He's not just letting them into the country, he's inviting them to OUR White House

"President Obama’s White House will honor illegal immigrant activists at a ceremony Tuesday.

Two activists with the group Mi Familia Vota Education Fund will be honored as “Champions of Change” at a special White House ceremony.

Fernanda Zaragoza-Gomez, 19, a Colorado Mi Familia Vota canvasser, and Steven Arteaga Rodriguez, a Texas activist with the group, are both “DREAMers” who began their activism careers after applying for and gaining Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), a program established by Obama to provide living and working status for undocumented young immigrants.

The activist group, which has offices in six states, works for the goal of “expanding the electorate” through “direct, sustainable citizenship, voter registration, census education, GOTV and issue organizing in key states.”

Read more: White House To Welcome In, Honor Illegal Immigrants | The Daily Caller

obama is demonstrating once again his disregard for the obligations of his office as he cranks up the pandering in the run-up to the mid term elections. Some sycophants are probably urging him on, telling him how he's burnishing his 'legacy' as well. If he really cared about immigrants he'd be working to make it easier for those who come here legally and respect our country and its sovereignty instead of giving them the finger by constantly favoring those who jump the line and violate our laws as their first act in the country.

Sounds like an excellent idea. Good for him.

Obama is a 1960's Weather Underground, America hating, lying POS. so this does not surprise me. Anything to weaken America...he is for it.

Uh, that thin air got to ya, the President was born in 1961.
I don't see a problem.

Look closer.

Harms of Immigration

1. Americans lose jobs. (especially Whites due to affirmative action).

2. Wage reduction.

3. Tax $ lost (due to off books work + lower wages paid).

4. Remittance $$$ lost. ($170 Billion year).

5. Tax $$ lost to immigrants on welfare.

6. Increased crime.

7. Increased traffic congestion.

8. Increased pollution.

9. Overcrowding in hospital ERs.

10. Overcrowding in recreational facilities.

11. Overcrowding in government offices.

12. Overcrowding in schools.

13. Decrease in funds available for entitlements.

14. Cultural erosion.

15. Overuse of scarce resources (oil, gasoline, fresh water, jobs, electricity, food, etc)

16. Introduction of foreign diseases

In addition, the allowance of illegal aliens, shows both a disrespect for our immigration law and to the people who immigrate here through the legal channels. Highly UNFAIR to them.
I don't see a problem.

You would if you went through the process legally to become a citizen.
My friend form Norway is very upset about it.
She worked hard to became a legal citizen and now these people are being treated with special privileges? People who are breaking our laws.

Am I supposed to be offended or concerned that they are breaking "our" laws?

Of course.. The immigration laws are some of the most protective laws of US citizens ever to be written and put on the books. Would you be so nonchalant if you were unemployed and watching millions of illegal aliens snaking in and taking jobs you could have had ?
Question: are you an illegal alien ?
I will never understand the reasoning behind immigration reform. These people broke the law, they are here illegally...and they have the audacity to claim the laws need to be changed! What nonsense!

It is too bad the Hispanic illegals are dominating this conversation, because if we look to the North, the illegal immigration issue is more of a threat.

Yep. They do indeed have the audacity to want that. I hope they win too. We could use some more audacity here.

Can you explain how/why ?
Yep. They do indeed have the audacity to want that. I hope they win too. We could use some more audacity here.

So you are for open borders?

The problem is far too complicated for such a simple solution. So long as poverty reigns in our neighbors we are going to get this constant influx. But the people who are coming are the ones who don't simply sit back and take it. They come here to work and they are willing to work very hard indeed. We should be helping them, not criminalizing them. They are a benefit to this nation. It was people exactly like them which built this nation, and it was people like many Americans today who said the same thing about those prior immigrants that are being said today. It was nonsense then and it is nonsense today.

NONSENSE! The list in Post # 23 refutes everything you just ludicroulsy said.
That's what a president do, sit around and talk to somebody doing good in life. When obama and I relate, which is king tut
"President Obama’s White House will honor illegal immigrant activists at a ceremony Tuesday.

Two activists with the group Mi Familia Vota Education Fund will be honored as “Champions of Change” at a special White House ceremony.

Fernanda Zaragoza-Gomez, 19, a Colorado Mi Familia Vota canvasser, and Steven Arteaga Rodriguez, a Texas activist with the group, are both “DREAMers” who began their activism careers after applying for and gaining Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), a program established by Obama to provide living and working status for undocumented young immigrants.

The activist group, which has offices in six states, works for the goal of “expanding the electorate” through “direct, sustainable citizenship, voter registration, census education, GOTV and issue organizing in key states.”

Read more: White House To Welcome In, Honor Illegal Immigrants | The Daily Caller

obama is demonstrating once again his disregard for the obligations of his office as he cranks up the pandering in the run-up to the mid term elections. Some sycophants are probably urging him on, telling him how he's burnishing his 'legacy' as well. If he really cared about immigrants he'd be working to make it easier for those who come here legally and respect our country and its sovereignty instead of giving them the finger by constantly favoring those who jump the line and violate our laws as their first act in the country.

Its good low intellect retards like you are not in charge of anything.
This man disgusts me more each day. 2017 cannot possibly get here fast enough. Maybe we'll get lucky, and he'll be gone sooner.
I don't see a problem.

You would if you went through the process legally to become a citizen.
My friend form Norway is very upset about it.
She worked hard to became a legal citizen and now these people are being treated with special privileges? People who are breaking our laws.

Am I supposed to be offended or concerned that they are breaking "our" laws?

Of course not, you're a lib. Duh !
So you are for open borders?

The problem is far too complicated for such a simple solution. So long as poverty reigns in our neighbors we are going to get this constant influx. But the people who are coming are the ones who don't simply sit back and take it. They come here to work and they are willing to work very hard indeed. We should be helping them, not criminalizing them. They are a benefit to this nation. It was people exactly like them which built this nation, and it was people like many Americans today who said the same thing about those prior immigrants that are being said today. It was nonsense then and it is nonsense today.

NONSENSE! The list in Post # 23 refutes everything you just ludicroulsy said.

No. Its just a list. It refutes nothing. Now, if you wish to present some actual facts to support that list, I would be quite willing to take them into account. Otherwise, anyone can put together a list.
Yep. They do indeed have the audacity to want that. I hope they win too. We could use some more audacity here.

So you are for open borders?

The problem is far too complicated for such a simple solution. So long as poverty reigns in our neighbors we are going to get this constant influx. But the people who are coming are the ones who don't simply sit back and take it. They come here to work and they are willing to work very hard indeed. We should be helping them, not criminalizing them. They are a benefit to this nation. It was people exactly like them which built this nation, and it was people like many Americans today who said the same thing about those prior immigrants that are being said today. It was nonsense then and it is nonsense today.

No they aren't like the kind of immigrants that built this nation. The immigrants that built this nation never asked for anything and it wouldn't have been given to them if they asked.

Change the law back to what it was when immigrants came through Ellis Island. These hispanics would never get a toe wet crossing the river unless it was to get back home.
You would if you went through the process legally to become a citizen.
My friend form Norway is very upset about it.
She worked hard to became a legal citizen and now these people are being treated with special privileges? People who are breaking our laws.

Am I supposed to be offended or concerned that they are breaking "our" laws?

Of course not, you're a lib. Duh !

Am I? Says whom?
Am I supposed to be offended or concerned that they are breaking "our" laws?

Of course not, you're a lib. Duh !

Am I? Says whom?

If you disagree with a Teaper, then you are a liberal. I thought you have been here long enough to know this. It also means you are a racist, statist and anti-American.

And, if you really make them mad or challenge their opinions, they will begin to make shit up and blame you for fall of America and the end of the world.
How dare you, you liberal lemming. :lol:
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So you are for open borders?

The problem is far too complicated for such a simple solution. So long as poverty reigns in our neighbors we are going to get this constant influx. But the people who are coming are the ones who don't simply sit back and take it. They come here to work and they are willing to work very hard indeed. We should be helping them, not criminalizing them. They are a benefit to this nation. It was people exactly like them which built this nation, and it was people like many Americans today who said the same thing about those prior immigrants that are being said today. It was nonsense then and it is nonsense today.

No they aren't like the kind of immigrants that built this nation. The immigrants that built this nation never asked for anything and it wouldn't have been given to them if they asked.

Change the law back to what it was when immigrants came through Ellis Island. These hispanics would never get a toe wet crossing the river unless it was to get back home.

Perhaps you need to read history. Ever heard of the Homestead Act?

The vast majority of the immigrants today aren't asking for anything more than to be let in and be treated with a modicum of respect. Its the people who already live here who are looking for a free ride. You know, the people who think they are entitled to the benefits of this nation just for being born.
Just another way for him to say, screw you American citizens. I'm going to bring in as many foreigners I want (how many children have flooded our country already, call them Dreamers) and I will give them Amnesty and there isn't shit you can do about

So sit back and watch the show while I tell your children, tough shit...You don't need jobs you have us (government) so come one come all jump on the taxpayer gravy train
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I don't see a problem.

You would if you went through the process legally to become a citizen.
My friend form Norway is very upset about it.
She worked hard to became a legal citizen and now these people are being treated with special privileges? People who are breaking our laws.

Except the DREAMers didn't break the laws. Their parents did.

They were children at the time.
what a cute little name for people whose PARENTS broke our laws so we should just overlook that and call their children, DREAMERS

Our legal American children are Dreamers too for jobs that used to be available to THEM...BUT now those are gone today because OF ILLEGAL immigrants who have been allowed to stay in this country with their children

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