Here's What Happened When Google Employees Staged an Anti-Israel Protest in Their Boss' Office


Diamond Member
Jun 27, 2019
It wasn’t a massive uprising, but it did lead to police storming into the space and arresting all involved. Some Google employees in California and New York decided to stage an anti-Israel protest in their offices, demanding the tech company sever ties with the Jewish state. Their antics disrupted the workplace of the normal employees who were there to do their jobs. It’s not the first time a Google employee has voiced anti-Israel sentiments. That person was later fired. The same thing should happen to these clowns (via WaPo):

Several Google employees were arrested Tuesday evening at the company’s offices in New York City and Sunnyvale, Calif., after staging sit-ins to protest the tech giant’s work with the Israeli government, escalating the conflict inside tech companies over the war in Gaza and whether U.S. companies should sell their technology to Israel.
Nine employees were arrested across both offices, according to Jane Chung, a spokesperson for the protesters. A video taken by one of the protesters and shared with The Washington Post shows New York Police Department officers walk into the Google office and calmly tell protesters that they will be arrested if they don’t leave. When the workers refuse, the police ask them to turn around and put their hands behind their backs.
“Physically impeding other employees’ work and preventing them from accessing our facilities is a clear violation of our policies, and we will investigate and take action,” said Bailey Tomson, a Google spokesperson. “These employees were put on administrative leave, and their access to our systems was cut. After refusing multiple requests to leave the premises, law enforcement was engaged to remove them to ensure office safety.”
Protesters entered the offices in New York and California around 2 p.m. Eastern time, vowing to stay there until the company met their demand that Google pull out of a $1.2 billion contract it shares with Amazon to provide cloud services and data centers to the Israeli government. Other protesters rallied outside the company’s offices in New York, Sunnyvale and Seattle.
In early March, Google fired a worker who stood up and protested during a speech by Google’s top executive in Israel at a conference in New York. Zelda Montes, a software engineer at Google-owned YouTube who was one of the workers participating in the sit-in, acknowledged in an interview before the protest that they may be fired, too.

BJ - Reportedly overheard in corporate office - How do these idiot employees think that we can properly propagandize and control the narrative with this shit going on?

It wasn’t a massive uprising, but it did lead to police storming into the space and arresting all involved. Some Google employees in California and New York decided to stage an anti-Israel protest in their offices, demanding the tech company sever ties with the Jewish state. Their antics disrupted the workplace of the normal employees who were there to do their jobs. It’s not the first time a Google employee has voiced anti-Israel sentiments. That person was later fired. The same thing should happen to these clowns (via WaPo):

BJ - Reportedly overheard in corporate office - How do these idiot employees think that we can properly propagandize and control the narrative with this shit going on?

There is a time and a place for that.
Your place of employment ISN'T it.

Glad they were arrested and hopefully.........FIRED.
Due to the protest, Google decided to fire several of the protesters, some of whom were also arrested by the local police.

Media of all types are shedding employees (Google is slated to lay-off 12K) so hopefully this will make it easy to get shed of some more of their dead weight.
Protests against America okay.

Protests against white people okay.

Protests for transgenderism okay.

Protests against Israeli mass murder? Arrest them!
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People may try to steer their enemies toward disaster.

Maybe the Democratic elite HATES black people and steers them toward poverty, crime, drugs, abortion.

Maybe the Republican elite HATES Jews and steers them toward Zionism and apartheid and mass murder.

Just a thought.
Protests against America okay.

Protests against white people okay.

Protests for transgenderism okay.

Protests against Israeli mass murder? Arrest them!

“If you would know who controls you see who you may not criticise.”
A quote by Tacitus

You're right.

Does anyone remember when South Africa was widely and loudly sanctioned and condemned for mere apartheid ?

Apparently, only Zionists can even commit genocide with not only impunity but reward in the form of $ Trillions from brainwashed Americans. (1)

What ever happened to: "Never again..."?

(1). “Studies continually show strong pro-Israel bias in western media”

EXCERPT “Mainstream western media outlets are, by and large, infused with a pro-Israeli ideological bias that colors nearly all mainstream Western reporting on Israel-Palestine.

Israel is assumed to be good, peaceful, and like ‘us’. The Palestinians, meanwhile, are backwards, violent, and foreign. These are the assumptions that most western news outlets start with,..." CONTINUED
Honestly with everything going on it should be illegal to protest inside America in the name of foreign nations anywhere except on your own personally owned property. This is getting out of hand.

Protesting for another country isn't something you do at work when you're being paid to work, it isn't something you do at school when you're there to learn, it isn't something you do in public where you're interrupting other people's lives.

If you want to protest in the name of another country then go there and do it.

But it's interesting to notice Google has no problem with the company and employees pushing shit on others about fags, trannies, illegals disguised as immigrants, pushing anti trump articles to the top of search results, and all this other stuff they let slide but you sure as hell better not support Israel or whatever. Course it's no surprise they are a tool of progressive democrats

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