He's Imploding: Joe Biden Says ‘Poor Kids Are Just as Bright and Just as Talented as White Kids’

Oh ...the OP changed the title of the thread.

The first title of the thread said Biden was dropping out

The second title of the thread is the one we have now.

oh well.....better late than never I guess:eusa_liar:
The Democrat front runner is a demented old white guy. Winning.....
Joe is not demented. At least he wasn't hmm..3 1/2 years ago when he was running the Senate like a boss and professionally. I watched him confirming judges or something.

Fuck all you Biden-bashing sumbitches!

I'll vote for Trump, but Biden-bashers are turds.
The Democrat front runner is a demented old white guy. Winning.....
Joe is not demented. At least he wasn't hmm..3 1/2 years ago when he was running the Senate like a boss and professionally. I watched him confirming judges or something.

Fuck all you Biden-bashing sumbitches!

I'll vote for Trump, but Biden-bashers are turds.

Demented he is not!

He has been able to rob BILLIONS from the USA.!

Sorry but that's the truth.:wink:
The Democrat front runner is a demented old white guy. Winning.....
Joe is not demented. At least he wasn't hmm..3 1/2 years ago when he was running the Senate like a boss and professionally. I watched him confirming judges or something.

Fuck all you Biden-bashing sumbitches!

I'll vote for Trump, but Biden-bashers are turds.

Demented he is not!

He has been able to rob BILLIONS from the USA.!

Sorry but that's the truth.:wink:

I never investigated any of that. He seemed OK to me.
I liked it when he said, I deal with the truth...not FACTS! And then when he just stops talking searching his mind for the correct word. No, Biden won't be the nominee, but he is a nice guy. Too bad he's so old
The Democrat front runner is a demented old white guy. Winning.....
Joe is not demented. At least he wasn't hmm..3 1/2 years ago when he was running the Senate like a boss and professionally. I watched him confirming judges or something.

Fuck all you Biden-bashing sumbitches!

I'll vote for Trump, but Biden-bashers are turds.

Demented he is not!

He has been able to rob BILLIONS from the USA.!

Sorry but that's the truth.:wink:

I never investigated any of that. He seemed OK to me.

Just search Biden and China financial dealings.....search for his son Hunter and all the money he got from China....etc.....try to use an impartial search engine ...not Gulag, oops Google. :)
I predict a brokered Democrat convention next year. With no nominee and the party in desperation, Al Gore will be drafted and go on to save the planet and civilization.
I predict a brokered Democrat convention next year. With no nominee and the party in desperation, Al Gore will be drafted and go on to save the planet and civilization.
Ih, that reminds me of the 60's! What a show that was! I was bouncing off the walls with excitement!

The dirty dealings of a brokered convention is crazy. States walking out, electricity being cut off to speakers...just crazy...

Actually with the number of candidates and as nasty as this could get, it is possible!
I predict a brokered Democrat convention next year. With no nominee and the party in desperation, Al Gore will be drafted and go on to save the planet and civilization.
Ih, that reminds me of the 60's! What a show that was! I was bouncing off the walls with excitement!

The dirty dealings of a brokered convention is crazy. States walking out, electricity being cut off to speakers...just crazy...

Actually with the number of candidates and as nasty as this could get, it is possible!
Actually, I tgink it was the 70's. Couldn't wait to put my sone to bed so I could watch the mayhem.
I predict a brokered Democrat convention next year. With no nominee and the party in desperation, Al Gore will be drafted and go on to save the planet and civilization.
Ih, that reminds me of the 60's! What a show that was! I was bouncing off the walls with excitement!

The dirty dealings of a brokered convention is crazy. States walking out, electricity being cut off to speakers...just crazy...

Actually with the number of candidates and as nasty as this could get, it is possible!
Actually, I tgink it was the 70's. Couldn't wait to put my sone to bed so I could watch the mayhem.
I remember the 1968 Democrat convention in Chicago and the riots. What a circus.
I predict a brokered Democrat convention next year. With no nominee and the party in desperation, Al Gore will be drafted and go on to save the planet and civilization.
Ih, that reminds me of the 60's! What a show that was! I was bouncing off the walls with excitement!

The dirty dealings of a brokered convention is crazy. States walking out, electricity being cut off to speakers...just crazy...

Actually with the number of candidates and as nasty as this could get, it is possible!
Actually, I tgink it was the 70's. Couldn't wait to put my sone to bed so I could watch the mayhem.
I remember the 1968 Democrat convention in Chicago and the riots. What a circus.
I think this year could be the year. The country and parties are so divided, anything could happen!
While genetics is not an exact science - short people occasionally have tall children - if you look at a neighborhood school where the students' families are "poor," there is a strong likelihood is that the PARENTS in that school district lack some of the necessities for prosperity and success. They are of below-average intelligence, they spurn middle-class values (don't work long or hard, don't strive to advance themselves, etc.), they have poor life habits - spend the money they have foolishly- and are not raising their kids as well as they could be. The kids are not forced to do their homework diligently, are not encouraged to try to excel, and so forth.

Of course, this is a gross generalization, but in broad terms it is completely predictable and true. So there might be a few brilliant students and high-achievers coming out of a "poor" district, but when you look at things like AVERAGE test scores, number of students scoring "proficient" in math and English, they will be - shall we say - disappointing.

And throwing more taxpayer dollars at those school districts will NOT overturn what genetics and natural selection have produced. The ONLY hope for the occasional "golden nugget" in these schools is a charter or highly-selective program where kids are tested, selected, and moved into an environment where success is expected and is the norm. But of course, when you do that the average in the poor school suffers.

So to address former Vice President Biden figuratively, "No, Joe. Kids in 'poor' neighborhoods are NOT just as smart as kids in 'rich' neighborhoods." Life doesn't work like that. Intelligence, talent, creativity, and pluck are not randomly distributed throughout the population; they cluster around those who already have those qualities.

Gee, I wonder if that's why "inequality" is increasing?

Black neighborhoods are full of unwed mothers. Single-parent households are related to poverty.

It's not the money, but the curriculum in schools. Not just black schools, but most all public schools.

In middle-class to wealthier areas, kids learn from their parents who are to some degree successful in life. Poor kids simply don't have that advantage. In many cases the parents are just as dumb as the kids.

While there may not be a total solution, what needs to happen is to have financial courses in high school. If you ask a high school kid today what they know about the stock market, real estate, the commodities market, credit cards and interest, bonds and so forth, they will look at you like a foreigner that doesn't understand the language you're using. If you ask them what a CD is, they will tell you it's something people used to have music on.

Liberal schools will never do this. The last thing they want to do is focus on making kids independent and capitalistic. But school should be there to take over where the failed parents left off.

I have HUD people living next door to me unfortunately. Many times they are up late at night into early morning making all kinds of racket. How are their kids supposed to learn anything in school when they can't even get a good nights rest for the next morning?
I predict a brokered Democrat convention next year. With no nominee and the party in desperation, Al Gore will be drafted and go on to save the planet and civilization.
Ih, that reminds me of the 60's! What a show that was! I was bouncing off the walls with excitement!

The dirty dealings of a brokered convention is crazy. States walking out, electricity being cut off to speakers...just crazy...

Actually with the number of candidates and as nasty as this could get, it is possible!
Actually, I tgink it was the 70's. Couldn't wait to put my sone to bed so I could watch the mayhem.
I remember the 1968 Democrat convention in Chicago and the riots. What a circus.
I think this year could be the year. The country and parties are so divided, anything could happen!
I think there is a good chance some idiots will try to disrupt the Republican convention in order to claim Republicans are violent racists. The Democrats will buy some black thugs with free ice tea and Skittles.

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