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Here we go...

Welcome to the site, you sound like an interesting guy. The number one thing is to remember to have fun while you're here. Don't let anyone get to you and enjoy yourself. Great introduction, by the way.
Yeah what he said.
I'm a Father of four(4) adult children. I'm a Yankee Libertarian W.A.S.P. A Mighty US of A Army veteran. I build, install, repair and destroy stuff for a living. I'm 58. I'm white, XX chromosomed, not rich, Chirstian though that has zero to do with my political ideology, (I haven't been to church cents I was 17,) my pronouns are Dude/Sir/Dad. I drive an old Ford Explorer Sport. Manual, of course. I can drink anyone under the table then eat my weight in chicken wings. I now announce that I'm a heterosexual as it seems to be all the rage these days to announce who one bumps uglies with. No, I don't care who you bump uglies with. (Libertarian, remember?) I enjoy rock/heavy metal and classical. My favorite color is blue. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, there is no accounting for taste so don't bother telling whatever I like best is not best cause that is not debate. I have a plan, I always have a plan. I tend to go on and on. My civilian uniform is Levis, Nikes and a T-shirt with sumpin written on it. My favorite T-shirt is a Batman T-shirt. I'm very good at Jeopardy. I was penning this post while watching Jeopardy and yes, I nailed final Jeopardy. What is the character limit for a post at this site? Never mind, I'll find it. Do ya'll have your copies of The Mighty US of A Constitution at hand? The Communist Manifesto? Little Red Book? Federalist Papers? Fox in Sox? I watch about 40% Fox News, 30% CNN, 10% MSNBC, the rest is BBC, HLN and others. I recently found Sky News, that would be Fox News Down Under. Show of hands: Who only watches that which they agree with? That was pathetic. I guess I have to shut this rant down now as I have no idea how long one gets to rant here. Lookie there, I didn't cuss once.

...and there ya go.
XX chromosome?
From fake news sites that are run by Trump. I stopped watching during the Gulf War and cut the cable in 2014...I can read faster than any channel can deliver the news. I research read all sources and debate myself on which sounds plausible...
Do you troll yourself too?

Glad to hear it.

just telling Moonie that he/she is basically off topic. In post 38 he/she was talking about the Gulf War. Totally off topic.

Lookie there I found the quote thingy. I am now 10% more annoying.

Thank you, I was asking. If we are really gonna get into what is and isn't off topic then by definition this thread is about me so you have wandered off the reservation by going on and on about Moonie. I forgive you. Now say ten(10) Hail Ted Nugents and keep your hands offa yourself for a week. Maybe a small donation to The Human Fund.

Now as should be exceedingly obvious by now I am very shy and not given to sarcasm. After decades of therapy with my doctor, Genghis, who finally lured me outta my safe space weeping closet with promises of ice cream and the help of his therapy badger, Spot, I chose this site to interact with what passes for people and assert myself. I think I'm doing well, so far, so good, so what?
I don't frequent lowlife bars,

Now and again I find the correct lowlife bar. Cheap domestic beer by the piture, a fairly level pool table where I can play with myself cause the lowlifes are too busy getting stupiderer, close enough I can stagger home, at least a few heavy metal songs on the juke box I get to play once while enduring cross eyed glares, at least one(1) letter out on the neon sign, smoking allowed, chicken wire around the house band... I go on.

hang out with mindless people,

Then you're never gonna find out why so many Americans vote the way they do which is one(1) of the many reason I seek out progressives.

eat at sleazy diners with a rep of really bad food they serve,

Who does?

or hang out with known criminals/pond scum kind of folks either.

Good to know that you are not a known criminal or pond scum.

I consider that the same as not being part of the world of those who do. Hence. the ignore feature when online. You do whatever floats your boat, sparky, but don't judge others that do and talk down to them for not having the same mindset as you.

Did I talk down to you or just give my take on myself about the ignore feature? I'm asking. I could go look but reading me is very boring. For me.
So far, with this attitude you are showing, methinks some here will have a beef with it mostly due to said attitude.

Some? That's all?

I'm getting lax in my initial impressions. I already changed my mind about you.

Oh Thank the Lord. I was starting to think I lost my touch.

Thanks for the heads up.

My pleasure. Still this is STILL my introductory thread.


Now fuck off.

I summarily reject your demand. (Though I am heartened that such lowlife language is allowed at this site.)
What the hell, throw PoliticalChic into the mix, just to take all day to read the exchange. . .

All are welcome in a Marchimedes post/thread. So maybe I got to put the hook in in the first sentence/introductory OP. I'll read everybody's stuff beginning to end. Probably. Sometimes it takes some time to splain a complicated issue. Sometimes it takes multiple posts of the kinds of posts I've already shown a proclivity to posting. Show of hands. Who is being forced to read this thread? Raise both hands if you are French. Sorry about Hitler. The rest of you that didn't raise a hand if you think I go on now wait until I get busy on taxes. So far, for me I've been very short. How do? I'm still Marchimedes. By the time I get done with this thread here there shouldn't be any surprises. Have I pestered the rest of this site with me yet? Rhetorical question. I'm still gettin the lay of the land, the rules, the ambiance if you will and so far ya'll have been most accommodating and I thank ya'll for that. We gonna get along just fine.
Okay, okay don't have a cow. It was just a friendly suggestion not a command.

Maybe next time I'll have a cow. So far it's been nuttin but babies. I get it, Genghis told me assert myself so maybe I'm going too hard. Mr./Mrs./zer/ze/zas FJB I'm just saying I reject suggestions about how I should go about posting. This is me, this is my style, maybe sometime later if I'm not banned ya'll will just go "holy crap that was long but he made his point" and move along. This is not my first rodeo.
Sounds like a great reason to have a drink!
Perhaps a double single malt scotch
on the rocks.

Oh my. No rocks, splash of water to open it up. They say the cold hides the complexities. Yes Sir may I have another?

Me, I lean
towards the dark rums.

Racist. All rums are equal in the eye of the beholder.

And Kentucky Whiskey.

Tennesse Man myself. To each his own.

And Brandy.

Spoiled grape juice with real booze added.

And Kahlua.
And Vodka.

Black Russian I don't mind a bit. Add some cream and it's white. Add some Coke and it's a Colorada Bulldog. White Russian is my favorite right after Jack and Coke.

And wine.

Spoiled grape juice turned to vinegar. For my tastes I might as well open a Welches grape juice, leave it on the dash of my Ford truck for a month in the sun and it's all the same to me. I hate wine. There is no accounting for taste. I can drink a Riesling(?) though.

And Grand Marnier.

That's the orange thing, correct? Eh.

And Hipnotiq.


And Baily's Irish Cream.

Every body loves chocolate milk.

And a few more I'm not
thinking of right now.

I forgive you. (Say the Hail Nugents...)

Best beer I ever had in my life was a Heineken on tap in a frosty mug in Amsterdam about three(3) blocks away from the Heineken factory.

Can you imagine?

Show of hands. Who has been to Amsterdam?
Dude is full of himself.


I give him 60 days or less before he is shown the door.

Why? Please to be specific. What rule do imagine me breaking?

I can see why he has been banned from other places.

I know exactly why I've been banned from so many sites. Those stories are for later. Never been that I broke a rule. Before I registered at this site I read the rules. Then I read the sub-forum rules. I read the introductory thread rules. Thing is that before I start my REAL thread, while I get the lay of the land I get to be mild Marchimedes in this thread and get what I suppose are the movers and shakers on this site come to me, draw them out as it were, kick back, be mostly nice and let the old guard thump their chest. I think I've yet to cuss.

Jury is out.



the best troll this site has ever seen.

Nastitude to the max.

You have no idea.

INSTANT dislike after his 3rd post.

That's a shame as I'm looking towards ignore from you.
He's sure of himself...

Thank you.

even though wrong.

Easy to say. I don't see where cause this is an introductory thread that any site member is forbidden from saying why I am wrong. Other than the member that said anything other than talking about me is off topic.

I forgive you. Listen to Stranglehold.

Typical lib mentality.

Really? You don't know which side-o-the-aisle I come down on? You are adorable.

Full of shit and revels in it.

You gots half of that correct.

He is a fucktard.

This is my thread. I request that you speak to me directly.
? you were the one that brought up LF

Was I? I don't recall that. I didn't bring up LF. Or do you mean I alluded to it? Words mean things. You were the one that actually typed the letters "LF." This is my thread, you just said that I brought up LF and as you are the accuser, I demand that you prove it. Or is this site about proving negatives? Are you boss? Are you admin? Are you owner? What is your deal here? Are you being coy? If you are the Coyote that I know from the past would you prefer that I not bring all that up? If you are the Coyote that I know I am the teacher that you know. Kissume/Kizzume doesn't ring a bell? No matter. I've one thread, I can find where you said "LF." Or, if you are boss you can delete it then I have no recourse. Other than my near perfect memory. This is supposed to be an introductory thread. Shouldn't be this confrontational. More stuff about me...

I was the first grandchild on both sides of the family. Both sides where solidly middle class. An Aunt and Uncle on my Dear Mother's side and an Uncle on my Father's side. While I was showered with presents on my birthday and Christmas both sides were all work ethic and honesty, there was no such thing as an allowance. I could hardly get away with anything. I got good at sneaking. I grew up abutted to 60 acres of family farm on my Dear Mother's side and if I got caught by cousin Albert I was hoeing corn fields at age ten(10) and no one wanted to hear my complaints. In my day I had to head towards home when the street lights came on. There was no such thing as "late for dinner." When I was a boy there was CBS, NBC, ABC and PBS on the UHF area. I was the remote control. I remember one time at dinner I said "but Mom" and then I met my Father's eyes and I shut right the f up. I've never met another person that had a better childhood than I. When I was a teenager my Father allowed me to borrow his lawnmower until I had made enough money mowing lawns until I could buy my own lawn mower. My Dear Mother made me take piano lessons in the 1st and 2nd grade until she gave up. I wish she hadn't. I would love this day to be able to play Claire de lune. My power tool of choice is DeWalt.

This is the introductory thread, correct? I'm far from done. Maybe ya'll should amend the introductory thread rules. Also I saw no rules about folks giving ME a hard time in MY thread where I shouldn't reply.

Tighten up, folks!

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