Hero of the left, Rosenbaum, raped five boys, records show

At 5'4" 140 lbs, it was about the same size as the 5th graders it was molesting. This antifa/blm shit show is a friggin godsend for these kind of lowlife animals - all is forgiven (we don't judge!) as long as you're willing to burn a few buildings down and crack a few skulls for marxism.
One of the “victims” of Kyle Rittenhouse, was a known convict of sexual crimes with a minor, as well as many other crimes. Now it’s been found out that he was a pedophile, that raped five boys.

Kyle should be given a medal for taking out this piece of shit.

Hey ignorant dummy, there is only one criteria for justifiable homicide and it has exactly ZERO to do with prior convictions or allegations.

Hey dummy, my attorney husband says he can think of three reasons for justifiable homicide off the top of his head....dumbass

Hey dummy, I said CRITERIA, not specific reason. If you shot a stanger to death their pedo history is not going to let you walk on murder charges.
But at least the World is without one less Pedo in the World, so maybe the person should be given a Medal of Honor ...

Really ignorant mindset. If you think a world with pedos is bad just you wait till we arrive at a lawless world full of people shooting each other up instead of proper justice system.

"Medal of Honor" in THIS still sane world for murder is criminal charges, conviction and imprisonment.

What I heard you say: "Republicans are creating a lawless world by protecting themselves from leftists instead of just letting us do what we want!!!! Laws are for people who aren't me!!!"

You're outraged over the death of a violent child rapist. Instead of trying to issue condemnations, you should be apologizing to us for polluting the world with your presence. That "moral high ground" you think you're standing on is really just the top of the dung pile.
One of the “victims” of Kyle Rittenhouse, was a known convict of sexual crimes with a minor, as well as many other crimes. Now it’s been found out that he was a pedophile, that raped five boys.

Kyle should be given a medal for taking out this piece of shit.

Hey ignorant dummy, there is only one criteria for justifiable homicide and it has exactly ZERO to do with prior convictions or allegations.
Yes, threatening, chasing, throwing a Molotov cocktail, and attacking someone does justify blasting him dead.

I'll take this as concession that it is in fact true that the pedo angle your OP is about is irrelavant.

"I'm not listening to anything but my own voice, because other people keep telling me I'm an evil piece of shit!!!"
Ignoramus, if you think a world with pedos is bad just you wait till we arrive at a lawless world full of people shooting each other up instead of proper justice system.

"Medal of Honor" in THIS still sane world for murder is criminal charges, conviction and imprisonment.
Is saving your own life in self defense still a valid legal defense in your effed up world?
We have trials so clowns like you cannot simply send people off to prison because they want to.

I will wait for the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse, unlike you.

Oh, antontoo is convinced that his pedophile hero was just standing around, smelling the roses when Rittenhouse shot him for no reason whatsoever. That's what his masters told him to think, and he doesn't have the brain wattage to come up with anything other than his orders.

I'm pretty sure he also thinks it should be a capital crime to disagree with his beloved masters.
One of the “victims” of Kyle Rittenhouse, was a known convict of sexual crimes with a minor, as well as many other crimes. Now it’s been found out that he was a pedophile, that raped five boys.

Kyle should be given a medal for taking out this piece of shit.

Hey ignorant dummy, there is only one criteria for justifiable homicide and it has exactly ZERO to do with prior convictions or allegations.

Hey dummy, my attorney husband says he can think of three reasons for justifiable homicide off the top of his head....dumbass

Hey dummy, I said CRITERIA, not specific reason. If you shot a stanger to death their pedo history is not going to let you walk on murder charges.
But at least the World is without one less Pedo in the World, so maybe the person should be given a Medal of Honor ...

Really ignorant mindset. If you think a world with pedos is bad just you wait till we arrive at a lawless world full of people shooting each other up instead of proper justice system.

"Medal of Honor" in THIS still sane world for murder is criminal charges, conviction and imprisonment.

Yes, a lawless world of Dem Party creation. Or hadn't you noticed?

No I haven't. Democrats consistently condemn criminality and lawless vigilantism.

No, they don't. They consistently make excuses for why the criminality they like isn't really criminal, and then condemn self-defense as "vigilantism", and mindless zombies like you just shove your noses up their asses and go, "Oh, okay, that's reality if you say so, master."
Hey ignorant dummy, there is only one criteria for justifiable homicide and it has exactly ZERO to do with prior convictions or allegations.
The left has looked at Rittenhouse and his background

why not rosenbaum?

Umm probably because Rosenbaum wasn't the underage kid with M16 itching for a confrontation that ends in a double homicide.

In other words, because that wouldn't suit the narrative.
Kyle shot three people who were attacking him. ALL of them were convicted felons you lying sack of poo. The other dead asshole was a rapist torturer,

He shot one person in a crowd, he shot two people who tried to arrest him for shooting a person.

Also, reported.

He shot no one in a crowd. The videos are clear. You should watch them. Or are you lying intentionally?

He's repeating what his masters told him to know.
One of the “victims” of Kyle Rittenhouse, was a known convict of sexual crimes with a minor, as well as many other crimes. Now it’s been found out that he was a pedophile, that raped five boys.

Kyle should be given a medal for taking out this piece of shit.

Hey ignorant dummy, there is only one criteria for justifiable homicide and it has exactly ZERO to do with prior convictions or allegations.
And obviously that criteria was met. He was being chased by a fucking bear.

One of the “victims” of Kyle Rittenhouse, was a known convict of sexual crimes with a minor, as well as many other crimes. Now it’s been found out that he was a pedophile, that raped five boys.

Kyle should be given a medal for taking out this piece of shit.

Hey ignorant dummy, there is only one criteria for justifiable homicide and it has exactly ZERO to do with prior convictions or allegations.
Yes, threatening, chasing, throwing a Molotov cocktail, and attacking someone does justify blasting him dead.

I'll take this as concession that it is in fact true that the pedo angle your OP is about is irrelavant.
Not irrelevant. He has a history of violence.

Yes it is irrelevant, his priors has ZERO to do with what transpired. Kyle Rittenhouse either has a valid self-defense case or he is going to jail for murder. PERIOD.

I'm sure you'd like to believe that, given your need to make excuses for rabid animals to do whatever they want in service to your agenda. However, it makes an enormous difference to the question of whether Rittenhouse was defending himself if the so-called "victim" was, in fact, a violent degenerate. It's much harder to believe that Kyle needed to defend himself if he'd shot a nun, for example, than it is to believe he needed to defend himself against someone with a history of violent criminal behavior.

But since that would require both logic and morals, either of which would make your vacuous skull implode if they entered it, I can see where you ran into trouble.
He shot one person in a crowd, he shot two people who tried to arrest him for shooting a person.
one man he shot had a pistol. The other was beating him with a skateboard.

and they were all three thugs engaging in a violent and fiery riot

Other than the relatively minor weapons charge I like his chances in court

His lawyer seems to think he can even make a case for the exceptions to the weapons charge, which would mean Kyle goes free. As he should, from what I can see.
Yes it is irrelevant, his priors has ZERO to do with what transpired. Kyle Rittenhouse either has a valid self-defense case or he is going to jail for murder. PERIOD.
I think ye doth protest too much, councilor

your client, the pedophile, was a scumbag

and I can imagine the parents of his victims cheering when they got the news of his death

I'm guessing the families of his victims are lighting candles to a shrine of Kyle Rittenhouse at this point.
Yes it is irrelevant, his priors has ZERO to do with what transpired. Kyle Rittenhouse either has a valid self-defense case or he is going to jail for murder. PERIOD.
I think ye doth protest too much, councilor

your client, the pedophile, was a scumbag

and I can imagine the parents of his victims cheering when they got the news of his death

My "client"? Are you on drugs?

I didn't even know who the hell Rosenbaum was, beause it's irrelavant to the broader issues of whats going on with the recent swell of violent episodes in this country.

The definition of "irrelevant" is NOT "contradicts the narrative that lets me think anything I want is okay."

Just FYI.
Yes it is irrelevant, his priors has ZERO to do with what transpired. Kyle Rittenhouse either has a valid self-defense case or he is going to jail for murder. PERIOD.
I think ye doth protest too much, councilor

your client, the pedophile, was a scumbag

and I can imagine the parents of his victims cheering when they got the news of his death

I'm guessing the families of his victims are lighting candles to a shrine of Kyle Rittenhouse at this point.

Unfortunately his victims got a life sentence... through no fault of their own
One of the “victims” of Kyle Rittenhouse, was a known convict of sexual crimes with a minor, as well as many other crimes. Now it’s been found out that he was a pedophile, that raped five boys.

Kyle should be given a medal for taking out this piece of shit.

Hey ignorant dummy, there is only one criteria for justifiable homicide and it has exactly ZERO to do with prior convictions or allegations.

I agree, I believe it was in self defense and Rosenbaum was chasing Rittenhouse down, but Rosenbaum’s past is irrelevant.

Rosenbaum, is still a piece of crap and deserved a death penalty for raping boys.

No, Rosenbaum's past isn't entirely irrelevant. Wisconsin's criminal statute says: if the person acting in self-defense intentionally uses or threatens to use an amount of force that is “likely to cause death or great bodily harm,” he or she must “reasonably [believe] that such force is necessary to prevent imminent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself.” If Rittenhouse's lawyer is any good at all, he's not going to try to prove that JUST with video and witness evidence of the shitbag chasing Kyle and lunging at him; he's also going to do his best to point out that Rosenbaum has a history of violence to make the most overwhelming case he can that Kyle actually WAS in danger of imminent death or harm.

If someone short and skinny and female did the same things Rosenbaum did, for example, the idea of "imminent death or harm" would be a lot harder to sell, would it not?
Rosenbaum, is still a piece of crap and deserved a death penalty for raping boys.

He deserved, and has recieved in the past, due justice process like any other piece of crap or saint.

There should not be any "well he deserved it" asterisks or excuses for vigilantism. It's only going to lead to escalation of violence and lawlessness.
You are at war with people. Make the rules up by civility.
Rosenbaum, is still a piece of crap and deserved a death penalty for raping boys.

He deserved, and has recieved in the past, due justice process like any other piece of crap or saint.

There should not be any "well he deserved it" asterisks or excuses for vigilantism. It's only going to lead to escalation of violence and lawlessness.

I think you have us confused with you and your leftist scumbag compatriots. You've been escalating the violence and lawlessness for months now, and you ACTUALLY think you have any standing to start clutching your pearls in horror NOW, because suddenly your pet criminals are meeting resistance?

Do us all a favor and hold your breath until anyone values YOUR moral guidance, dirtball.
Is saving your own life in self defense still a valid legal defense in your effed up world?
We have trials so clowns like you cannot simply send people off to prison because they want to.

I will wait for the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse, unlike you.

Shittenhouse can't claim "self-defense" in a situation he created.

He crossed state lines with an illegal weapon. He was out on the street during a curfew. He confronted protesters with a gun. And then he randomly shot three people.

He's going to be an Aryan Nation Prison Bitch here. Hopefully, they won't brain him like they did Jeff Dahmner.

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I drive past it on my way to my summer place. I look forward to waving at him sardonically.
And we will enjoy laughing at you when your bogus murder charges get broomed by the first judge to see the case. You may want yon stop lying you POS. The gun never crossed state lines. Sorry idiot, but everybody there violated curfew. Randomly shot 3 people. Fuck off liar.

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