He's Imploding: Joe Biden Says ‘Poor Kids Are Just as Bright and Just as Talented as White Kids’

"Poor Kids Are Just As Smart, & As Talented As White Kids”

and this will be ignored or excuses made
imagine if Trump said that liberal heads would explode they would start foaming at the mouth screaming racism

Tramp did say "he loved the poorly educated".
“Poor Kids Are Just As Smart, & As Talented As White Kids” “We Choose Truth Over Facts”

So you don't think poor kids have talents and smarts, but you are wrong, they just don't have the chance or the resources that wealthy kids have and who usually take for granted and waste.

Sure poor kids have talents...its you clowns trying to score political points. And looking stupid doing it

tramp only love the educated, poor or rich, which political points is he try to get.

I doubt he was ever #1 with Hispanics, he lies like a rug.
“Poor Kids Are Just As Smart, & As Talented As White Kids” “We Choose Truth Over Facts”

So you don't think poor kids have talents and smarts, but you are wrong, they just don't have the chance or the resources that wealthy kids have and who usually take for granted and waste.

Sure poor kids have talents...its you clowns trying to score political points. And looking stupid doing it

tramp only love the educated, poor or rich, which political points is he try to get.

I doubt he was ever #1 with Hispanics, he lies like a rug.

Nothing to do with the OP. TDS?
“Poor Kids Are Just As Smart, & As Talented As White Kids” “We Choose Truth Over Facts”

So you don't think poor kids have talents and smarts, but you are wrong, they just don't have the chance or the resources that wealthy kids have and who usually take for granted and waste.

Sure poor kids have talents...its you clowns trying to score political points. And looking stupid doing it

tramp only love the educated, poor or rich, which political points is he try to get.

I doubt he was ever #1 with Hispanics, he lies like a rug.

Nothing to do with the OP. TDS?

Just showing you what total ignorance is like.
The people pretending it was a gaffe... Biden repeatedly lashes himself for being white.

While attending a Black History Month event on Tuesday, Vice President Joe Biden defended his basketball skills, telling the audience "I may be a white boy, but I can jump."

Biden: 'White Man Can Jump'
You want gaffe's , lets show gaffes, how do you like it now??

So when a Democrats says something that can be seen as racially insensitive it is a gaffe but when Trump or any Republican does the same they are absolutely a racist and the quote will be plastered all over the left-wing media. Gotcha. The left are nothing more than brainwashed lemmings.

So you don't think poor kids have talents and smarts, but you are wrong, they just don't have the chance or the resources that wealthy kids have and who usually take for granted and waste.

Sure poor kids have talents...its you clowns trying to score political points. And looking stupid doing it

tramp only love the educated, poor or rich, which political points is he try to get.

I doubt he was ever #1 with Hispanics, he lies like a rug.

Nothing to do with the OP. TDS?

Just showing you what total ignorance is like.

Bravado is not ignorance. Did you even graduate HS? Your posts say otherwise.
Biden is a clown. A stupid clown with no moral foundation. The sonofabitch was part of the Obama administration. That just shows what an idiot he is.

Trump will eat the incompetent sonofabitch alive if Biden gets through the Moon Bat Primary.
You want gaffe's , lets show gaffes, how do you like it now??

So when a Democrats says something that can be seen as racially insensitive it is a gaffe but when Trump or any Republican does the same they are absolutely a racist and the quote will be plastered all over the left-wing media. Gotcha. The left are nothing more than brainwashed lemmings.

It is not a gaffe and you should stop pretending this is a one time thing by Biden.
“Poor Kids Are Just As Smart, & As Talented As White Kids”

“We Choose Truth Over Facts”

“Poor Kids Are Just As Smart, & As Talented As White Kids”

“We Choose Truth Over Facts”

This is in politics so supply a link for your ? facts.

YIKES: Joe Biden Says 'Poor Kids Are Just as Bright and Just as Talented as White Kids' (VIDEO)

You always demand proof and then ignore it. You will do the same here.

He is right, but poor kids do not have the resources, I always want a link, except if its a matter of opinion.

He said:
programs in these schools we have this
notion that somehow if you're poor you
cannot do it poor kids are just as
bright and just as talyn's white kids
wealthy kids black kids

and he is right.

So all white kids have the resources? Come down to my neck of the woods and let me show you Appalachia.

How many times has tramp put his foot in his mouth and corrected himself, a whole lot.
True. Thankfully the media points out his gaffes, though they do it ad naseum. Too bad they ignore or minimize gaffes by those on the left. Thus duping large numbers of Americans.
Right the second statement has been clarified as a slip of the tougue...

Probably ment to say
We Choose Truth Over Alternative Facts

Remember Conway said there is two types of facts:
Real ones
Alternative Ones

She was choosing to use the Alternative ones. There was no retraction by the White House, so that is there position...

So Biden could stand by the second statement in the White House world..
Hey it is gool ole Joe(the groper) being the moron he has always been. Just love it when a liberal who says we are stupid then votes for this idiot. A fools fool will vote for a fool.
It's unbelievable that Democrats think Joe is the best they have. Poor judgement or just no competition? Joe Biden is like the grandfather that constantly gets forgiven because he just doesn't understand. If he were a Republican that wouldn't happen.
If our two choices in 2020 are The Don or Creepy Joe, man are we screwed again.

Lets just take stock here...

The Don is a Con... The guy has next to no ability to run a country, everything he touches turns to crap...

Biden has a pretty long and distinguished career in foreign relations, he knows things like having other countries helping candidates is a very bad idea cause they are not doing it for the US Citizen.
Biden was also there in 2009 and helped steer the US economy out of an impending disaster. The question you have to ask if there was another economic crisis who would want Biden or Trump? Biden by a country mile, Trump has borrowing to above a Trillion in a boom, imagine what he would be like in a crisis...

And also not that it matters...
Biden is a gentleman and that has been confirmed by many on both sides of the aisle.
Trump is an asshole:
The Time Donald Trump Turned Away in Disgust While a Man Was Bleeding to Death in Front of Him

Must...turn...thread..into hate Trump....

Sorry was this meant to be a hate Biden only... Somebody compared the two and I can't help if Trump is crap at his job compared to other people....

I noticed you didn't say I was actually wrong, only to say I should be saying it when you some people where in hatefest on Biden...
Here is the difference
Listen to Biden and there is a danger a poor kid will think he is bright enough to go to college, get an education and have a fruitful career.

Listen to Trump and there is a kid thinks there is an invasion and he needs to shoot them.

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