Here's the evidence of VOTER FRAUD that big media can't seem to find.

That's because the judges were appointed by Obammy.
The courts are littered with deep state cover judges....holdovers going back to Clinton.

Or.....Trump's legal arguments suck and his evidence to back them non-existent.

Remember, when pressed by the judges to present evidence of wide spread voter fraud, Trump's own attorney's admit that they're not even ALLEGING fraud in their legal arguments.
The CIA powerful supercomputer system known as the Hammer with its application Scorecard was deployed to steal the 2020 election from President Donald J. Trump as it was done earlier to help Obama and Biden.

Our beloved United States of America is now a Banana Republic. The Dominion Voter Systems with the software of the Smartmatic voting machines from Venezuela were used in 30 states and Puerto Rico to commit massive election fraud.

They were assisted by the CIA, crooked poll workers and supervisors, Democratic mayors and governors and leaders of the Marxist Democratic Party in Congress, Big Tech, and the corrupt media, including Fox News.

Even though the state legislatures have not certified a winner, votes are still being counted and in others recounted. The Trump campaign is in the process of filing multiple lawsuits, the media has proclaimed Joe Biden as president elect.

However, the media does not determine who wins elections. The American people do and when it is litigated, courts will do it. America is now no different from Venezuela, Nicaragua, Cuba, and Third World and communist nations that commit election fraud in every election.

OPERATION THE HAMMER and Its Application SCORECARD were Used in the 2020 Elections and in the Past

Obama’s Operation THE HAMMER was one of the worst scandals in American history. Deep State CIA operators used it in the 2020 elections.

Not sure if this helps Trump or not, but Alex Jones
isn't wrong that often... The few times he's been off make him look like a loon though.

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