Heroic Seventh Grader Stops School Bus After Bus Driver Goes Unconscious

That little boy is going to make a great driver someday
Hat tip to the young lad

Gee, in my day, they didn't have cameras in the bus nor means to just radio in to report a problem! That "woman" looks like she has a thyroid problem.

My only wonder now is how long before some leftist Karen decides this kid should be charged with unauthorized operation of school property and bring the state police in to arrest and charge him? :smoke:
That little boy is going to make a great driver someday and I sure hope that he got at least a homework pass or something!! :D

So this driver “fainted”? She didn’t pass out, she felt something coming and called it in. Plus she is still in the hospital?
So this driver “fainted”? She didn’t pass out, she felt something coming and called it in. Plus she is still in the hospital?

In my day, we would have rolled the driver out the door then taken the bus and kept right on going for the day for a pleasure cruise until the bus ran out of gas for a joy ride in the mountains, then reported a madman had kidnapped us. :smoke:

Oh, the joys of teen spirit! :71:
According to the clip, the kid wants to be a firefighter when he grows up. Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but what kind of paycheck do bus drivers even draw?

God bless you and the boy always!!!

Hey I bet Joe Biden invites this kid for a heroes honor at the White House!!!

I hope not. I wouldn't let any child near that pedo.

According to the clip, the kid wants to be a firefighter when he grows up. Forgive me if this is a dumb question, but what kind of paycheck do bus drivers even draw?

Not sure.

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