Herman Cain said that he would Not appoint a Muslim to any position in his administra

You post this shit as you think "being black" gives you a pass. Well here's some news.

It doesn't.

You don't know what the hell you're talking about, the only thing whites know about House Negroes like Cain id how good they snuggle up next to them and please them. I specifically said I know plenty of so called black conservatives like Cain and I know exactly what they do so go on ahead and get hustled by a coon like him.

I ain't getting hustled. I know exactly what Cain is.

But I don't need to couch it inside a race thing..like yourself.

You have much more in common with posters like Tank..then I do.

I don't care what your opinion is, I just tell the truth and most blacks know what people like Cain are and represent, this is a person who made his keep politically by pander to the fears and likes of far right white so called conservatives in the Republitard Party, I simply call him what he and skip the politically correct way of saying.
Cain is a house Negro Coon, any black person who earns his keep by snuggling up and laying prostrate for whites is a House Negro, regardless of whether he's Democrat or Republican. This retard has an obvious anti-Muslim bias and anyone who doesn't respect and or tolerate the religion of others isn't fit to be president, nothing racist about what I said you retard and I don't give a damn if you think I am.

You have a real knack for being in the right but still being wrong.

According to this fool, just supporting blacks when they deserve to be supported isn't enough. We must support his pre approved list of blacks no matter what they do, or WE are the racists.

He's an idiot.

You have it jackasses backwards, when blacks don't support your pre-approved House Negroes cum Uncle Toms you Republitards get mad and say blacks are bashing black so called conservatives for being educated and articulate and not being "ghetto" enough, which is garbage, you guys are the ones hold up token blacks and asking the question of why can't more blacks be like them, I have no pre-approved list of blacks because I don't like politicians anyways, most of them are agents for Satan IMO and have done more to hurt this country with their down to corporate America and lobbyists.
I think Herman Cain has pretty clearly stated his positions on discrimination and healthcare over the past 20 or so years.

And with that, as an African-American citizen, I won't vote for him.
Take away his race baiting and boasting and what else do you have? Just like Allan West and his big talk about what he's going to do to the Congressional Black Caucus when he gets in office, that House Negro hasn't done jack, but the far right whites were delighted with his anti-CBC rhetoric and ate it up like Sunday's soul food dinner.
Sorry bout that,

1. If he had said he was going to stop muslin immigration, and start sending all Muslims to where they came from then I would actively campaign for him.:clap2:
2. But just saying he won't have a Muslim in his government is like saying he is sorta against child sexual abuse.
3. No I didn't read the whole thread.



How are ya buddy.....didn't hear from you for a while.

Herman is still the best by far as far as going against the Muslim Swine and the MuslimArselickers.

You'd do the country a lot of good if you vote for him if he gets a chance.
Well well... look at this. The 'no true scotsman' stance on black people. It's cause he wasn't 'down for the struggle' enough for you? Should we fire up another chorus of "Barack the Magic Negro" for you?

Bass' rant is shameful, disgusting.

Here's another "Uncle Tom" he can rag on who tells the truth:

There is a class of colored people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs -- partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs. … There is a certain class of race-problem solvers who don't want the patient to get well, because as long as the disease holds out they have not only an easy means of making a living, but also an easy medium through which to make themselves prominent before the public. —Booker T. Washington​

Yeah Booker T Washington was a considered an Uncle Tom by many during his, this was the man who said to drop our buckets and accommodate the white man, what sane man would do that? My rant was disgusting it was on point from someone who knows about the African American but someone from the outside looking in wouldn't know that.

Bass the Racist Ass,

You're beneath contempt you fucking stupid swine.
I think Herman Cain has pretty clearly stated his positions on discrimination and healthcare over the past 20 or so years.

And with that, as an African-American citizen, I won't vote for him.

You're the typical African-American that indubitably also voted for the Monumental Fraud and Black Racist Obami Salaami ....... that makes you a super-duper Arsehole.
Herman Cain and Allen West should be labeled "Step and Fetch-it" #1 & #2 :cool:

Sunni Punk aka Al Queda's fart,

As an established Muslim Swine and Al Queda's fart you opinion is valuable onlyu in that rational posters should go opposite to what your shitty opinion is.
Herman Cain's role model.......

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KnTb-kJVDww]YouTube - ‪Stepin Fetchit in Miracle in Harlem (1948)‬‏[/ame]
Keep dreaming.

You get that quote yet?

How about all those accusations of racism every time someone is critical of Obama? How's that search coming along?

At least try to put the illusion of substance into the strawman you are trying to construct.

Where's your proof that anyone who is against Islam thinks all Muslims support Sharia?

By the way, on that note. do you read any of Sunni Man's posts? I ask because I wonder if you recognize that he endorses Sharia in the US .

I endorse a modified form of sharia that does not violate any tenants of the Constitution
So by muslim standards, you're proposing an apostate version of islam in this nation? I'm sure your fellow muslims, particularly devout ones will LOVE that. I'd watch your head if I were you.

I hardly believe that. Just the camel's nose under the tent so we can be driven back to the 4th century where a raped woman needs four male witnesses, daughters can be murdered with impunity by unfit fathers for 'honor' and everyone not muslim can be a second class citizen.

Yeah. Totally compatible with western culture. NOT!
First of all, honor killings are tradition and had nothing to do with sharia law or the Quran..

Secondly DNA would be accepted as evidence for rape in any Islamic court.

Sharia law is practiced differently in every Islamic country and America would be no different.

Most people do not realize that sharia law is about 90% civil cases and only 10% criminal cases.

But the western media likes to focus on the sensationalized aspects of sharia law practiced in other countries.

Sharia law in America will be unique and not considered an apostate form of sharia.
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Well well... look at this. The 'no true scotsman' stance on black people. It's cause he wasn't 'down for the struggle' enough for you? Should we fire up another chorus of "Barack the Magic Negro" for you?

Bass' rant is shameful, disgusting.

Here's another "Uncle Tom" he can rag on who tells the truth:

There is a class of colored people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs -- partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs. … There is a certain class of race-problem solvers who don't want the patient to get well, because as long as the disease holds out they have not only an easy means of making a living, but also an easy medium through which to make themselves prominent before the public. —Booker T. Washington​

Yeah Booker T Washington was a considered an Uncle Tom by many during his, this was the man who said to drop our buckets and accommodate the white man, what sane man would do that? My rant was disgusting it was on point from someone who knows about the African American but someone from the outside looking in wouldn't know that.
Why oh why am I continually reminded of the 'go to school' scene in "Die Hard with Vengeance"?

Zeus: "Now where you goin?"
Boys: "To school."
Zeus: "Why?"
Boys: 'To get educated."
Zeus: "Why?"
Boys: "So we can go to college."
Zeus: "And why is that important?"
Boys: "So we can get 'espect."
Zeus: "REspect. Now who's the bad guys?"
Boys: "Guys who sell drugs. Guys who have guns."
Zeus: "Who are the good guys?"
Boys: "We the good guys."
Zeus: "So who's going to help us?"
Boys: "Nobody."
Zeus: "So who's going to help us?"
Boys: "We're gonna help ourselves!"
Zeus: "And who do we NOT want to help us?"
Boys: "White People!!"
Zeus: "That's right!"

Ahhh yes... the wonders of quiet and polite racist education.
By assuming that all Muslims subscribe to that ideology he is dissenting from it becomes a bigoted statement/policy.

Dude's a racist.

Once again your analogy is false.

Dude, racism goes to a form of bigotry that is predicated on skin color or ethnicity. It has nothing to do with ideological dissent. Islam is a religious system of thought, in general terms, an ideology! Bigotry proper is what you're talking about, i.e., holding to an idea in the face of a counterargument that either refutes the logic or the facts of one's position. These things are not synonymous. Cain is not a racist.

Earlier in this thread, I said that Cain made a mistake, both logically and politically. He should have simply said that he would not appoint anyone, regardless of their religious affiliation, who did not share his political worldview.

(On the other hand, Muslim's who embrace classical liberalism are rare.)

You are clearly abusing the meaning of language and mangling logically distinct categories of things. That's makes you a bigot proper.

Get real. The only one you're deceiving is yourself.

I'm still waiting on an explanation for this bit of irrationally from Luissa.
By assuming that all Muslims subscribe to that ideology he is dissenting from it becomes a bigoted statement/policy.

Dude's a racist.

Once again your analogy is false.

Dude, racism goes to a form of bigotry that is predicated on skin color or ethnicity. It has nothing to do with ideological dissent. Islam is a religious system of thought, in general terms, an ideology! Bigotry proper is what you're talking about, i.e., holding to an idea in the face of a counterargument that either refutes the logic or the facts of one's position. These things are not synonymous. Cain is not a racist.

Earlier in this thread, I said that Cain made a mistake, both logically and politically. He should have simply said that he would not appoint anyone, regardless of their religious affiliation, who did not share his political worldview.

(On the other hand, Muslim's who embrace classical liberalism are rare.)

You are clearly abusing the meaning of language and mangling logically distinct categories of things. That's makes you a bigot proper.

Get real. The only one you're deceiving is yourself.

I'm still waiting on an explanation for this bit of irrationally from Luissa.

Ok, dude's not a racist he's a bigot. Feel better now?
Once again your analogy is false.

Dude, racism goes to a form of bigotry that is predicated on skin color or ethnicity. It has nothing to do with ideological dissent. Islam is a religious system of thought, in general terms, an ideology! Bigotry proper is what you're talking about, i.e., holding to an idea in the face of a counterargument that either refutes the logic or the facts of one's position. These things are not synonymous. Cain is not a racist.

Earlier in this thread, I said that Cain made a mistake, both logically and politically. He should have simply said that he would not appoint anyone, regardless of their religious affiliation, who did not share his political worldview.

(On the other hand, Muslim's who embrace classical liberalism are rare.)

You are clearly abusing the meaning of language and mangling logically distinct categories of things. That's makes you a bigot proper.

Get real. The only one you're deceiving is yourself.

I'm still waiting on an explanation for this bit of irrationally from Luissa.

Ok, dude's not a racist he's a bigot. Feel better now?

A little backhanded integrity? :lol: The real question is whether or not you feel better about yourself now that you're not making things up about Cain that aren't true.
Well well... look at this. The 'no true scotsman' stance on black people. It's cause he wasn't 'down for the struggle' enough for you? Should we fire up another chorus of "Barack the Magic Negro" for you?

Bass' rant is shameful, disgusting.

Here's another "Uncle Tom" he can rag on who tells the truth:

There is a class of colored people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs -- partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs. … There is a certain class of race-problem solvers who don't want the patient to get well, because as long as the disease holds out they have not only an easy means of making a living, but also an easy medium through which to make themselves prominent before the public. —Booker T. Washington​

Yeah Booker T Washington was a considered an Uncle Tom by many during his, this was the man who said to drop our buckets and accommodate the white man, what sane man would do that? My rant was disgusting it was on point from someone who knows about the African American but someone from the outside looking in wouldn't know that.

Uh-huh. So the man who sees right through you, who knows you for who and what you are, told you to drop your bucket and kiss whitey's ass? Behold the history of those incessantly demanding a handout while pretending to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps. You're a liar as well as a racist.

It's Washington's methodology that you despise, because it's mean that you would have to get over yourself, see the world as it is, the many hardships and injustices endured by others, those of every race and creed in history! You'd actually have to do something useful for once, rather than sit on your ass in a pile of piss and moan, clanging the coin in your beggar's cup.

Someone outside looking in? My history, not yours?


Your limp-wristed, womanish slander versus a great man.

You're just another hateful little man spawned by a long line of pandering fops—"I Heard the Non-Existent Tape" Al Sharpton, Jesse "Hymietown" Jackson, former Congressheffer Cynthia "9/11 Truther" McKinney ("De plane, Boss! De plane!"), Reverend "Goddamn America" Wright—going all the way back to the original plantation-welfare ****** himself, the house boy W.E.B Du Bois.

In the meantime, back in the real world, other men are standing on their own two feet before God.
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Once again your analogy is false.

Dude, racism goes to a form of bigotry that is predicated on skin color or ethnicity. It has nothing to do with ideological dissent. Islam is a religious system of thought, in general terms, an ideology! Bigotry proper is what you're talking about, i.e., holding to an idea in the face of a counterargument that either refutes the logic or the facts of one's position. These things are not synonymous. Cain is not a racist.

Earlier in this thread, I said that Cain made a mistake, both logically and politically. He should have simply said that he would not appoint anyone, regardless of their religious affiliation, who did not share his political worldview.

(On the other hand, Muslim's who embrace classical liberalism are rare.)

You are clearly abusing the meaning of language and mangling logically distinct categories of things. That's makes you a bigot proper.

Get real. The only one you're deceiving is yourself.

I'm still waiting on an explanation for this bit of irrationally from Luissa.

Ok, dude's not a racist he's a bigot. Feel better now?
Yes that is much more accurate.

And I hope you apply this standard equally ;).......i want to see you attack the next bigoted statement towards jews or christians ;)
I'm still waiting on an explanation for this bit of irrationally from Luissa.

Ok, dude's not a racist he's a bigot. Feel better now?
Yes that is much more accurate.

And I hope you apply this standard equally ;).......i want to see you attack the next bigoted statement towards jews or christians ;)

AH bashing Jews and Christians, the last acceptable bigotry in the US. Long as you do't say anything bad about women,blacks, Muslims,Mexicans, or gays.

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