He's Imploding: Joe Biden Says ‘Poor Kids Are Just as Bright and Just as Talented as White Kids’

And poor white kids? The comparative is insane. Apples and oranges.

If they are taught what other kids were and are absorbed into the American culture they will be talented and great citizens. If they are taught by revolutionaries to think like where they came from......then what was the United States is over. We see that in parts now.
It so cute how uneducated ignorant hate filled trumpkins don’t know how stupid they are
jillian is an Obama loving socialist who harbors a lost soul so has reformed herself and her own... right out of Judaism.

Personal conclusion:

One of the lost tribes and not of the patriarchal lineage of Judah. It didn't take long to figure that out.


Jillian is a fair weather Israel supporter.

Israel or Obama? ..Obama wins every time

And poor white kids? The comparative is insane. Apples and oranges.

If they are taught what other kids were and are absorbed into the American culture they will be talented and great citizens. If they are taught by revolutionaries to think like where they came from......then what was the United States is over. We see that in parts now.
It so cute how uneducated ignorant hate filled trumpkins don’t know how stupid they are
jillian is an Obama loving socialist who harbors a lost soul so has reformed herself and her own... right out of Judaism.

Personal conclusion:

One of the lost tribes and not of the patriarchal lineage of Judah. It didn't take long to figure that out.


Jillian is a fair weather Israel supporter.

Israel or Obama? ..Obama wins every time

Is that a picture of Jerrold Nadler in drag?
And poor white kids? The comparative is insane. Apples and oranges.

If they are taught what other kids were and are absorbed into the American culture they will be talented and great citizens. If they are taught by revolutionaries to think like where they came from......then what was the United States is over. We see that in parts now.
It so cute how uneducated ignorant hate filled trumpkins don’t know how stupid they are
jillian is an Obama loving socialist who harbors a lost soul so has reformed herself and her own... right out of Judaism.

Personal conclusion:

One of the lost tribes and not of the patriarchal lineage of Judah. It didn't take long to figure that out.


Jillian is a fair weather Israel supporter.

Israel or Obama? ..Obama wins every time

Is that a picture of Jerrold Nadler in drag?

The drag's right behind him.


It's somewhat impolitic of Biden, but not so far as to be factually incorrect or white supremacist.

There's a stereotype of “poor white trash” and of course that supercilious insinuation that non-white kids are even poorer.

The “bright and talented” or “merit” thing at school gets too much attention. The general level & quality of education are too low, and some kids are bored out of their minds at school.

Raise the bar a little, and pay more attention to the kids who need help with proficiency in basic subjects.

REAL WORLD: You don't need to be super intelligent or bright or well-read to succeed. There are technical tracks & blue collar jobs with apprenticeships. People make real money at this stuff, learn as they go, and educate themselves at their own leisure.

Lets hope he keeps it up. Last thing this country needs is to be stuck choosing between two 70 something white dudes.
Why is that?

If you have to ask, you will never understand.
I don't have to ask. I understand that you're a fucking bigot.

Lets hope he keeps it up. Last thing this country needs is to be stuck choosing between two 70 something white dudes.
Why is that?

If you have to ask, you will never understand.
I don't have to ask. I understand that you're a fucking bigot.

actually more of an ageist :290968001256257790-final:
Democrats are so consumed by hatred that they have literally become the very racist they claim to hate.

You can make any Democrat sound like Hitler if when they rant about "white people", change "white people" to "Jews" and reread. The type of people Democrats are is made obvious.

This guy made no mistake and he doesn't believe this either. Biden has no intention of being the nominee, and he is not qualified to be President and he knows it.

Gaffe-prone presidential hopeful Joe Biden put his foot in his mouth during an Iowa campaign stop on Thursday when he told a group of predominately Asian and Hispanic voters that “poor kids are just as bright, just as talented, as white kids.”

Biden committed the stunning blunder while speaking about education at a town hall with the Asian and Latino Coalition in Des Moines, where he’s campaigning and fundraising for the 2020 Democratic primary.

“We should challenge students in these schools and have advanced placement programs in these schools. We have this notion that somehow if you’re poor, you cannot do it,” Biden said at the event, according to video of his remarks.

“Poor kids are just as bright, just as talented, as white kids,” he added.
that poor kids are just as smart as white kids. Jesus Fucking Christ a KKK grand poobah wouldn't say something that stupid. Biden wants to go back to his recliner and resume watching cartoons.

Oh well, send in Oprah
While genetics is not an exact science - short people occasionally have tall children - if you look at a neighborhood school where the students' families are "poor," there is a strong likelihood is that the PARENTS in that school district lack some of the necessities for prosperity and success. They are of below-average intelligence, they spurn middle-class values (don't work long or hard, don't strive to advance themselves, etc.), they have poor life habits - spend the money they have foolishly- and are not raising their kids as well as they could be. The kids are not forced to do their homework diligently, are not encouraged to try to excel, and so forth.

Of course, this is a gross generalization, but in broad terms it is completely predictable and true. So there might be a few brilliant students and high-achievers coming out of a "poor" district, but when you look at things like AVERAGE test scores, number of students scoring "proficient" in math and English, they will be - shall we say - disappointing.

And throwing more taxpayer dollars at those school districts will NOT overturn what genetics and natural selection have produced. The ONLY hope for the occasional "golden nugget" in these schools is a charter or highly-selective program where kids are tested, selected, and moved into an environment where success is expected and is the norm. But of course, when you do that the average in the poor school suffers.

So to address former Vice President Biden figuratively, "No, Joe. Kids in 'poor' neighborhoods are NOT just as smart as kids in 'rich' neighborhoods." Life doesn't work like that. Intelligence, talent, creativity, and pluck are not randomly distributed throughout the population; they cluster around those who already have those qualities.

Gee, I wonder if that's why "inequality" is increasing?

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