Here's the evidence of VOTER FRAUD that big media can't seem to find.

it’s called “integrity”.

Democrats today have lost all of this. The word integrity is a foreign concept devoid of meaning to them.

The libtard sheeples that are your average modern day Democraps would rather watch the Republic for which we stand, and our democracy fall into ruin..because that will assuage their TDS.
You better come up with a good evidence before accusing someone with fraud.
Facts Matters.
Funny, because isn’t it your buddies, including your politicians, who are constantly calling people racists, white supremacists, xenophobes, sexists, etc etc?
Zero evidence for that, but it happens non stop.

Another far right wing blog/Op-Ed.
Find a legitimate source backed by official investigation and try again, Sparky.
"Legitimate source" meaning a leftwing source. Why would we get credible information from people are participating in this coup? The official investigation is just getting started. Once again, the leftwing douchebags imposes conditions that are impossible to meet or that prove nothing.
There are plenty of sources debunking voter fraud.
1) Sean Spicer.
2) MItt Romney.
3) Nevada AG.
4) Pat Toomey.
5) and other republicans like Karl Rove.

none of these are on the left.
Those are opinions. They mean nothing.
When there is no evidence provided, any allegations of voter fraud are opinion.

Another far right wing blog/Op-Ed.
Find a legitimate source backed by official investigation and try again, Sparky.
"Legitimate source" meaning a leftwing source. Why would we get credible information from people are participating in this coup? The official investigation is just getting started. Once again, the leftwing douchebags imposes conditions that are impossible to meet or that prove nothing.
There are plenty of sources debunking voter fraud.
1) Sean Spicer.
2) MItt Romney.
3) Nevada AG.
4) Pat Toomey.
5) and other republicans like Karl Rove.

none of these are on the left.
Republicans part of the corrupt two party system in bed with the Clintons,bidens and Obamas like Rove,Spicer,Toomey don't count troll,you didn't read or watch a single bit of evidence on this thread that debunks their lies.
it’s called “integrity”.

Democrats today have lost all of this. The word integrity is a foreign concept devoid of meaning to them.

The libtard sheeples that are your average modern day Democraps would rather watch the Republic for which we stand, and our democracy fall into ruin..because that will assuage their TDS.
You better come up with a good evidence before accusing someone with fraud.
Facts Matters.
Funny, because isn’t it your buddies, including your politicians, who are constantly calling people racists, white supremacists, xenophobes, sexists, etc etc?
Zero evidence for that, but it happens non stop.
yep sure

it just got even better.

We need legal evidence ... not insinuation ... flash us two seconds of video and say this is compelling? ... c'mon, zoom in, frame by frame, let us see the poll worker filling out the ballot ... post this list of dead people voting ... give us proof positive these extra ballots didn't arrive via USPS ...

The logic here is "IF they could cheat, THEN they DID cheat" ... millions of people on the inside ... a vast conspiracy involving 72 million voters casting their ballots for Quid Pro Joe ... shocking Biden's name was even printed on the ballots to begin with ...

Every judge in every state working together to embarrass The Donald ... see how many lawsuits have been thrown out already due to a lack of legal evidence ... Brad Raffensperger (Georgia Sec. of State) is the linchpin, pretending to be a Republican just so he could throw the Georgia election blue ... them commie dogs have moles all up-and-down all levels of government ...

Or maybe The Donald lost ... meh ... snowflakes got to be snowflakes ...

Nobody claimed 72 million people voted fraudulently. The fact that you have to say that is what Trump is saying shows you're worried about this.

With 75% of all votes counted in 5 states, Trump was ahead in 4 of them, 3 of them substantially. All of a sudden Trump wakes up and he's behind in every state except NC. In one location, 23000 ballots were found, not a single one of them went for Trump. In a nation of almost dead even voting, that is statistically impossible.

The democrats LOST 5 seats in the House. Does this sound like a voting block of people ready to put Biden in the White House?

The republicans maintained control of the senate. Does this sound like a voting block of people ready to put Biden in the White House?

Republican, not democrat, poll watchers are being blocked and thrown out of polling places around the nation. Does this sound like honest voting to you? You know if democrat poll watchers were being thrown out of polling places and the votes were going for Trump the left would be whining and screaming even louder than they have for the past 4 years.

Biden's rallies had dozens. Trumps had tens of thousands. Does this look like a voting block that wants to put Biden in the White House?

It makes no sense, mathematically, statistically or otherwise why Biden is ahead other than voter fraud. It's clear as day. We have multiple instances around the country. Entire counties are flipping for Trump after manual recounts

It's ridiculous. Just like typical liberals, they can't win honestly, they have to cheat. Just like with the SCOTUS.
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You are
A right wing hoax? Poll workers from either party work in those locations.

the cheating is in democrat precincts with democrat appointed poll workers

You are hallucinating. If your claim is true.... Biden could have won by landslide.

In Georgia senate race. Purdue (R) vs Ossoff (D). The winner Purdue by wide margin. The same ballots as the president. Currently Biden ahead of 4,124 vs Trump.
When there is no evidence provided, any allegations of voter fraud are opinion.
Your phony Dem ballots will be thrown out because they don't have the official watermark on them. Trump will be your president for four more years.
it’s called “integrity”.

Democrats today have lost all of this. The word integrity is a foreign concept devoid of meaning to them.

The libtard sheeples that are your average modern day Democraps would rather watch the Republic for which we stand, and our democracy fall into ruin..because that will assuage their TDS.
You better come up with a good evidence before accusing someone with fraud.
Facts Matters.
Funny, because isn’t it your buddies, including your politicians, who are constantly calling people racists, white supremacists, xenophobes, sexists, etc etc?
Zero evidence for that, but it happens non stop.
Yes the evidence are all over you are just in denial. Called TDS Trump Denial Syndrome.
it’s called “integrity”.

Democrats today have lost all of this. The word integrity is a foreign concept devoid of meaning to them.

The libtard sheeples that are your average modern day Democraps would rather watch the Republic for which we stand, and our democracy fall into ruin..because that will assuage their TDS.
You better come up with a good evidence before accusing someone with fraud.
Facts Matters.
Funny, because isn’t it your buddies, including your politicians, who are constantly calling people racists, white supremacists, xenophobes, sexists, etc etc?
Zero evidence for that, but it happens non stop.
Yes the evidence are all over you are just in denial. Called TDS Trump Denial Syndrome.
No its you and your idiots in denial. Recorded proof, photographic proof, ignoring ORDERS from judges, then the idiot Biden goes live stream and essentially ADMITS they are cowards committing fraud. The SCOTUS will get final word, then you idiots will be crying.
When there is no evidence provided, any allegations of voter fraud are opinion.
Your phony Dem ballots will be thrown out because they don't have the official watermark on them. Trump will be your president for four more years.
that one was debunked.

The democrats LOST 5 seats in the House. Does this sound like a voting block of people ready to put Biden in the White House?

The republicans maintained control of the senate. Does this sound like a voting block of people ready to put Biden in the White House?
Sounds like a population that is sick of Trump’s nonsense.

Another far right wing blog/Op-Ed.
Find a legitimate source backed by official investigation and try again, Sparky.
"Legitimate source" meaning a leftwing source. Why would we get credible information from people are participating in this coup? The official investigation is just getting started. Once again, the leftwing douchebags imposes conditions that are impossible to meet or that prove nothing.
Bri.... fraud fraud fraud is only coming from Donnie and his gullibles mouth ..... you need to give something to prove it. We cannot just rely on his words FRAUD FRAUD FRAUD.
I'm posted pleny of eviden since the election. You're spouting talkinb points. We all know your Dim party bosses have ordered you to lie about the election and never admit the truth. You aren't credible. No Dim scumbag is.
No. You’ve posted nothing but fake news.

Fake news is not evidence.
Video of an election official filling in ballots is fake news?
It’s not evidence of fraud. It’s the legal procedure for transferring the votes from a ballot that can’t go through the scanner onto a new ballot. It’s observed closely by both sides of observers.

Calling that evidence of fraud is fake news since it’s normal procedure.
I thought about pointing this out earlier, but I didn't want to spoil their fun.
We need legal evidence ... not insinuation ... flash us two seconds of video and say this is compelling? ... c'mon, zoom in, frame by frame, let us see the poll worker filling out the ballot ... post this list of dead people voting ... give us proof positive these extra ballots didn't arrive via USPS ...

The logic here is "IF they could cheat, THEN they DID cheat" ... millions of people on the inside ... a vast conspiracy involving 72 million voters casting their ballots for Quid Pro Joe ... shocking Biden's name was even printed on the ballots to begin with ...

Every judge in every state working together to embarrass The Donald ... see how many lawsuits have been thrown out already due to a lack of legal evidence ... Brad Raffensperger (Georgia Sec. of State) is the linchpin, pretending to be a Republican just so he could throw the Georgia election blue ... them commie dogs have moles all up-and-down all levels of government ...

Or maybe The Donald lost ... meh ... snowflakes got to be snowflakes ...

Nobody claimed 72 million people voted fraudulently. The fact that you have to say that is what Trump is saying you're worried about this.

With 75% of all votes counted in 5 states, Trump was ahead in 4 of them, 3 of them substantially. All of a sudden Trump wakes up and he's behind in every state except NC. In one location, 23000 ballots were found, not a single one of them went for Trump. In a nation of almost dead even voting, that is statistically impossible.

The democrats LOST 5 seats in the House. Does this sound like a voting block of people ready to put Biden in the White House?

The republicans maintained control of the senate. Does this sound like a voting block of people ready to put Biden in the White House?

Republican, not democrat, poll watchers are being blocked and thrown out of polling places around the nation. Does this sound like honest voting to you? You know if democrat poll watchers were being thrown out of polling places and the votes were going for Trump the left would be whining and screaming even louder than they have for the past 4 years.

Biden's rallies had dozens. Trumps had tens of thousands. Does this look like a voting block that wants to put Biden in the White House?

It makes no sense, mathmatically, statistically or otherwise why Biden is ahead other than voter fraud. It's clear as day. We have multiple instances around the country. Entire counties are flipping for Trump after manual recounts.
You are misguided and very poorly informed.

1. In Pennsylvania by early Monday (11/2) they received total of 2.4 mail in ballots. By law set up by GOP legislature they cannot open or work on those ballots till 7 am in
on Tuesday 11/3. Election Day they count the voter in person first that’s why Trump was ahead. The whole day and night the following day Trump numbers of 600,000+ evaporated bcoz of the mail in ballots.

2. Poll workers and watchers are set up prior to election polls. You don’t go around Walmart asking for volunteers during the election. These are organized by their own political party with managers...... You do NOT just come up in the middle of the battle and suddenly you complain that you cannot see your DICK. That is just pure hogwash.

3. Trump Rallies that was the same in 2016 but Hillary got more popular votes. Currently Biden holds the record of the most popular votes in US history of 74+ millions votes and counting.
4. Voter fraud. You need to come up with evidence before you can say there is a fraud.
I like how that woman had to explain what "direct evidence" is to her audience.

That's because her viewership aren't the sharpest tools in the shed, if you know what I mean.
Now, if someone would just explain what the word evidence, means to the left, then we would all be in the know.

I don't see any evidence of a fire ~Democrats

We need legal evidence ... not insinuation ... flash us two seconds of video and say this is compelling? ... c'mon, zoom in, frame by frame, let us see the poll worker filling out the ballot ... post this list of dead people voting ... give us proof positive these extra ballots didn't arrive via USPS ...

The logic here is "IF they could cheat, THEN they DID cheat" ... millions of people on the inside ... a vast conspiracy involving 72 million voters casting their ballots for Quid Pro Joe ... shocking Biden's name was even printed on the ballots to begin with ...

Every judge in every state working together to embarrass The Donald ... see how many lawsuits have been thrown out already due to a lack of legal evidence ... Brad Raffensperger (Georgia Sec. of State) is the linchpin, pretending to be a Republican just so he could throw the Georgia election blue ... them commie dogs have moles all up-and-down all levels of government ...

Or maybe The Donald lost ... meh ... snowflakes got to be snowflakes ...

Nobody claimed 72 million people voted fraudulently. The fact that you have to say that is what Trump is saying you're worried about this.

With 75% of all votes counted in 5 states, Trump was ahead in 4 of them, 3 of them substantially. All of a sudden Trump wakes up and he's behind in every state except NC. In one location, 23000 ballots were found, not a single one of them went for Trump. In a nation of almost dead even voting, that is statistically impossible.

The democrats LOST 5 seats in the House. Does this sound like a voting block of people ready to put Biden in the White House?

The republicans maintained control of the senate. Does this sound like a voting block of people ready to put Biden in the White House?

Republican, not democrat, poll watchers are being blocked and thrown out of polling places around the nation. Does this sound like honest voting to you? You know if democrat poll watchers were being thrown out of polling places and the votes were going for Trump the left would be whining and screaming even louder than they have for the past 4 years.

Biden's rallies had dozens. Trumps had tens of thousands. Does this look like a voting block that wants to put Biden in the White House?

It makes no sense, mathmatically, statistically or otherwise why Biden is ahead other than voter fraud. It's clear as day. We have multiple instances around the country. Entire counties are flipping for Trump after manual recounts.
You are misguided and very poorly informed.

1. In Pennsylvania by early Monday (11/2) they received total of 2.4 mail in ballots. By law set up by GOP legislature they cannot open or work on those ballots till 7 am in
on Tuesday 11/3. Election Day they count the voter in person first that’s why Trump was ahead. The whole day and night the following day Trump numbers of 600,000+ evaporated bcoz of the mail in ballots.

2. Poll workers and watchers are set up prior to election polls. You don’t go around Walmart asking for volunteers during the election. These are organized by their own political party with managers...... You do NOT just come up in the middle of the battle and suddenly you complain that you cannot see your DICK. That is just pure hogwash.

3. Trump Rallies that was the same in 2016 but Hillary got more popular votes. Currently Biden holds the record of the most popular votes in US history of 74+ millions votes and counting.
4. Voter fraud. You need to come up with evidence before you can say there is a fraud.

There is tons of evidence of voter fraud. 23000 ballots, no Trump ballots. Counties flipping for Trump after being manually counted. "Accidentally" putting an extra "0" on Bidens ballot count, giving him 130,000 votes that were later removed only because someone caught it.

You can call them "honest mistakes" but when EVERY SINGLE MISTAKE goes in Bidens favor, they're not mistakes anymore.

The evidence is there. You just have to want to see it.
Voter fraud. You need to come up with evidence before you can say there is a fraud.
and yet "Trump rigged the 2016 election with Russia", right?

Not a shred of evidence, and people had no problem shouting he was a cheater and illegitimate over 3.9 years.


We all know there are very curious issues reported on these handful of states, and we know chunks of all-Biden votes are being found in mathematically impossible ways.

Idiotic hypocrites, you people are.
The American media is on it's death bed.

My friend Christina Bobb explains the evidence of voter fraud mounting daily and the media’s refusal to acknowledge it.

Her 14k voters fraud in Detroit has already been disproven...

Lets be clear accusation by twitter are nothing... Get an actual real investigation... The laugh here is ye think ye are winning court cases with no evidence...

By the way, I think ballot workers fill out ballots when machines can't read them but voter intent has been secured by the appointed vote supervisor (can't remember the name)...
The American media is on it's death bed.

My friend Christina Bobb explains the evidence of voter fraud mounting daily and the media’s refusal to acknowledge it.

Her 14k voters fraud in Detroit has already been disproven...

Lets be clear accusation by twitter are nothing... Get an actual real investigation... The laugh here is ye think ye are winning court cases with no evidence...

By the way, I think ballot workers fill out ballots when machines can't read them but voter intent has been secured by the appointed vote supervisor (can't remember the name)...

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