Here's What I Think About The Whole "Russia Did It" Scenario.


lol dumbass. Not a single intelligence agency believes this Seth Rich bullshit. Even Assange clearly denied Seth Rich connection.

I do recommend you try to stick with REALITY

Lying again, huh? Well, that's how you fascists roll....

In the interview Wikileaks envoy Craig Murray and former British ambassador stated the he personally flew to the United States and was handed both the DNC emails and the Podesta emails.

Murray told the Daily Mail the emails came from DNC insider with legal access to the emails who had knowledge of the corruption within the Clinton Foundation leaked the emails because he was frustrated with the DNC rigging the Democratic primaries against Bernie Sanders.

Murray stated regardless of whether Russia hacked any emails or not the Wikileaks emails did not come from Russia.

‘Neither of the leaks came from the Russians,’ Murray said. ‘The source had legal access to the information. The documents came from inside leaks, not hacks.’}

As Buzzfeed reported:

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange floated the possibility on Tuesday that a murdered Democratic National Committee staffer was an informant for the organization.

“Whistleblowers often take very significant efforts to bring us material and often at very significant risks,” Assange said in an interview to be aired Tuesday on the Dutch television program Nieuwsuur. “There’s a 27-year-old who works for the DNC and who was shot in the back, murdered, just a few weeks ago, for unknown reasons as he was walking down the streets in Washington.”

Seth Rich, a DNC employee who did voter outreach, was shot to death last month early in the morning in Washington, D.C. The case is unsolved and police have speculated it was an attempted robbery.

On Reddit, Rich’s death has become the source of theories about whether he was involved in the leaks of emails and files from the Democratic National Committee last month. US intelligence officials have linked the leak to a Russian hack, though there has been no official conclusion on the matter.}

WikiLeaks: Seth Rich Leaked Clinton Emails, Not Russia

Okay, so you're a liar, but you do so for your Fuhrer....

Dumbass, it's a baseless conspiracy theory.
FALSE: DNC Worker Seth Conrad Rich Gunned Down on the Way to Meet FBI

Assange specifically said that he has no evidence or conclusion on why Seth was killed, Nor did he AT ANY POINT suggest that Seth was the source of DNC emails:

Kelly pressed further, “Do you have any suspicions on who may be have been behind his murder?”

The Wikileaks founder said to Kelly, “We have received information… we don’t want to compromise the investigation,” coyly.

It’s a theory that Assange himself slyly danced around recently during an interview with a Dutch television program. “That was just a robbery I believe, wasn’t it?” asked the host for clarification.

“No, there’s no finding,” he said simply at the time. I’m suggesting that our sources take risks and they become concerned to see things occurring like that.”

Megyn Kelly Corners Assange Over Recent Claims: ‘Why Are You So Interested in Seth Rich’s Killer?’

Quit your retarded conspiracy theorizing and start paying attention what patriotic professionals in our intelligence agencies report based on evidence.

If I had said he was on his way to meet the FBI you might have a point, but you lied that WiKiLeaks denied Rich was the source..

As expected, the facts were exactly the opposite of what you claimed. WikiLeaks directly attributed the first batch of emails to Rich.

As for his death, well if one joins the Mafia or the democrats, bad things can happen.


Quote me Wikileaks claiming Rich was the source...right after you explain why we should trust ANYTHING wikileaks claims on the source of emails.

And when you are done with that, explain how Rich fooled entire America Intelligence and framed Fancy Bear operation for it.

Good luck dumbass.

Learn to read Comrade Brown Shirt.

Here's What I Think About The Whole "Russia Did It" Scenario.

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