Here’s video PROOF that Trump was at Ground Zero after 9/11… MSM FAKE NEWS Busted Again!

Of course he was, he has to stick his nose all over the place. Photo op is what it is.

please give the link that says otherwise??
You know how to use a SEARCH ENGINE...Of course not...another brain dead terrorist muslim!
Let's see how good you are with a SEARCH ENGINE. So far, all we have seen in multiple threads on this topic are videos of Trump from blocks away from Ground Zero. Not a single photo or video of Trump at Ground Zero, nor a shred of evidence for supporting his lie about providing hundreds of his workers for volunteer work.
How about if you get on that and back up your lying Prez.

Dang, blocks away is not good enough. Not quite sure how far "blocks" is, so how about telling us. Is three blocks close enough, or your limit is one block? Or do you really need him to be standing on the ruble of one of the fallen towers? Dumbass.

Full blown TDS.
So now, in Trump world, commenting on Trump being caught telling disgusting lies is a sign TDS.
/—-/ What lie? The video proves he was there and you still reject it. That’s TDS.
Dang, blocks away is not good enough. Not quite sure how far "blocks" is, so how about telling us. Is three blocks close enough, or your limit is one block? Or do you really need him to be standing on the ruble of one of the fallen towers?
Well the German interview said they were at the Wall Street Stock Exchange, so that is more than a few blocks away, and he was in a suit and tie that was pristine so he wasn't clearing any rubble as he claimed. ^

All day long today the dominant MSM narrative has been that President Trump lied about his presence at Ground Zero after 9/11. This archived video proves the President has been telling the truth.

MSM: Trump lied and said he was at Ground Zero during the aftermath of 9/11....You CAN NOT believe ANYTHING the Commie press says!

Of course he was, he has to stick his nose all over the place. Photo op is what it is.

I take that back, looks like a fake video.Citizen Free Press is the Drudge Report alternative…

please give the link that says otherwise?? Never mind I'll supply one.
The facts about Trump and the 9/11 site

Here's the NBC interview, without the Citizen Free Press link.

Trump is nowhere near ground zero and the first responders and clean up crews in this video.
how is it proof he wasnt???

Can’t prove a negative.
well the video kinda proves he was,,,,

No, it proves he was blocks away telling a story that has never been corroborated.

how big an area is ground zero???

and how do you know he was blocks away,,,or how do you know not a speck of dust was on him,,,and how does that matter,,,

I know he was blocks away because there are hundreds of other spectators standing around watching what is going on.

I know he is not dirty because I can see him in the interview.

It only matters if honesty matters.

well youve never been proven to be an honest person so believe what you want
What lie? The video proves he was there and you still reject it.
His lie was he helped clear rubble which is NOT shown in the video, plus he said he "spent a lot of time there," so one photo op is NOT a lot of time.
You know how to use a SEARCH ENGINE...Of course not...another brain dead terrorist muslim!
Let's see how good you are with a SEARCH ENGINE. So far, all we have seen in multiple threads on this topic are videos of Trump from blocks away from Ground Zero. Not a single photo or video of Trump at Ground Zero, nor a shred of evidence for supporting his lie about providing hundreds of his workers for volunteer work.
How about if you get on that and back up your lying Prez.

Dang, blocks away is not good enough. Not quite sure how far "blocks" is, so how about telling us. Is three blocks close enough, or your limit is one block? Or do you really need him to be standing on the ruble of one of the fallen towers? Dumbass.

Full blown TDS.
So now, in Trump world, commenting on Trump being caught telling disgusting lies is a sign TDS.
/—-/ What lie? The video proves he was there and you still reject it. That’s TDS.
Nope, it proves he was nowhere near where he claims he was.
What lie? The video proves he was there and you still reject it.
His lie was he helped clear rubble which is NOT shown in the video, plus he said he "spent a lot of time there," so one photo op is NOT a lot of time.
when did he say he was on clean up???
he specifically said he wasnt,,,

no one photo op is just that,,,what he did before and after arent shown
Let's see how good you are with a SEARCH ENGINE. So far, all we have seen in multiple threads on this topic are videos of Trump from blocks away from Ground Zero. Not a single photo or video of Trump at Ground Zero, nor a shred of evidence for supporting his lie about providing hundreds of his workers for volunteer work.
How about if you get on that and back up your lying Prez.

Dang, blocks away is not good enough. Not quite sure how far "blocks" is, so how about telling us. Is three blocks close enough, or your limit is one block? Or do you really need him to be standing on the ruble of one of the fallen towers? Dumbass.

Full blown TDS.
So now, in Trump world, commenting on Trump being caught telling disgusting lies is a sign TDS.
/—-/ What lie? The video proves he was there and you still reject it. That’s TDS.
Nope, it proves he was nowhere near where he claims he was.
/——/ Yeah, he was in Baltimore— you dumbazz.
What lie? The video proves he was there and you still reject it.
His lie was he helped clear rubble which is NOT shown in the video, plus he said he "spent a lot of time there," so one photo op is NOT a lot of time.
There is not one single photo or video of Trump being with first responders or a cleanup crew at Ground Zero or one report verifying he was there.
What lie? The video proves he was there and you still reject it.
His lie was he helped clear rubble which is NOT shown in the video, plus he said he "spent a lot of time there," so one photo op is NOT a lot of time.
There is not one single photo or video of Trump being with first responders or a cleanup crew at Ground Zero or one report verifying he was there.
/—-/ He clearly stated he wasn’t. Next rant — batter up.
What lie? The video proves he was there and you still reject it.
His lie was he helped clear rubble which is NOT shown in the video, plus he said he "spent a lot of time there," so one photo op is NOT a lot of time.
There is not one single photo or video of Trump being with first responders or a cleanup crew at Ground Zero or one report verifying he was there.
/——/ no photos except when there are.
Why is this so important for you to believe he was there, he told many lies about 9-11 and he is a pathological compulsive liar. He most likely did anything for a photo op but that was it.

He is playing the victim all the time, he use to call the papers with a fake name and told stories about himself.
He accuses the papers of lying, but he is the one lying.
Dang, blocks away is not good enough. Not quite sure how far "blocks" is, so how about telling us. Is three blocks close enough, or your limit is one block? Or do you really need him to be standing on the ruble of one of the fallen towers?
Well the German interview said they were at the Wall Street Stock Exchange, so that is more than a few blocks away, and he was in a suit and tie that was pristine so he wasn't clearing any rubble as he claimed.
/—-/ Link please
Why is this so important for you to believe he was there, he told many lies about 9-11 and he is a pathological compulsive liar. He most likely did anything for a photo op but that was it.

He is playing the victim all the time, he use to call the papers with a fake name and told stories about himself.
He accuses the papers of lying, but he is the one lying.
/—-/ Because we refute your lies and hatred at every turn. Why would we let your deception go unchallenged? So now admit you were wrong.
What lie? The video proves he was there and you still reject it.
His lie was he helped clear rubble which is NOT shown in the video, plus he said he "spent a lot of time there," so one photo op is NOT a lot of time.
There is not one single photo or video of Trump being with first responders or a cleanup crew at Ground Zero or one report verifying he was there.
/——/ no photos except when there are.
View attachment 272120
You are easy to dupe and scam. That photo is not ground zero and those are not first responders.
What lie? The video proves he was there and you still reject it.
His lie was he helped clear rubble which is NOT shown in the video, plus he said he "spent a lot of time there," so one photo op is NOT a lot of time.
There is not one single photo or video of Trump being with first responders or a cleanup crew at Ground Zero or one report verifying he was there.
/——/ no photos except when there are.
View attachment 272120
You are easy to dupe and scam. That photo is not ground zero and those are not first responders.
/—-/ Post proof, not your biased TDS opinion. ^

All day long today the dominant MSM narrative has been that President Trump lied about his presence at Ground Zero after 9/11. This archived video proves the President has been telling the truth.

MSM: Trump lied and said he was at Ground Zero during the aftermath of 9/11....You CAN NOT believe ANYTHING the Commie press says!

That looks like a Russian video.

Speaking of which, did you like how much time the dimocrap FILTH running for president and the lyingest lying scumbag network in human history spent on the Collusion Delusion last night?

What lie? The video proves he was there and you still reject it.
His lie was he helped clear rubble which is NOT shown in the video, plus he said he "spent a lot of time there," so one photo op is NOT a lot of time.
There is not one single photo or video of Trump being with first responders or a cleanup crew at Ground Zero or one report verifying he was there.
/—-/ He clearly stated he wasn’t. Next rant — batter up.
View attachment 272118
Hey LIAR, that is WALL STREET, not ground zero and that photo was taken Sept 18th. And those "workers" are too well dressed to be working at clearing rubble and they are not wearing masks which they would be wearing at ground zero.


UNITED STATES - SEPTEMBER 18: Donald Trump speaks outside the New York Stock Exchange. A week after a terrorist attack brought down the World Trade Centers' twin towers, Trump said that New York will rebuild. (Photo by Todd Maisel/NY Daily News Archive via Getty Images)
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