Hetrosexuality: a brief history of human race.

The pedophiliac violence of the tranny is first accomplished at the mental level, when the alphabet grows beyond LGB and flips over to T. At that point, both mental and physical ambiguities come into question, and this is the realm of opportunist crotch-clownism and the pedophile's deception.

This growing alphabet gets arrogant and stupid precisely when it flips to T. That is the pedophiliac crotch-clown illusion that is now molesting American children and children worldwide. That is when and where this psychopathology fails to learn where it ends and someone else begins.

Genital status of each sex-change surgery should be documented on State IDs and driver's licenses as a precaution against killings, sexual predations and deception.

Nashville killer-tranny Hale having had to swipe her card before entering the school would not have done much good because the birth genitals were (also [italics]) the current genitals of this "trans man." This name game should get politically and legislatively screwed back, lastingly.
Its because democrats want to destroy the nuclear family. They bash all white families, they bash Christians, they bash white people, they bash being straight

Democrats are the most racist phobia ridden people on the planet
Dems will target any nuclear family, even if they're atheist. These nazis know that xianity may generate future atheists, so the violence is done against all nuclears for eliminating any semblance of a middle class.
You can't deny the overlap with trannies and pedos. Maybe you can cause you're an idiot

What about the overlap between heterosexuals and pedos? Many of the children who are molested are molested by heterosexual people, and a lot of them happen to be family members.
News flash dumbass if someone you deem hetero abuses a kid of the same sex he's a faggot not hetero

Guess you missed out on the many reported cases of female and male teachers molesting children of the opposite sex, as well as the many documented cases of fathers molesting their daughters.
Guess you missed out on the many reported cases of female and male teachers molesting children of the opposite sex, as well as the many documented cases of fathers molesting their daughters.
I'm sure that happens now pull up all Drag Queen Story hour trannies that are pedos

No strawman is involved, OP's states a scientific fact. There was never a time that the parents' DNA was not living, even as it exchanged (heterosexual [italics]) ownership.

Wow, what a sleazy diversion!

The OP falsely stated that people demonize heterosexuality, dumbass!
So, explain this. 100% of your parents are heterosexual. Why demonize that? I am lost here.


Wow, what a sleazy diversion!

The OP falsely stated that people demonize heterosexuality, dumbass!

Exactly Richard. I also quoted Mary's OP so that Badger could see it.

And, like you, I'm still wondering where heterosexuals are being "demonized". I noticed that the OP didn't post any links to back up her assertations.
Straight white Christian males. Where have I heard that group targeted before?


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