Here's the evidence of VOTER FRAUD that big media can't seem to find.

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The American media is on it's death bed.

My friend Christina Bobb explains the evidence of voter fraud mounting daily and the media’s refusal to acknowledge it.

The courts can't seem to find fraud either.

its not the courts job to find it,,,

If not to find and punish illegal actions, what are the court's functions? The court isn't just the Judge, it's the attorneys for both sides as well. To date the judges have been preventing the attorneys doing their jobs in the determination of the facts and if illegal actions have taken place or not. Dismissing cases before the discovery of all the facts is hardly justice.

Everyone with any interest in justice or the fairness of our electoral process should want the entire process investigated to prove once and for all that their was no fraud, or mistakes in the election or that there was and the perpetrators should be punished to the full extent of the law.

The least the American people need and deserve is to have the honesty of our elections proven beyond any doubt.
its not the courts job to find it,,,
True! It’s the petitioner’s job to find it. The court has asked Trump’s lawyers for evidence of fraud and they’ve not been able to present any.
Because they need the discovery process to find the proof. Just like the discovery process was needed to confirm the belief of the plaintiffs that Big Tobacco was hiding the fact that nicotine was addictive and harmful. What Trump's attorneys are in effect saying is that they see a lot of smoke and need the court's ability to compel testimony and the production of evidence to determine if there is a fire under there or just a smoke grenade.
Took 3 days to coordinate the fix
Almost all the large late responders from big Democrat cities
Election Day became Election Week
Continue to accept ballots from anyone, anywhere, up to anytime until Biden wins.
It's easy to count all the votes in Hooterville.

700,000 people live in Detroit
That's bigger than 4 red states. North Dakota Alaska Vermont Wyoming
And it has the capability to hire and train a proportionate number of poll workers.
It's easy to count all the votes in Hooterville.

700,000 people live in Detroit
That's bigger than 4 red states. North Dakota Alaska Vermont Wyoming

Actually, the metro Detroit area population is 3,548,000.(about 1/3rd of Michigan's population.
Was 4.8 million until it turned into a shithole.
Took 3 days to coordinate the fix
Almost all the large late responders from big Democrat cities
Election Day became Election Week
Continue to accept ballots from anyone, anywhere, up to anytime until Biden wins.
It's easy to count all the votes in Hooterville.

700,000 people live in Detroit
That's bigger than 4 red states. North Dakota Alaska Vermont Wyoming
And it has the capability to hire and train a proportionate number of poll workers.
Plus trump slowed up the mail on purpose. Charges will be brought against trump and the person he put in charge to slow the mail up before a historic election.

You guys tried, you failed. I know your goal is to have the Supreme Court to steal it or have it come down to a house vote where each state gets one.

Because so far youve been laughed out of every Court.

And how come Barr hasn’t brought charges against Hillary biden or Obama? For all the shit you claim they do
Even Newsmax, the new favorite channel of the kookservatives, are saying Sydney Powell sounds like a loon.

Screen Shot 2020-11-22 at 10.12.37 AM.png

It's easy to count all the votes in Hooterville.

700,000 people live in Detroit
That's bigger than 4 red states. North Dakota Alaska Vermont Wyoming

Actually, the metro Detroit area population is 3,548,000.(about 1/3rd of Michigan's population.
Was 4.8 million until it turned into a shithole.
I always thought Detroit went from 1.4 million to about 700,000.

Hey, detroiters took your advice. They got out of that shithole. Now they are out here in metro Detroit with the rest of us where the economic opportunities are.

Lets face it. There aren’t enough jobs inside Detroit to justify one and a half million residents.

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