Here’s a map of all the mass shootings in 2015

I'm calling BS.

I looked at the South Carolina ones. All but 1 (the church one) are DOMESTIC family incidents or drug robberies. Not the fanaticism of mall or school shootings.

I'd bet 95% are the same. Drug robberies gone bad. Domestic murder/suicides.
How many of those are thugs shooting each other??

Pro-life, except the life of thugs......
Seriously?! You can't distinguish between an innocent baby and a dangerous, criminal thug? We all wish that the thug would find the error in their ways but they put themselves in dangerous situations. The baby that is killed did nothing to deserve it. What a joke!

This is not true….I have been through the list of shooter tracker when another anti gunner posted it……..way too many of these alleged mass shootings are parties and social gatherings of criminals who got high and drunk and started shooting each other….that is the only way they get the mass shooting numbers that high….

And why is that distinction important…..because when you say Mass Shooter, normal Americans recognize that as an individual who enters a public space and starts shooting people…..they do not understand it to be gang bangers shooting each other over a dice gang…which was one of the shootings included as a mass shooting at shoot tracker……..

So that link is a lie….
Standard is shootings with 4 or more victims. Hell....that's a Tuesday in Chicago.

Actually, I think obama lowered the definition to 3 casualties…to get the numbers up…..

This is not true….I have been through the list of shooter tracker when another anti gunner posted it……..way too many of these alleged mass shootings are parties and social gatherings of criminals who got high and drunk and started shooting each other….that is the only way they get the mass shooting numbers that high….

And why is that distinction important…..because when you say Mass Shooter, normal Americans recognize that as an individual who enters a public space and starts shooting people…..they do not understand it to be gang bangers shooting each other over a dice gang…which was one of the shootings included as a mass shooting at shoot tracker……..

So that link is a lie….
You were expecting a paid liberal spammer to tell the truth?

This is not true….I have been through the list of shooter tracker when another anti gunner posted it……..way too many of these alleged mass shootings are parties and social gatherings of criminals who got high and drunk and started shooting each other….that is the only way they get the mass shooting numbers that high….

And why is that distinction important…..because when you say Mass Shooter, normal Americans recognize that as an individual who enters a public space and starts shooting people…..they do not understand it to be gang bangers shooting each other over a dice gang…which was one of the shootings included as a mass shooting at shoot tracker……..

So that link is a lie….
You were expecting a paid liberal spammer to tell the truth?

No….not really……but as you well know….we have to respond to these lies or they spread like weeds…..
Yup, this is a propaganda link.

I listen to NPR every morning, and they have a REAL gun control agenda. I mean it is SERIOUS.

This pbs link is a crock.

I went to the FLINT, MI link, and it says there was a mass shooting involving seven injured.

Well, here's the story;

Multiple people shot during violent holiday weekend
Multiple people shot during violent holiday weekend

Police tell us an argument between two people at a social gathering lead to the shooting around 2:30 a.m. Sunday. None of the shootings were deadly. Police tell us one adult man has been arrested, and a judge could formally charge him on Tuesday.

IOW, it was an argument between two groups of kids. A "gang" war.

Usually in turf war, there are causalities. It happens. Let's just be glad they agreed to no head shots. It was a gentleman's shoot out, that's actually quite common.

Too bad they didn't use Roman Candles, eh?

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Just as you stated, looking at the sources. Chicago itself shows 14. I've noticed they have been changing the definition of mass shooting the last couple of years. There is an obvious agenda.
I'm calling BS.

I looked at the South Carolina ones. All but 1 (the church one) are DOMESTIC family incidents or drug robberies. Not the fanaticism of mall or school shootings.

I'd bet 95% are the same. Drug robberies gone bad. Domestic murder/suicides.
Why is it they do nothing about the gangs, of any measurable degree?
Yup, this is a propaganda link.

I listen to NPR every morning, and they have a REAL gun control agenda. I mean it is SERIOUS.

This pbs link is a crock.

I went to the FLINT, MI link, and it says there was a mass shooting involving seven injured.

Well, here's the story;

Multiple people shot during violent holiday weekend
Multiple people shot during violent holiday weekend

Police tell us an argument between two people at a social gathering lead to the shooting around 2:30 a.m. Sunday. None of the shootings were deadly. Police tell us one adult man has been arrested, and a judge could formally charge him on Tuesday.

IOW, it was an argument between two groups of kids. A "gang" war.

Usually in turf war, there are causalities. It happens. Let's just be glad they agreed to no head shots. It was a gentleman's shoot out, that's actually quite common.

Too bad they didn't use Roman Candles, eh?


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