Here's your UCLA shooter many crazies shoot exactly how few people each year.....? And with 357,000,000 million guns and 1 or 2 nuts a year you morons want the other 357,000,000 million gun owners to give up their guns...

Dick Tiny, you need to straighten out your understanding of math.

There are not 357 TRILLION gun owners or Guns in the US. (357,000,000 million = 357 Trillion).

Sorry, guy, 33,000 gun deaths and 70,000 gun injuries every year - your fetish comes with too high a price...
If 50 million people in this country legally bought a gun and shot and killed another 50 million people in this country, someone explain to me how that justifies violating MY 2nd Amendment rights.

You want to repeal the 2nd? Fine, gather up the votes and do it.

That is your ONLY recourse.

No, we don't have to do that. All we have to do is elect Hillary, and have her appoint Scalia's replacement and "poof" the Second Amendment is about "Well-Regulated Militias" again.

or you guys could make a serious effort to self police... you know, so we don't find out that batshit crazy people were able to get guns so easily. many crazies shoot exactly how few people each year.....? And with 357,000,000 million guns and 1 or 2 nuts a year you morons want the other 357,000,000 million gun owners to give up their guns...

Dick Tiny, you need to straighten out your understanding of math.

There are not 357 TRILLION gun owners or Guns in the US. (357,000,000 million = 357 Trillion).

Sorry, guy, 33,000 gun deaths and 70,000 gun injuries every year - your fetish comes with too high a price...

Moron...the CDC doesn't put accidental gun injuries at 70,000......they state 15,000 with 586 accidental gun deaths in 2014....

And an update....there are currently about 4 million AR-15s in private hands...

And as for all rifles with detachable magazines...

Military-style AR-15 rifles: 'The market is saturated'

Denny, a former FBI agent and a Navy veteran, estimates the number in the United States now "somewhere around 8 or 9 million. The rate of them being produced is just enormous," he said. And that's just one type of semi-automatic, high-capacity rifle. many crazies shoot exactly how few people each year.....? And with 357,000,000 million guns and 1 or 2 nuts a year you morons want the other 357,000,000 million gun owners to give up their guns...

Dick Tiny, you need to straighten out your understanding of math.

There are not 357 TRILLION gun owners or Guns in the US. (357,000,000 million = 357 Trillion).

Sorry, guy, 33,000 gun deaths and 70,000 gun injuries every year - your fetish comes with too high a price...

Hey are the actual CDC totals for non fatal gun accidents by year.......

non fatal gun accident injuries.....

How do you exactly get 70,000 from those actual numbers moron....

WISQARS Nonfatal Injury Reports
If 50 million people in this country legally bought a gun and shot and killed another 50 million people in this country, someone explain to me how that justifies violating MY 2nd Amendment rights.

You want to repeal the 2nd? Fine, gather up the votes and do it.

That is your ONLY recourse.

No, we don't have to do that. All we have to do is elect Hillary, and have her appoint Scalia's replacement and "poof" the Second Amendment is about "Well-Regulated Militias" again.

or you guys could make a serious effort to self police... you know, so we don't find out that batshit crazy people were able to get guns so easily.

you mean a whole 2 guys last year...........out of 4 are stupid....
Obviously he got a gun, that hasn't been my point. You first claimed that he is mentally ill and was still able to legally buy a gun. I asked you to prove that. Of course you couldn't, so you moved the goal post.

Well, it only takes a matter of time.

Mainak Sarkar: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Police recovered two pistols at the scene, along with extra ammunition magazines. Beck told reporters both guns were purchased legally, and at least one was registered to Sarkar.


So....that leaves 356,999,998.....million......that weren't used to shoot the professor
not to seem crude, but the professor probably deserved it. what is computational biomechanics anyways? sounds like they're trying to invent the terminator or the borg, maybe it turns out that maniak done us all a favor.

It's the modeling of the motion of creatures -- human and otherwise. Good for prosthetic limbs as well as terrain negotiating robotics.

Now I'd be worried if you knew about the stuff I've done in research with that "deserved to be killed".
Grad students are basically indentured servitude. They ARE abused regularly. Til they get a dept job and tenure.

UCLA Shooter ID'd as Graduate Student Mainak Sarkar
Sarkar accused William S. Klug of stealing his computer code, killing him in a murder-suicide Wednesday.
UCLA Shooter ID'd as Graduate Student Mainak Sarkar

Another killer from a foreign culture.

Probably a couple homo's.

And once again, we will find this guy was batshit crazy, bu still able to buy a gun.

Please show proof that he legally purchased a gun.

Then propose a law which you believe would have prevented this murder/suicide.

Then kill yourself because after a month of reading your posts I have concluded that the countries average IQ would increase with your demise.

Are terrorists only allowed to use a gun if they bought it legally? Propose a law? Sure. No more immigrant Muslims.

And once again, we will find this guy was batshit crazy, bu still able to buy a gun.

Please show proof that he legally purchased a gun.

Then propose a law which you believe would have prevented this murder/suicide.

Then kill yourself because after a month of reading your posts I have concluded that the countries average IQ would increase with your demise.

Are terrorists only allowed to use a gun if they bought it legally? Propose a law? Sure. No more immigrant Muslims.

Where did you get the idea that this Indian was Muslim? Here's the best press on the matter. Show me what I missed..

UCLA murder-suicide suspect linked to Minnesota shooting

Investigators working with the FBI coordinated a search of Sarkar’s Minnesota home.

“That investigation led them to his residence where they discovered some documents, and basically discovered a list of people Sarkar wanted to harm,” LAPD spokesman Capt. Andrew Neiman told KPCC's Take Two earlier in the day.

Neiman said that the “kill list” specifically mentioned Klug, another UCLA professor and an unnamed woman. The list led police to a residence in a nearby town, where the the body of the woman named on Sarkar’s list was found. She has not yet been identified.

Public records show that Sarkar's wife, Ashley Hasti, lived at 2457 Pearson Parkway in Minneapolis suburb Brooklyn Park. City police told reporters Thursday they'd found Sarkar's victim on the 2400 block of Pearson Parkway.

“The belief based on the evidence is that he committed that murder probably a day or so ago, and then drove out to the L.A. area to carry out his threat against professor Klug,” Neiman said.
Moron...the CDC doesn't put accidental gun injuries at 70,000..

I didn't specify "accidental injuries". I'm sure most of the people injured by guns, someone meant to hurt them.

So....that leaves 356,999,998.....million......that weren't used to shoot the professor

guy stop putting "million" after nine digit numbers.. It makes you look even stupider.

Hey, only 7 people were poisoned by Tylenol... we shouldnt have recalled all those perfectly good pills.

India isn't pumping out Islamic extremists and ISIS fighters like the middle eastern nations and nobody has determined what this shooter's religion was, if he was religious at all. Even if he was Muslim it's irrelevant because this shooting was the result of a personal dispute, which happens all the time.

Yep, those who claim that EVERY incident involving a Muslim is b/c of their religion are not doing honest conversation any favors.

Plus, as you say, we have zero evidence that this guy even was a Muslim. It seems far more likely that he was a Hindu, but who knows for sure.
The link at the beginning of this thread says he was a Muslim from India.

Thanks, I didn't see that part.

But still, I don't see any evidence that Islam was the cause of this incident.
None whatsoever. I wonder why we don't hear the religion of white guys who go off the rails? "American Presbyterian Shoots Two and Commits Suicide." We don't see that much, do we?

India isn't pumping out Islamic extremists and ISIS fighters like the middle eastern nations and nobody has determined what this shooter's religion was, if he was religious at all. Even if he was Muslim it's irrelevant because this shooting was the result of a personal dispute, which happens all the time.

Yep, those who claim that EVERY incident involving a Muslim is b/c of their religion are not doing honest conversation any favors.

Plus, as you say, we have zero evidence that this guy even was a Muslim. It seems far more likely that he was a Hindu, but who knows for sure.
The link at the beginning of this thread says he was a Muslim from India.

Thanks, I didn't see that part.

But still, I don't see any evidence that Islam was the cause of this incident.
None whatsoever. I wonder why we don't hear the religion of white guys who go off the rails? "American Presbyterian Shoots Two and Commits Suicide." We don't see that much, do we?

Because they aren't doing it because of their religion telling them they need to do islam it is a requirement to kill non believers or enslave them........I don't recall that being part of the Presbyterian you?
Because they aren't doing it because of their religion telling them they need to do islam it is a requirement to kill non believers or enslave them........I don't recall that being part of the Presbyterian you?

Yeah, um, so what were all those crusades, inquisitions, religious wars, witch-burnings all about if the Xian God wasn't down with that?


India isn't pumping out Islamic extremists and ISIS fighters like the middle eastern nations and nobody has determined what this shooter's religion was, if he was religious at all. Even if he was Muslim it's irrelevant because this shooting was the result of a personal dispute, which happens all the time.

Yep, those who claim that EVERY incident involving a Muslim is b/c of their religion are not doing honest conversation any favors.

Plus, as you say, we have zero evidence that this guy even was a Muslim. It seems far more likely that he was a Hindu, but who knows for sure.
The link at the beginning of this thread says he was a Muslim from India.

Thanks, I didn't see that part.

But still, I don't see any evidence that Islam was the cause of this incident.
None whatsoever. I wonder why we don't hear the religion of white guys who go off the rails? "American Presbyterian Shoots Two and Commits Suicide." We don't see that much, do we?
Of course we hear that stupidity all the time by idiotic liberals who do stupid shit like try to compare McVeigh to the 911 terrorists in terms of motivation. How many morons have claimed he was a Catholic who bombed a federal building due to his religion? Meanwhile the same damn morons deny a Muslim committed a crime due to Islam even when said Muslim confirms himself that his religion was the cause
Because they aren't doing it because of their religion telling them they need to do islam it is a requirement to kill non believers or enslave them........I don't recall that being part of the Presbyterian you?

Yeah, um, so what were all those crusades, inquisitions, religious wars, witch-burnings all about if the Xian God wasn't down with that?


Please moron.....tell me where Jesus in his teachings said that his believers should go out and commit all of us those directives.........
India isn't pumping out Islamic extremists and ISIS fighters like the middle eastern nations and nobody has determined what this shooter's religion was, if he was religious at all. Even if he was Muslim it's irrelevant because this shooting was the result of a personal dispute, which happens all the time.

Yep, those who claim that EVERY incident involving a Muslim is b/c of their religion are not doing honest conversation any favors.

Plus, as you say, we have zero evidence that this guy even was a Muslim. It seems far more likely that he was a Hindu, but who knows for sure.
The link at the beginning of this thread says he was a Muslim from India.

Thanks, I didn't see that part.

But still, I don't see any evidence that Islam was the cause of this incident.
None whatsoever. I wonder why we don't hear the religion of white guys who go off the rails? "American Presbyterian Shoots Two and Commits Suicide." We don't see that much, do we?
Of course we hear that stupidity all the time by idiotic liberals who do stupid shit like try to compare McVeigh to the 911 terrorists in terms of motivation. How many morons have claimed he was a Catholic who bombed a federal building due to his religion? Meanwhile the same damn morons deny a Muslim committed a crime due to Islam even when said Muslim confirms himself that his religion was the cause

And mcveigh himself says he was not a Christian....and the fact that he committed murder shows he is not a Christian since murder is not allowed in Christianity.......
Please moron.....tell me where Jesus in his teachings said that his believers should go out and commit all of us those directives.........

10:34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
10:35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.
And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.
He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.
Please moron.....tell me where Jesus in his teachings said that his believers should go out and commit all of us those directives.........

10:34 Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.
10:35 For I am come to set a man at variance against his father, and the daughter against her mother, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.
And a man's foes shall be they of his own household.
He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.

Yeah.....please site where he says...."Amen I say to thee...go forth and murder all those people....."


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