Here we go...

Dang... I make too many words... But this is all about Gracie. She said some serious shit.

And I will defend her until Sunday night!
I can't wait until he "fucks up this site with his political debates" and breaks this site with viewers"....and nobody responds because nobody has time for a dickwad so full of himself. If he didn't jack off listening to his own voice while patting his own back with the free hand, it would surprise me. What a rude awakening awaits him when he is laughed at instead of discussing his self awe inspiring "debating skills" or better yet....ignored and his threads tank with nobody responding. That would be a hoot.

If he wasn't such a droner...I'd think I may smell greasy bacon with every word he vomits while spanking his monkey at his self admired bullshit.

With that said....I plan to now just snicker every time he arrives because I have my brain bleach at the ready knowing what he is doing as he mumbles and praises himself one handedly. The other hand is busy, if you get my drift.
Pretty pathetic when you have tomaters thrown at you on your intro thread...........lolololol

Sometimes these intro threads are funny as hell
I just gave my own opinion on the OP and his nastitude. He is worth no more attention from me...which is obvious that is what he wants....ATTENTION. Nope.

Not at all, I see no reason to emotionally invest myself in character flaws of other humans.

I just gave my own opinion on the OP and his nastitude. He is worth no more attention from me...which is obvious that is what he wants....ATTENTION. Nope.

OHHHH pleeeaaazzzz....................You are great at ripping people to shreds..................This is probably the best intro thread I've had the pleasure to knowses........................Don't let it
OHHHH pleeeaaazzzz....................You are great at ripping people to shreds..................This is probably the best intro thread I've had the pleasure to knowses........................Don't let it
Truth hurts....or should. I just tell it like it is. Not much filter. If that makes me a bad person, then its because my opinion makes other uncomfortable hearing it due to not wanting to face reality.
The OP showed up, seemed normal, then showed his true colors the way he interacted in a "new"? group of people. Which tells me he is a sock cuz what normal person would start off the way he did with the attitude he has? Someone not normal, that's who.

Anyway, I returned to address your comment. Now I am off to other things to do with my time than to feed the OP Troll.
Truth hurts....or should. I just tell it like it is. Not much filter. If that makes me a bad person, then its because my opinion makes other uncomfortable hearing it due to not wanting to face reality.
The OP showed up, seemed normal, then showed his true colors the way he interacted in a "new"? group of people. Which tells me he is a sock cuz what normal person would start off the way he did with the attitude he has? Someone not normal, that's who.

Anyway, I returned to address your comment. Now I am off to other things to do with my time than to feed the OP Troll.
See I'm different than you. I'm a shy poster who does not like any conflict whatsoever
Truth hurts....or should. I just tell it like it is. Not much filter. If that makes me a bad person, then its because my opinion makes other uncomfortable hearing it due to not wanting to face reality.
The OP showed up, seemed normal, then showed his true colors the way he interacted in a "new"? group of people. Which tells me he is a sock cuz what normal person would start off the way he did with the attitude he has? Someone not normal, that's who.

Anyway, I returned to address your comment. Now I am off to other things to do with my time than to feed the OP Troll.
Though I will defend you until tomorrow night as promised, he did make one of the greatest "I'm new here" posts ever. What did he do to offend you? Gimme something to hate him for, because otherwise, I love him...
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