener. Seems to me you are very.....abrupt....before thinking and posting any response to anyone. I don't care who you like or dislike. You are entitled to your opinion as I am entitled to mine.

And, you don't know me at all. Just what you see here in what I post, but that is not the whole of who I am any more than the asswipe OP. He seems to THINK he knows who I am, which means he is a fucking sock, which I figured out in the first few pages. But that is MY opinion and only mine.

Again...I don't need backup or a white knight. I can defend myself quite well. But thanks. And no thanks for ASSUMING and THINKING before responding to me when you were in error.
Emojis are gay.

You still here? Don't you have questions to answer? Welcome to the dive bar. I am not fond of you. Do you have children? What is up with you not answering my direct questions? Go ahead, ask me a question. I've a saying: The asker of the unanswered question wins the debate. Get the f outta my thread. All that's gonna happen is I'm gonna continue to kick your teeth in and so far this is not a good look for you. I get it, you used to be a big deal at this site. That ship has sailed as long as you come any where near me but the good news is you can ignore me and we can all pretend this never happened. Move along or suffer more. Now is when you ask me not to pick on you anymore. I'll do that.
We've been getting a few LF rejects recently. Who the hell are you over there?
What the fuck is an LF?

Unlike you Gracie. Who just has stuff fed into her mind by blowhards.

I didn't "get" the real gist of what you said until now.
Kiss my ass, Crow. Only one I see in here that grovels FOR blowhards is you.
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Not that familiar with them.
I don't know who the OP is. He mentioned LF. I said you were an LF Reject and seemed to acknowledge it...l.olol I think Vegasgiants was from the original dump, which I believe went belly-up

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