Herschel Walker “absolutely shocked” by election result

Shows even Georgia Republicans were turned off by Walker
Worst candidate ever
I seriously doubt that.
But we do have women voting in these elections.....and they are quite easily misled by lies and half-truths.
I'm sure the guys were firmly behind him.
I called it last summer....The GOP McLeadership in general, and McTurtle in particular, were going to kneecap any candidate that wasn't going to fall in line and kiss their ass. They'd rather have a caucus of slavish bootlickers in the minority, than be in the majority with membership that demands real results.

First agenda of the GOP has to be to shed itself of all the old deadwood like McConnell who has let the party fall completely out of touch with the voting public standing still for years and years doing nothing just so long as he can sit in the bus lane and milk his position close to the seats of power while actually having little of the responsibility letting the nation go to hell so long as his own ass is covered.

I said it just yesterday I think: When the GOP get the House and begin the proceedings against the Bidens and Dems for various crimes and corruption, watch out for anyone in the GOP warning that "revenge" is not the way to go and that the party needs to just "move on" and "address the needs of the people!"

THOSE are the asshole RINOS the party must watch out for, not trust, and GTF out of there. Nowhere on this planet would a parent or justice system, confronted with a person or child who repeatedly steals and sets the house on fire ever decide that the best course is to do nothing and just move on---- and expect that the child or person, unpunished for their acts, will just "get it" and not just go on stealing, lying, and trying to burn the house down some more!

Considering the actions of the last 5-6 years, if the GOP has any brains and stones at all, they will investigate, impeach, and prosecute the Bidens and every democrat not nailed down until they've literally worn the skin raw off their fingers from signing the execution orders.
my friends, while Herschel ran an amazing campaign, he didn't win, but that doesn't mean it's his fault!
Walker may have had a better chance if he had admitted to having four kids by four different women, paid for at least two abortions, and suffered multiple personality disorders. But... now he realized his mistakes, and changed his ways, and was now pro-life, and for personal responsibility.

It would have been like Arnold Schwarzenegger who admitted going to sex orgies, using drugs, and all kinds of hollywood debauchery, but admitted it, and said that was behind him.

Walkers problem is he tried to hide his past. And as with watergate, the coverup was worse than the crime.
I take anything that the MSM publishes with a grain of salt.
I'd be willing to bet that every person on the planet has someone willing to say shitty things about them...if they're given enough cash.
Yeah.... and how about the DNA paternity tests that Walker was determined to be the babies daddy?
I seriously doubt that.
But we do have women voting in these elections.....and they are quite easily misled by lies and half-truths.
I'm sure the guys were firmly behind him.
Women outnumber men, and often outvote men.

Run with those demographics.
Yeah.... and how about the DNA paternity tests that Walker was determined to be the babies daddy?
Seems to me to be a non-issue....especially since he made good on everything and changed his life.
Have you ever heard of redemption?
Is that something that only Democrats are allowed?
Hunter Biden fucking relatives and underage children...smoking meth with them....and his Dad feeling up his own daughter in the shower for years?
Why do you want to excuse this deviance but then condemn Walker because he fucked a few Hoes?
Controversies.....or just media manipulation....either way....it's difficult to win when the media refuses to cover both candidates equally. Under normal circumstances Walker would have swept Warnock.....but because the entire media establishment was trashing Walker night and day.....some of his voters decided not to vote for him. Add to that the fact that Mitch McConnell refused to help him like he should have.....it's not a surprise the way it turned out.

No, all ‘the media’ did was to accurately document the fact that Walker was unfit to hold any public office.

No, all ‘the media’ did was to accurately document the fact that Walker was unfit to hold any public office.
Yet John Fetterman, Joe Biden, and a dead guy are fit for office?

How do you figure?

Do you still believe Hillary was the most qualified candidate to ever run for president?
Walker may have had a better chance if he had admitted to having four kids by four different women, paid for at least two abortions, and suffered multiple personality disorders. But... now he realized his mistakes, and changed his ways, and was now pro-life, and for personal responsibility.

It would have been like Arnold Schwarzenegger who admitted going to sex orgies, using drugs, and all kinds of hollywood debauchery, but admitted it, and said that was behind him.

Walkers problem is he tried to hide his past. And as with watergate, the coverup was worse than the crime.
Yet you probably supported Bill Clinton who raped a woman in collage at Cambridge and has had more affairs with his secretaries than JFK.
And been using chickens to transport cocaine from Columbia to the US.
Not to mentioned stole billions from the Haiti relief fund.
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Yet John Fetterman, Joe Biden, and a dead guy are fit for office?

How do you figure?

Do you still believe Hillary was the most qualified candidate to ever run for president?
A Republican says something ignorant, wrong, racist, bigoted, or hateful, and there’s a video of it, conservatives start lying about how ‘the media’ are to ‘blame.’

Too funny.
A Republican says something ignorant, wrong, racist, bigoted, or hateful, and there’s a video of it, conservatives start lying about how ‘the media’ are to ‘blame.’

Too funny.
Show me the video.
I can show you the same from Democrats.
Maxine Waters.....all of those degenerates on MSNBC and CNN have been saying some pretty inflammatory rhetoric for several years. Yet you think Trump calling someone a loser is a violent act in itself.
The question is, given the 2022 GOP midterm disaster – of which Walker is a painful example – have Republicans resolved to field better candidates; candidates that aren’t dishonest election deniers such as Lake, or those clearly unfit to hold any public, such as Walker.
Show me the video.
I can show you the same from Democrats.
Maxine Waters.....all of those degenerates on MSNBC and CNN have been saying some pretty inflammatory rhetoric for several years. Yet you think Trump calling someone a loser is a violent act in itself.
This video documentation of the fact that Walker is unfit to hold any public office is indeed accurate and authentic.

What’s disturbing, of course, is that Walker got as many votes as he did – he should have been overwhelmingly rejected by the voters because he’s wrong on the issues, his opinion of vampires and werewolves notwithstanding.
There's a reason Dominion voting machines have "proprietary" software. There is nothing proprietary about 1 + 1 =2.

The GOP needs to learn how to write voting machine algorithms and harvest fake ballots to compete. It's been proven a 15-year old can program any results you desire in 7 minutes with a screwdriver and a flash drive.

Or go the way of the Whigs.

Sorry Herschel, you just got caught up in election theft. You speak better than that fucking neanderthal in PA by an exponential factor but they needed the seat. Your opponent is mostly known for running over his wife and pouring piss on young campers that wet the bed at his "bible" camp. Learn how to code.... literally.

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