Here's How We END Mueller's Folly...

you accuse Mueller of not having any evidence.

he has had over a year to produce any and he refuses to comply with House Intel requests to produce ANYTHING...because he doesn't have anything except for laughable 'Scooter Libby' indictments.

But here's your chance, champ - you have the spotlight. Put up or STFU time:

Present any evidence of criminal collusion involving Trump.


he's not DONE YET & right now it is still considered intel gathering. when he has enough evidence to bring forth to nail trumpco, he will. he has enough to bring forth obstruction of justice chargeS & maybe even witness tamporing... but he wants to get the money trail crimes too.
Who in the hell is telling you dumbass's that the POTUS cannot be forced to testify in front of a Federal Grand Jury? Were you all born after Bill Clinton--:auiqs.jpg:
Bill Clinton testifies before grand jury, Aug. 17, 1998

But the court ruled that despite the demands of the office, time could be made to take a deposition. Jones, they said, "has a right to an orderly disposition of her claims," just like any other citizen.

The court dodged the question of whether a president can be compelled to testify in court, but it said testimony could be taken at the White House "at a time that will accommodate his busy schedule."

Yes, Trump as president can be compelled to testify in Trump U. suit


Once again, however, it’s not so simple.

Don't Expect Trump to Testify Anytime Soon

As a threshold matter, Team Trump can calculate that a ruling from the Supreme Court—which will have to settle the matter—will take at least several months, during which Mueller’s obstruction investigation will be effectively sidelined.

But besides buying time, a legal challenge would be more than defensible. In fact, no sitting president has ever been forced to provide testimony as a target of a criminal investigation.

People may forget that Clinton was not legally compelled to testify. Independent Counsel Ken Starr served him with a subpoena (a first in itself), but the parties then worked out a deal and the subpoena was withdrawn, leaving his appearance “voluntary” in legal terms.

lol. Leftards are so easy to shoot down.

Who in the hell is telling you dumbass's that the POTUS cannot be forced to testify in front of a Federal Grand Jury? Were you all born after Bill Clinton--:auiqs.jpg:
Bill Clinton testifies before grand jury, Aug. 17, 1998

But the court ruled that despite the demands of the office, time could be made to take a deposition. Jones, they said, "has a right to an orderly disposition of her claims," just like any other citizen.

The court dodged the question of whether a president can be compelled to testify in court, but it said testimony could be taken at the White House "at a time that will accommodate his busy schedule."

Yes, Trump as president can be compelled to testify in Trump U. suit


Once again, however, it’s not so simple.

Don't Expect Trump to Testify Anytime Soon

As a threshold matter, Team Trump can calculate that a ruling from the Supreme Court—which will have to settle the matter—will take at least several months, during which Mueller’s obstruction investigation will be effectively sidelined.

But besides buying time, a legal challenge would be more than defensible. In fact, no sitting president has ever been forced to provide testimony as a target of a criminal investigation.

People may forget that Clinton was not legally compelled to testify. Independent Counsel Ken Starr served him with a subpoena (a first in itself), but the parties then worked out a deal and the subpoena was withdrawn, leaving his appearance “voluntary” in legal terms.

lol. Leftards are so easy to shoot down.
From your article:

Testimony under oath about the obstruction charges would be a bloodbath for Trump. The president has told serial lies about his conversations with Comey, whose account is in any case backed by contemporaneous evidence and, it would appear, the testimony of Trump-camp insiders such as Reince Priebus.

Mueller’s team will meticulously serve up each of those lies back to Trump, forcing him either to disavow them (adding to the obstruction case) or recommit to them (adding perjury counts to Mueller’s ledger). And Trump is arrogant and easily goaded, making him a prosecutor’s dream.

So Team Trump will fight hard for a more informal interaction, such as written questions or a limited, unsworn interview outside of the grand jury. It is unlikely that any experienced prosecutor would ever acquiesce to such a loose format, even for the testimony of a sitting president; Mueller certainly will not. He may bend on details such as length and location of the interview, but not on the bedrock features of live testimony under oath. There, he would draw a line and threaten to seek a subpoena to force Trump to testify.

It is true that at the end of the day, Mueller’s subpoena likely would be upheld. Two unanimous Supreme Court decisions, United States v. Nixon (the president must provide documentary evidence in response to a subpoena) and Clinton v. Jones (the president must sit for a civil deposition where he is a defendant) lead to that conclusion

Trump is the chaos president. Trying to anticipate his reaction, especially when he is facing a mortal challenge to his presidency, is like trying to predict the movements of a tropical storm. But there is one takeaway point: Do not count on his raising his right hand any time soon.
lol And you don't see the problem with that being the Democrats' only agenda?

i didn't say that's their ONLY agenda, nor should it be. but it's the ONE that we all can agree on without caveats.

healthcare, rolling back the de-regulations of trump, & the SC are agenda biggies.
Well, Crazy Hillary didn't have an affirmative agenda to present to America in the last election and the Democrats running in special elections have steered clear of national issues, so it is fair to say trying to impeach Trump is the only agenda the Democrats have and it is not an affirmative agenda.
They're getting there. Pro choice, sensible gun control, no billions spent on a Wall, no trade wars, Medicare for all. How'm I doing?
Not very well. Pro choice and "sensible" gun control are slogan and the other items are not affirmative agendas. What about the economy? Illegal immigration? How to protect good paying factory jobs in the US? What about the trillions of dollars of foreign profits of US corporations that were being invested abroad instead of coming home to invest in the US economy? The reason the Democrats still have no affirmative agenda on any of these items that impact the daily lives of average voters is that the needs of the voters and the ideology of the party are at cross purposes.


why hasn't donny from queens brought his cheap ass suit & tie clothing lines back here to be made HERE? maybe your snake oil salesman that you voted for should start with that.

That was very enlightening. Perhaps it was because she was addressing people like you that Crazy Hillary didn't think it was necessary to have an affirmative agenda for America.
then how did he win?

a lot of reasons. one being that poorly educated people were manipulated into thinking & agreeing with a lot of fake news. poor things. even when trump goes down in flames- they don't even realize they are being set up to believe it was a plot by the FBI... & i'm sure obama & hillary will be blamed too..
In other words you don't know and you don't care. Perhaps it was the fact that Crazy Hillary was too stupid to do electoral math and spent the last few days of the campaign talking to supporters in California, a state she had already won by a large margin while Trump, apparently much better at math, was hard at work campaigning in the swing states that eventually gave him the election.

i told you why. & you don't care that russia interfered to make it happen for you.
lol So far there is no evidence anything Russia may have done effected teh election in any way.

mueller hasn't told you yet, that's why.

He hasn't told anyone because he hasn't got anything.
Here is how to end The Mueller Hoax Investigation.

Order him to investigate Obama, Clinton, Fusion GPS, COIE Lawfirm, The DNC, Sid Blumenthal, and all parties involved with purchasing compiling and disseminating Russian Propaganda for the sole purposes of impacting the election in favor of Hillary Clinton.

He’ll immediately make an announcement that the Investigation has concluded and that no reasonable prosecutor would pursue criminal charges in such a case.

No one gets to order anyone to be investigated, dipshit. FBI looks at cases and decides where there may be a crime, and investigates if they think there may be a crime. They long since were told they should look at most of the above issues, by the right wing political operatives. And they decided there was nothing to investigate. Which proves your charges just typical con troll drivel. Mueller already made the pronouncement that he would not pursue criminal charges in the areas you suggest, dipshit. But he and his team of experienced lawyers found the trump stuff really interesting. Because, me boy, they were obvious.
Told ya Popeye - impeachment comes by summer of next year.

Hey, I just saw Brutus choking your hottie Olive Oyl - better eat the spinach and hop to!

If the dems take the House, you're probably right. But consider the effect. The GOP became so hyper partisan that they impeached a potus for perjuring himself about getting a bj from an intern. Not to excuse that behavior for one moment, because it was sexual harassment regardless of whatever Lewinsky did, but he wasn't impeached for sexual harassment. He was impeached for an action that had absolutely nothing to do with the duties of his office (to put it mildly. LOL) But hyperpartisanship became a lapel pin.

Contrast that with how the dems nearly fell over with shock when it looked like Reagan really did intentionally violate a federal statute when he armed the contras. My God, they joined in throwing Olly North under the bus so fast to say away from that .... poor Casey died just in time.

If it turns out that there's really uncontrovertable proof that Trump and Putin worked hand in hand to use illegally obtained data .... well, that's Benedict Arnold territory. But more likely is that it'll just be murky. I think the country would be better off with the dems just running an electable candidate and making sure the FBI stays the hell out of elections.

I remember you guys defended Clinton for using his female intern as a humidor in the Oval Office
I remember you guys defending Trump for using women as his personal finger warmer while he was courting the evangelical vote.

On his private time he can fuck whoever the fuck he wants. He never raped anyone, women threw themselves at him.

Glad to see you still defend BJ Clintons War on Women and that it was OK for POTUS, the President of the United State, to use his intern's vagina as a humidor in the Oval Office

I am glad to compare Clinton to Trump.

Both Trump and Clinton have been accused of rape- Trump by his own wife.

Clinton had consensual sex with an intern- which was not criminal- but morally and ethically wrong on many, many levels- it was adultery, it was a man taking advantage of his position with a woman in a much inferior power position.

Trump on the other hand has bragged about assaulting women- about grabbing them by their pussies- because he can- because he is a celebrity- again it was a man taking advantage of his position with a woman in a much inferior power position.

I would never vote for Bill Clinton again. But you will happily vote for Trump next time.
Because no one should dare investigate your Dear Leader.

Even after a Trump campaign manager boasted to an Australian diplomat that he knew that Russians had dirt on Clinton
Investigate him for what? for how long? it's over...time for Mueller to pack up his circus and go home...

You sure are in a rush to stop Mueller's investigation- what are you so sure that Mueller will find?
The same thing he’s found in a year, nothing
Here is how to end The Mueller Hoax Investigation.

Order him to investigate Obama, Clinton, Fusion GPS, COIE Lawfirm, The DNC, Sid Blumenthal, and all parties involved with purchasing compiling and disseminating Russian Propaganda for the sole purposes of impacting the election in favor of Hillary Clinton.

He’ll immediately make an announcement that the Investigation has concluded and that no reasonable prosecutor would pursue criminal charges in such a case.

No one gets to order anyone to be investigated, dipshit. FBI looks at cases and decides where there may be a crime, and investigates if they think there may be a crime. They long since were told they should look at most of the above issues, by the right wing political operatives. And they decided there was nothing to investigate. Which proves your charges just typical con troll drivel. Mueller already made the pronouncement that he would not pursue criminal charges in the areas you suggest, dipshit. But he and his team of experienced lawyers found the trump stuff really interesting. Because, me boy, they were obvious.
What exactly is it he has on trump?
Sessions recused himself over his role in the Trump campaign, right? He hadn't done a single thing to warrant it but took the advice of "career lawyers" at the DOJ. Now we know what kind of lawyers those were/are. So what's the solution? He UNrecuses himself and fires the horse-faced turd. And what is his unrecusal based on you ask?....the fact that Rosenstein hasn't recused himself and obviously has a YUUUGE conflict of interest because he signed the order to fire Comey! He's not entitled to hire a special counsel to investigate something he did. Sessions can unrecuse himself as long as there is a change in circumstances....the campaign is long over and Rosenstein should have bowed out, not brought in Mueller who also should have declined because of his run-ins with Trump in the past. President Trump has a country to run and this ridiculous and clearly illegal distraction needs to end NOW.


Only in your dreams. Sessions was forced to recuse himself for lying under oath to congress, and he's done it 3 times now.

Jeff Sessions spoke twice with Russian envoy during presidential campaign: Department of Justice
Sessions discussed Trump campaign-related matters with Russian ambassador, U.S. intelligence intercepts show
Democrats demand that Sessions explain his meeting with Papadopoulos
Jeff Sessions sure does forget a lot of stuff about Russia and the 2016 election - CNNPolitics


The quickest most direct path to Trump's impeachment right now is to fire Robert Mueller. Frankly, I hope he does, because I am sick of this as much as you are--:auiqs.jpg:
Watch: Republican Senator Threatens to Impeach Trump if He Fires Special Counsel
Graham: Firing Mueller would be end of Trump's presidency | Daily Mail Online
If Trump fires Robert Mueller, even Republicans would back Trump’s impeachment, Democrats Say

And the reason Trump is in another tweety storm is he is eventually going to have to testify in front of Robert Mueller--and that's not going to be good. Mueller has subpeanaed his business records recently-which has sent him into another tweety rage.
Mueller Wants Trump’s Business Records. What’s the Russia Connection?

You people are really lacking a lot of information on this. A great book has come out--highly recommended and # 6 on Amazon today.


After reading the last thing you would want to do is end Mueller's investigation. 5 guilty plea's, 87 Federal Grand jury indictments and criminal charges says this doesn't go away for quite some time. Frankly this investigation is moving at the speed of light compared to Watergate, which took 2 years, 7 months before Nixon was forced to resign.


Show us on the doll where Putin touched you to make you flip your vote

It doesn't matter if Vladimir Putin changed a single vote in this country. Collusion with a foreign adversary to interfere into an American election is TREASON.

Trump and his surrogates were being picked up on daily routine spying operations from several different foreign countries since 2015.

"GCHQ first became aware in late 2015 of suspicious “interactions” between figures connected to Trump and known or suspected Russian agents, a source close to UK intelligence said. This intelligence was passed to the US as part of a routine exchange of information, they added.

Over the next six months, until summer 2016, a number of western agencies shared further information on contacts between Trump’s inner circle and Russians, sources said.

The European countries that passed on electronic intelligence – known as sigint – included Germany, Estonia and Poland. Australia, a member of the “Five Eyes” spying alliance that also includes the US, UK, Canada and New Zealand, also relayed material, one source said."

British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

Which is why Shep Smith knew in Feb. 2017, that Trump surrogates were on the phone with Russian intelligence agents, including the very day that Russians hacked into DNC databases.

Which is why Trump Jr. couldn't pull of a secret Russian meeting in the Trump tower, in June 2016.

This is going to come down to money laundering, which is why Trump has refused to release income tax returns and is flipping out right now, and why Trump is flipping out on Mueller getting into his business records.
Mueller Wants Trump’s Business Records. What’s the Russia Connection?

And it didn't help that Trump went on National T.V. and admit to Obstruction of Justice.
Trump Administration ADMITS Comey Was Fired To Kill Russia Investigation

Now maybe you'll READ the book!


What did Putin do that interfered? Can you name something?
Sessions recused himself over his role in the Trump campaign, right? He hadn't done a single thing to warrant it but took the advice of "career lawyers" at the DOJ. Now we know what kind of lawyers those were/are. So what's the solution? He UNrecuses himself and fires the horse-faced turd. And what is his unrecusal based on you ask?....the fact that Rosenstein hasn't recused himself and obviously has a YUUUGE conflict of interest because he signed the order to fire Comey! He's not entitled to hire a special counsel to investigate something he did. Sessions can unrecuse himself as long as there is a change in circumstances....the campaign is long over and Rosenstein should have bowed out, not brought in Mueller who also should have declined because of his run-ins with Trump in the past. President Trump has a country to run and this ridiculous and clearly illegal distraction needs to end NOW.


Only in your dreams. Sessions was forced to recuse himself for lying under oath to congress, and he's done it 3 times now.

Jeff Sessions spoke twice with Russian envoy during presidential campaign: Department of Justice
Sessions discussed Trump campaign-related matters with Russian ambassador, U.S. intelligence intercepts show
Democrats demand that Sessions explain his meeting with Papadopoulos
Jeff Sessions sure does forget a lot of stuff about Russia and the 2016 election - CNNPolitics


The quickest most direct path to Trump's impeachment right now is to fire Robert Mueller. Frankly, I hope he does, because I am sick of this as much as you are--:auiqs.jpg:
Watch: Republican Senator Threatens to Impeach Trump if He Fires Special Counsel
Graham: Firing Mueller would be end of Trump's presidency | Daily Mail Online
If Trump fires Robert Mueller, even Republicans would back Trump’s impeachment, Democrats Say

And the reason Trump is in another tweety storm is he is eventually going to have to testify in front of Robert Mueller--and that's not going to be good. Mueller has subpeanaed his business records recently-which has sent him into another tweety rage.
Mueller Wants Trump’s Business Records. What’s the Russia Connection?

You people are really lacking a lot of information on this. A great book has come out--highly recommended and # 6 on Amazon today.


After reading the last thing you would want to do is end Mueller's investigation. 5 guilty plea's, 87 Federal Grand jury indictments and criminal charges says this doesn't go away for quite some time. Frankly this investigation is moving at the speed of light compared to Watergate, which took 2 years, 7 months before Nixon was forced to resign.


Show us on the doll where Putin touched you to make you flip your vote

It doesn't matter if Vladimir Putin changed a single vote in this country. Collusion with a foreign adversary to interfere into an American election is TREASON.

Trump and his surrogates were being picked up on daily routine spying operations from several different foreign countries since 2015.

"GCHQ first became aware in late 2015 of suspicious “interactions” between figures connected to Trump and known or suspected Russian agents, a source close to UK intelligence said. This intelligence was passed to the US as part of a routine exchange of information, they added.

Over the next six months, until summer 2016, a number of western agencies shared further information on contacts between Trump’s inner circle and Russians, sources said.

The European countries that passed on electronic intelligence – known as sigint – included Germany, Estonia and Poland. Australia, a member of the “Five Eyes” spying alliance that also includes the US, UK, Canada and New Zealand, also relayed material, one source said."

British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

Which is why Shep Smith knew in Feb. 2017, that Trump surrogates were on the phone with Russian intelligence agents, including the very day that Russians hacked into DNC databases.

Which is why Trump Jr. couldn't pull of a secret Russian meeting in the Trump tower, in June 2016.

This is going to come down to money laundering, which is why Trump has refused to release income tax returns and is flipping out right now.

And it didn't help that Trump went on National T.V. and admit to Obstruction of Justice.
Trump Administration ADMITS Comey Was Fired To Kill Russia Investigation

Now maybe you'll READ the book!


Having the government spy on a Presidential Candidate is treason


Of course the government never spied on a Presidential candidate.

But if it did happen it might be a crime- but the Constitution is very specific about treason.

But you contards pretty much just make up the Constitution as convenient.

Well sure obummer spied ask Carter page and general Flynn
You sure are in a rush to stop Mueller's investigation- what are you so sure that Mueller will find?
What a silly question...How patient would you be if it were Obama or a president you voted for? Enough is enough....the longer it goes on the more harm it will do to democrats when Mueller is forced to say we found nothing...[/QUOTE

Oh, he will not say he found nothing, me boy. Here is why you need to ignore your con bosses and let the investigation go.
1. It is a much shorter investigation than the Nixon investigation, at least a year shorter. And, Mueller has found much more than they ever found with Nixon.
2. It is a shorter investigation than that of Clinton, and again more productive.

But, mostly, you are simply pushing the con talking points coming from our famous president, trump. Because more and more people believe that he is afraid of something they want to know about. And so we will. When Mueller wants us to know, and he is DONE.
Sessions recused himself over his role in the Trump campaign, right? He hadn't done a single thing to warrant it but took the advice of "career lawyers" at the DOJ. Now we know what kind of lawyers those were/are. So what's the solution? He UNrecuses himself and fires the horse-faced turd. And what is his unrecusal based on you ask?....the fact that Rosenstein hasn't recused himself and obviously has a YUUUGE conflict of interest because he signed the order to fire Comey! He's not entitled to hire a special counsel to investigate something he did. Sessions can unrecuse himself as long as there is a change in circumstances....the campaign is long over and Rosenstein should have bowed out, not brought in Mueller who also should have declined because of his run-ins with Trump in the past. President Trump has a country to run and this ridiculous and clearly illegal distraction needs to end NOW.


Only in your dreams. Sessions was forced to recuse himself for lying under oath to congress, and he's done it 3 times now.

Jeff Sessions spoke twice with Russian envoy during presidential campaign: Department of Justice
Sessions discussed Trump campaign-related matters with Russian ambassador, U.S. intelligence intercepts show
Democrats demand that Sessions explain his meeting with Papadopoulos
Jeff Sessions sure does forget a lot of stuff about Russia and the 2016 election - CNNPolitics


The quickest most direct path to Trump's impeachment right now is to fire Robert Mueller. Frankly, I hope he does, because I am sick of this as much as you are--:auiqs.jpg:
Watch: Republican Senator Threatens to Impeach Trump if He Fires Special Counsel
Graham: Firing Mueller would be end of Trump's presidency | Daily Mail Online
If Trump fires Robert Mueller, even Republicans would back Trump’s impeachment, Democrats Say

And the reason Trump is in another tweety storm is he is eventually going to have to testify in front of Robert Mueller--and that's not going to be good. Mueller has subpeanaed his business records recently-which has sent him into another tweety rage.
Mueller Wants Trump’s Business Records. What’s the Russia Connection?

You people are really lacking a lot of information on this. A great book has come out--highly recommended and # 6 on Amazon today.


After reading the last thing you would want to do is end Mueller's investigation. 5 guilty plea's, 87 Federal Grand jury indictments and criminal charges says this doesn't go away for quite some time. Frankly this investigation is moving at the speed of light compared to Watergate, which took 2 years, 7 months before Nixon was forced to resign.


Show us on the doll where Putin touched you to make you flip your vote

It doesn't matter if Vladimir Putin changed a single vote in this country. Collusion with a foreign adversary to interfere into an American election is TREASON.

Trump and his surrogates were being picked up on daily routine spying operations from several different foreign countries since 2015.

"GCHQ first became aware in late 2015 of suspicious “interactions” between figures connected to Trump and known or suspected Russian agents, a source close to UK intelligence said. This intelligence was passed to the US as part of a routine exchange of information, they added.

Over the next six months, until summer 2016, a number of western agencies shared further information on contacts between Trump’s inner circle and Russians, sources said.

The European countries that passed on electronic intelligence – known as sigint – included Germany, Estonia and Poland. Australia, a member of the “Five Eyes” spying alliance that also includes the US, UK, Canada and New Zealand, also relayed material, one source said."

British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

Which is why Shep Smith knew in Feb. 2017, that Trump surrogates were on the phone with Russian intelligence agents, including the very day that Russians hacked into DNC databases.

Which is why Trump Jr. couldn't pull of a secret Russian meeting in the Trump tower, in June 2016.

This is going to come down to money laundering, which is why Trump has refused to release income tax returns and is flipping out right now, and why Trump is flipping out on Mueller getting into his business records.
Mueller Wants Trump’s Business Records. What’s the Russia Connection?

And it didn't help that Trump went on National T.V. and admit to Obstruction of Justice.
Trump Administration ADMITS Comey Was Fired To Kill Russia Investigation

Now maybe you'll READ the book!


What did Putin do that interfered? Can you name something?

Patience, me boy. Patience. Mueller will tell you all about it.
Sessions recused himself over his role in the Trump campaign, right? He hadn't done a single thing to warrant it but took the advice of "career lawyers" at the DOJ. Now we know what kind of lawyers those were/are. So what's the solution? He UNrecuses himself and fires the horse-faced turd. And what is his unrecusal based on you ask?....the fact that Rosenstein hasn't recused himself and obviously has a YUUUGE conflict of interest because he signed the order to fire Comey! He's not entitled to hire a special counsel to investigate something he did. Sessions can unrecuse himself as long as there is a change in circumstances....the campaign is long over and Rosenstein should have bowed out, not brought in Mueller who also should have declined because of his run-ins with Trump in the past. President Trump has a country to run and this ridiculous and clearly illegal distraction needs to end NOW.


Only in your dreams. Sessions was forced to recuse himself for lying under oath to congress, and he's done it 3 times now.

Jeff Sessions spoke twice with Russian envoy during presidential campaign: Department of Justice
Sessions discussed Trump campaign-related matters with Russian ambassador, U.S. intelligence intercepts show
Democrats demand that Sessions explain his meeting with Papadopoulos
Jeff Sessions sure does forget a lot of stuff about Russia and the 2016 election - CNNPolitics


The quickest most direct path to Trump's impeachment right now is to fire Robert Mueller. Frankly, I hope he does, because I am sick of this as much as you are--:auiqs.jpg:
Watch: Republican Senator Threatens to Impeach Trump if He Fires Special Counsel
Graham: Firing Mueller would be end of Trump's presidency | Daily Mail Online
If Trump fires Robert Mueller, even Republicans would back Trump’s impeachment, Democrats Say

And the reason Trump is in another tweety storm is he is eventually going to have to testify in front of Robert Mueller--and that's not going to be good. Mueller has subpeanaed his business records recently-which has sent him into another tweety rage.
Mueller Wants Trump’s Business Records. What’s the Russia Connection?

You people are really lacking a lot of information on this. A great book has come out--highly recommended and # 6 on Amazon today.


After reading the last thing you would want to do is end Mueller's investigation. 5 guilty plea's, 87 Federal Grand jury indictments and criminal charges says this doesn't go away for quite some time. Frankly this investigation is moving at the speed of light compared to Watergate, which took 2 years, 7 months before Nixon was forced to resign.


Show us on the doll where Putin touched you to make you flip your vote

It doesn't matter if Vladimir Putin changed a single vote in this country. Collusion with a foreign adversary to interfere into an American election is TREASON.

Trump and his surrogates were being picked up on daily routine spying operations from several different foreign countries since 2015.

"GCHQ first became aware in late 2015 of suspicious “interactions” between figures connected to Trump and known or suspected Russian agents, a source close to UK intelligence said. This intelligence was passed to the US as part of a routine exchange of information, they added.

Over the next six months, until summer 2016, a number of western agencies shared further information on contacts between Trump’s inner circle and Russians, sources said.

The European countries that passed on electronic intelligence – known as sigint – included Germany, Estonia and Poland. Australia, a member of the “Five Eyes” spying alliance that also includes the US, UK, Canada and New Zealand, also relayed material, one source said."

British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

Which is why Shep Smith knew in Feb. 2017, that Trump surrogates were on the phone with Russian intelligence agents, including the very day that Russians hacked into DNC databases.

Which is why Trump Jr. couldn't pull of a secret Russian meeting in the Trump tower, in June 2016.

This is going to come down to money laundering, which is why Trump has refused to release income tax returns and is flipping out right now.

And it didn't help that Trump went on National T.V. and admit to Obstruction of Justice.
Trump Administration ADMITS Comey Was Fired To Kill Russia Investigation

Now maybe you'll READ the book!


Having the government spy on a Presidential Candidate is treason

No one was spying on Trump dumbass--Trump is under investigation for Obstruction of Justice for firing James Comey.

CAN you READ. Go back to post # 151 and do it over. Trump surrogates were being picked up on normal daily spying operations of Russian intelligence agents since 2015 by several different foreign countries, that we share intelligence with.

IOW--when John McCain handed the Dossier file over to James Comey in January of 2017, his response was Yeah we know.


You just hit it. Poor con troll can not read. Congenital problem, I hear.
Sessions recused himself over his role in the Trump campaign, right? He hadn't done a single thing to warrant it but took the advice of "career lawyers" at the DOJ. Now we know what kind of lawyers those were/are. So what's the solution? He UNrecuses himself and fires the horse-faced turd. And what is his unrecusal based on you ask?....the fact that Rosenstein hasn't recused himself and obviously has a YUUUGE conflict of interest because he signed the order to fire Comey! He's not entitled to hire a special counsel to investigate something he did. Sessions can unrecuse himself as long as there is a change in circumstances....the campaign is long over and Rosenstein should have bowed out, not brought in Mueller who also should have declined because of his run-ins with Trump in the past. President Trump has a country to run and this ridiculous and clearly illegal distraction needs to end NOW.


Only in your dreams. Sessions was forced to recuse himself for lying under oath to congress, and he's done it 3 times now.

Jeff Sessions spoke twice with Russian envoy during presidential campaign: Department of Justice
Sessions discussed Trump campaign-related matters with Russian ambassador, U.S. intelligence intercepts show
Democrats demand that Sessions explain his meeting with Papadopoulos
Jeff Sessions sure does forget a lot of stuff about Russia and the 2016 election - CNNPolitics


The quickest most direct path to Trump's impeachment right now is to fire Robert Mueller. Frankly, I hope he does, because I am sick of this as much as you are--:auiqs.jpg:
Watch: Republican Senator Threatens to Impeach Trump if He Fires Special Counsel
Graham: Firing Mueller would be end of Trump's presidency | Daily Mail Online
If Trump fires Robert Mueller, even Republicans would back Trump’s impeachment, Democrats Say

And the reason Trump is in another tweety storm is he is eventually going to have to testify in front of Robert Mueller--and that's not going to be good. Mueller has subpeanaed his business records recently-which has sent him into another tweety rage.
Mueller Wants Trump’s Business Records. What’s the Russia Connection?

You people are really lacking a lot of information on this. A great book has come out--highly recommended and # 6 on Amazon today.


After reading the last thing you would want to do is end Mueller's investigation. 5 guilty plea's, 87 Federal Grand jury indictments and criminal charges says this doesn't go away for quite some time. Frankly this investigation is moving at the speed of light compared to Watergate, which took 2 years, 7 months before Nixon was forced to resign.


Show us on the doll where Putin touched you to make you flip your vote

It doesn't matter if Vladimir Putin changed a single vote in this country. Collusion with a foreign adversary to interfere into an American election is TREASON.

Trump and his surrogates were being picked up on daily routine spying operations from several different foreign countries since 2015.

"GCHQ first became aware in late 2015 of suspicious “interactions” between figures connected to Trump and known or suspected Russian agents, a source close to UK intelligence said. This intelligence was passed to the US as part of a routine exchange of information, they added.

Over the next six months, until summer 2016, a number of western agencies shared further information on contacts between Trump’s inner circle and Russians, sources said.

The European countries that passed on electronic intelligence – known as sigint – included Germany, Estonia and Poland. Australia, a member of the “Five Eyes” spying alliance that also includes the US, UK, Canada and New Zealand, also relayed material, one source said."

British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

Which is why Shep Smith knew in Feb. 2017, that Trump surrogates were on the phone with Russian intelligence agents, including the very day that Russians hacked into DNC databases.

Which is why Trump Jr. couldn't pull of a secret Russian meeting in the Trump tower, in June 2016.

This is going to come down to money laundering, which is why Trump has refused to release income tax returns and is flipping out right now, and why Trump is flipping out on Mueller getting into his business records.
Mueller Wants Trump’s Business Records. What’s the Russia Connection?

And it didn't help that Trump went on National T.V. and admit to Obstruction of Justice.
Trump Administration ADMITS Comey Was Fired To Kill Russia Investigation

Now maybe you'll READ the book!


What did Putin do that interfered? Can you name something?

Patience, me boy. Patience. Mueller will tell you all about it.

Well actually no he won’t. He doesn’t report anything. You should learn the process. And currently the congress stated there’s no evidence! And they count not mueller. You’re hanging on to nothing burgers! Dude, I totally laugh at your ignorance
You sure are in a rush to stop Mueller's investigation- what are you so sure that Mueller will find?
What a silly question...How patient would you be if it were Obama or a president you voted for? Enough is enough....the longer it goes on the more harm it will do to democrats when Mueller is forced to say we found nothing...[/QUOTE

Oh, he will not say he found nothing, me boy. Here is why you need to ignore your con bosses and let the investigation go.
1. It is a much shorter investigation than the Nixon investigation, at least a year shorter. And, Mueller has found much more than they ever found with Nixon.
2. It is a shorter investigation than that of Clinton, and again more productive.

But, mostly, you are simply pushing the con talking points coming from our famous president, trump. Because more and more people believe that he is afraid of something they want to know about. And so we will. When Mueller wants us to know, and he is DONE.
Hey dummy you posted inside my quote...
Only in your dreams. Sessions was forced to recuse himself for lying under oath to congress, and he's done it 3 times now.

Jeff Sessions spoke twice with Russian envoy during presidential campaign: Department of Justice
Sessions discussed Trump campaign-related matters with Russian ambassador, U.S. intelligence intercepts show
Democrats demand that Sessions explain his meeting with Papadopoulos
Jeff Sessions sure does forget a lot of stuff about Russia and the 2016 election - CNNPolitics


The quickest most direct path to Trump's impeachment right now is to fire Robert Mueller. Frankly, I hope he does, because I am sick of this as much as you are--:auiqs.jpg:
Watch: Republican Senator Threatens to Impeach Trump if He Fires Special Counsel
Graham: Firing Mueller would be end of Trump's presidency | Daily Mail Online
If Trump fires Robert Mueller, even Republicans would back Trump’s impeachment, Democrats Say

And the reason Trump is in another tweety storm is he is eventually going to have to testify in front of Robert Mueller--and that's not going to be good. Mueller has subpeanaed his business records recently-which has sent him into another tweety rage.
Mueller Wants Trump’s Business Records. What’s the Russia Connection?

You people are really lacking a lot of information on this. A great book has come out--highly recommended and # 6 on Amazon today.


After reading the last thing you would want to do is end Mueller's investigation. 5 guilty plea's, 87 Federal Grand jury indictments and criminal charges says this doesn't go away for quite some time. Frankly this investigation is moving at the speed of light compared to Watergate, which took 2 years, 7 months before Nixon was forced to resign.


Show us on the doll where Putin touched you to make you flip your vote

It doesn't matter if Vladimir Putin changed a single vote in this country. Collusion with a foreign adversary to interfere into an American election is TREASON.

Trump and his surrogates were being picked up on daily routine spying operations from several different foreign countries since 2015.

"GCHQ first became aware in late 2015 of suspicious “interactions” between figures connected to Trump and known or suspected Russian agents, a source close to UK intelligence said. This intelligence was passed to the US as part of a routine exchange of information, they added.

Over the next six months, until summer 2016, a number of western agencies shared further information on contacts between Trump’s inner circle and Russians, sources said.

The European countries that passed on electronic intelligence – known as sigint – included Germany, Estonia and Poland. Australia, a member of the “Five Eyes” spying alliance that also includes the US, UK, Canada and New Zealand, also relayed material, one source said."

British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

Which is why Shep Smith knew in Feb. 2017, that Trump surrogates were on the phone with Russian intelligence agents, including the very day that Russians hacked into DNC databases.

Which is why Trump Jr. couldn't pull of a secret Russian meeting in the Trump tower, in June 2016.

This is going to come down to money laundering, which is why Trump has refused to release income tax returns and is flipping out right now.

And it didn't help that Trump went on National T.V. and admit to Obstruction of Justice.
Trump Administration ADMITS Comey Was Fired To Kill Russia Investigation

Now maybe you'll READ the book!


Having the government spy on a Presidential Candidate is treason

No one was spying on Trump dumbass--Trump is under investigation for Obstruction of Justice for firing James Comey.

CAN you READ. Go back to post # 151 and do it over. Trump surrogates were being picked up on normal daily spying operations of Russian intelligence agents since 2015 by several different foreign countries, that we share intelligence with.

IOW--when John McCain handed the Dossier file over to James Comey in January of 2017, his response was Yeah we know.


You just hit it. Poor con troll can not read. Congenital problem, I hear.

Poor leftist loser still losing eating nothing burgers
a lot of reasons. one being that poorly educated people were manipulated into thinking & agreeing with a lot of fake news. poor things. even when trump goes down in flames- they don't even realize they are being set up to believe it was a plot by the FBI... & i'm sure obama & hillary will be blamed too..
In other words you don't know and you don't care. Perhaps it was the fact that Crazy Hillary was too stupid to do electoral math and spent the last few days of the campaign talking to supporters in California, a state she had already won by a large margin while Trump, apparently much better at math, was hard at work campaigning in the swing states that eventually gave him the election.

i told you why. & you don't care that russia interfered to make it happen for you.
lol So far there is no evidence anything Russia may have done effected teh election in any way.

mueller hasn't told you yet, that's why.

He hasn't told anyone because he hasn't got anything.

There you go. Since you think Mueller spent a year digging and has nothing, then if I were you, I would just cool my jets and watch the show.
You sure are in a rush to stop Mueller's investigation- what are you so sure that Mueller will find?
What a silly question...How patient would you be if it were Obama or a president you voted for? Enough is enough....the longer it goes on the more harm it will do to democrats when Mueller is forced to say we found nothing...[/QUOTE

Oh, he will not say he found nothing, me boy. Here is why you need to ignore your con bosses and let the investigation go.
1. It is a much shorter investigation than the Nixon investigation, at least a year shorter. And, Mueller has found much more than they ever found with Nixon.
2. It is a shorter investigation than that of Clinton, and again more productive.

But, mostly, you are simply pushing the con talking points coming from our famous president, trump. Because more and more people believe that he is afraid of something they want to know about. And so we will. When Mueller wants us to know, and he is DONE.
Hey dummy you posted inside my quote...

Oops, sorry about that.
In other words you don't know and you don't care. Perhaps it was the fact that Crazy Hillary was too stupid to do electoral math and spent the last few days of the campaign talking to supporters in California, a state she had already won by a large margin while Trump, apparently much better at math, was hard at work campaigning in the swing states that eventually gave him the election.

i told you why. & you don't care that russia interfered to make it happen for you.
lol So far there is no evidence anything Russia may have done effected teh election in any way.

mueller hasn't told you yet, that's why.

He hasn't told anyone because he hasn't got anything.

There you go. Since you think Mueller spent a year digging and has nothing, then if I were you, I would just cool my jets and watch the show.
The show's over Dum dum, and it's time for Mueller to find the integrity to acknowledge there's nothing left to find and go home.

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