Hero of the left, Rosenbaum, raped five boys, records show

One of the “victims” of Kyle Rittenhouse, was a known convict of sexual crimes with a minor, as well as many other crimes. Now it’s been found out that he was a pedophile, that raped five boys.

For which he was convicted (of only two charges of 11 brought) and served his time.

Point was, Shittenhouse didn't know who he was shooting at when he randomly fired into that crowd.
He knew he was shooting at violent thugs attacking him. He was shot at first by the way.
Yes it is irrelevant, his priors has ZERO to do with what transpired. Kyle Rittenhouse either has a valid self-defense case or he is going to jail for murder. PERIOD.
I think ye doth protest too much, councilor

your client, the pedophile, was a scumbag

and I can imagine the parents of his victims cheering when they got the news of his death
Yes it is irrelevant, his priors has ZERO to do with what transpired. Kyle Rittenhouse either has a valid self-defense case or he is going to jail for murder. PERIOD.
I think ye doth protest too much, councilor

your client, the pedophile, was a scumbag

and I can imagine the parents of his victims cheering when they got the news of his death

My "client"? Are you on drugs?

I didn't even know who the hell Rosenbaum was, beause it's irrelavant to the broader issues of whats going on with the recent swell of violent episodes in this country.
My "client"? Are you on drugs?

I didn't even know who the hell Rosenbaum was, beause it's irrelavant to the broader issues of whats going on with the recent swell of violent episodes in this country.
You sound like you just caught up with the ambulance carrying his body and are now getting paid to represent his interests
One of the “victims” of Kyle Rittenhouse, was a known convict of sexual crimes with a minor, as well as many other crimes. Now it’s been found out that he was a pedophile, that raped five boys.

Kyle should be given a medal for taking out this piece of shit.

Hey ignorant dummy, there is only one criteria for justifiable homicide and it has exactly ZERO to do with prior convictions or allegations.

I agree, I believe it was in self defense and Rosenbaum was chasing Rittenhouse down, but Rosenbaum’s past is irrelevant.

Rosenbaum, is still a piece of crap and deserved a death penalty for raping boys.
Rosenbaum, is still a piece of crap and deserved a death penalty for raping boys.

He deserved, and has recieved in the past, due justice process like any other piece of crap or saint.

There should not be any "well he deserved it" asterisks or excuses for vigilantism. It's only going to lead to escalation of violence and lawlessness.
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One of the “victims” of Kyle Rittenhouse, was a known convict of sexual crimes with a minor, as well as many other crimes. Now it’s been found out that he was a pedophile, that raped five boys.

Kyle should be given a medal for taking out this piece of shit.

Between the ages of 9 and 11, no less.
With all the connections of Leftists to pedophiles

WTF? what connections? Should we run a list of rightwingers with pedo charges?

You Qanon Pizzagaters are seriously out to lunch (pardon the pun)

The entertainment wing of the democrat party, Hollywood, has an entire infrastructure built to molest children.....it is slowly but surely being revealed by former child stars and actors who were victims of the democrat party, Hollywood, child molesting ring.
Rosenbaum, is still a piece of crap and deserved a death penalty for raping boys.

He deserved, and has recieved in the past, due justice process like any other piece of crap or saint.

There should not be any "well he deserved it" asterisks or excuses for vigilantism. It's only going to lead to escalation of violence and lawlessness.

I am sorry, I have a child that was sexually abused by a predator and in my opinion, they deserve the death penalty for the lives they have ruined. Just my opinion. So, I believe he deserved it. No asterisks needed.

Your second point. What is leading to an escalation of violence is the riots. You allow riots and disorder in your city, it is going to create violence and lawlessness, no matter what. The narrative that a child abuser was killed is no escalating anything, it is already far beyond that.
Rosenbaum, is still a piece of crap and deserved a death penalty for raping boys.

He deserved, and has recieved in the past, due justice process like any other piece of crap or saint.

There should not be any "well he deserved it" asterisks or excuses for vigilantism. It's only going to lead to escalation of violence and lawlessness.

I am sorry, I have a child that was sexually abused by a predator and in my opinion, they deserve the death penalty for the lives they have ruined. Just my opinion. So, I believe he deserved it. No asterisks needed.

Your second point. What is leading to an escalation of violence is the riots. You allow riots and disorder in your city, it is going to create violence and lawlessness, no matter what. The narrative that a child abuser was killed is no escalating anything, it is already far beyond that.

I watched a documentary on a life-time, career pedophile / child molester. He told how he had been arrested almost 20 times, had served numerous prison terms, had been treated for mental illness, and had been chemically castrated....He said none of it helped. He said pedos like him have a sickness that could never be cured, and that they offered no socially redeeming value, and the only way to protect children was to put pedophiles to death...which is what he asked a prison board for.

It's amazing how the actual criminal pervs like him can be bluntly honest about what should be done to deviants like him, but we value their lives more than they do....
Rosenbaum, is still a piece of crap and deserved a death penalty for raping boys.

He deserved, and has recieved in the past, due justice process like any other piece of crap or saint.

There should not be any "well he deserved it" asterisks or excuses for vigilantism. It's only going to lead to escalation of violence and lawlessness.

I am sorry, I have a child that was sexually abused by a predator and in my opinion, they deserve the death penalty for the lives they have ruined. Just my opinion. So, I believe he deserved it. No asterisks needed.

Your second point. What is leading to an escalation of violence is the riots. You allow riots and disorder in your city, it is going to create violence and lawlessness, no matter what. The narrative that a child abuser was killed is no escalating anything, it is already far beyond that.

I watched a documentary on a life-time, career pedophile / child molester. He told how he had been arrested almost 20 times, had served numerous prison terms, had been treated for mental illness, and had been chemically castrated....He said none of it helped. He said pedos like him have a sickness that could never be cured, and that they offered no socially redeeming value, and the only way to protect children was to put pedophiles to death...which is what he asked a prison board for.

It's amazing how the actual criminal pervs like him can be bluntly honest about what should be done to deviants like him, but we value their lives more than they do....
He is 100% correct, they cannot correct that desire and most don’t have discipline to control that desire. Locking them away from the general population or killing them is the only way to handle them.
He shot one person in a crowd, he shot two people who tried to arrest him for shooting a person.
one man he shot had a pistol. The other was beating him with a skateboard.

and they were all three thugs engaging in a violent and fiery riot

Other than the relatively minor weapons charge I like his chances in court

The prosecution wouldn't want me on the jury
One of the “victims” of Kyle Rittenhouse, was a known convict of sexual crimes with a minor, as well as many other crimes. Now it’s been found out that he was a pedophile, that raped five boys.

Kyle should be given a medal for taking out this piece of shit.

Hey ignorant dummy, there is only one criteria for justifiable homicide and it has exactly ZERO to do with prior convictions or allegations.

Hey, MOST ignorant dummy: he met THOSE criteria, as well.

Not only is he not a loss, his death is a net gain for the world.
POS should have been executed for raping little boys when he was convicted of it

We could just call this a long-delayed but well-deserved execution. In fact, I was doing that, anyway.

Hard to get your feelz all worked up over someone the world will never miss.

I have zero use for a chomo. They can't be cured and re-offend at astonishing rates.

Just put them down
With all the connections of Leftists to pedophiles

WTF? what connections? Should we run a list of rightwingers with pedo charges?

You Qanon Pizzagaters are seriously out to lunch (pardon the pun)

How about this, ass clown? Why don't you run two lists, one for the left and one for the right, of pedophiles whose parties didn't instantly denounce and shun them?

If you had a single moral standard in your whole useless, evil-excusing body, you'd know the point isn't whether or not there are bad people in every group; it's the fact that YOUR group thinks that makes it okay to just ignore them.
One of the “victims” of Kyle Rittenhouse, was a known convict of sexual crimes with a minor, as well as many other crimes. Now it’s been found out that he was a pedophile, that raped five boys.

Kyle should be given a medal for taking out this piece of shit.

Hey ignorant dummy, there is only one criteria for justifiable homicide and it has exactly ZERO to do with prior convictions or allegations.

Hey dummy, my attorney husband says he can think of three reasons for justifiable homicide off the top of his head....dumbass

Hey dummy, I said CRITERIA, not specific reason. If you shot a stanger to death their pedo history is not going to let you walk on murder charges.

Hey, dummy, maybe you should stop using the word "dummy" until you can make a point that's actually a point, instead of gibberish.

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