Hey! Electoral College

It cannot have escaped the notice of the Electors that Trump’s transition team and his growing number of cabinet members are anti-Semitic, homophobic, misogynistic, bigoted racists. His months of campaign rhetoric have already shown Trump’s contempt for the Constitution, and with their show of support, the Republicans in congress have as well.

If they want to cause complete societal upheaval, they'll pull a ridiculous stunt like that. If you thought all the violence by Hillary supporters was bad, just imagine what would happen if you happened to be the unfortunate group of electors who decided to betray the will of 61 million people? You would be persona non grata where ever you go.

So, lets go through the thought process... let's say I'm one of the electors.

Do I cast my vote for the person who won the election?


Do I risk life and limb to make a statement and betray the will of millions of voters by casting my vote for the person who lost?

Don't think that's a hard choice to make.
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#1 I don't believe that Hitlery won the popular vote if we are counting those that were eligible to vote.

#2 We know that the lamestream media flat out lied about how far ahead Hitlery was in the polls and specifically in battleground states

#3 Where were all these voters when Hitlery was making her very infrequent campaign appearances? We know that some of these were actually scripted events with her in front of a "blue screen". She brought in Lebron James to do an appearance with her and only a thousand or so showed up? Trump rallies were SRO with thousands waiting outside that couldn't get in....so I am not buying this bullshit.

#4 She was totally compromised for a litany of reasons.
A. At least 5 different intel agencies from 5 different countries were able to gain access to all her e-mails
B. Wikileaks shows that she is involved with the Lolita Express.
C. She pulled some strings to get a woman involved with child trafficking out of trouble in Haiti when Laura Silsby tried to
smuggle 33 children out of the country.
D. Hitlery and the Chi-coms are thicker than thieves and it goes all the way back to their first trip through the WH and they
were hoping for another trip through the patent office.
E. John Podesta, Pizza-gate with incriminating evidence about a satanic pedophile ritual ring with evidence provided by
evidence collected from Anthony Wiener's laptop. The rank and file of the FBI and NYPD are chomping at the bit to get
this information released and come hell or high water, they smell blood in the water.

#5 She is batshit crazy....her behavior on election night when she was in a drunken stupor trying to lay off blame on her staff
as the reason she lost should make every American glad that she is not going to be the face of the franchise of
It cannot have escaped the notice of the Electors that Trump’s transition team and his growing number of cabinet members are anti-Semitic, homophobic, misogynistic, bigoted racists. His months of campaign rhetoric have already shown Trump’s contempt for the Constitution, and with their show of support, the Republicans in congress have as well.

Understanding these statements to be true, and how the vast majority of European leaders have voiced their concerns for the noticeably despotic tone being set by Trump’s yet-to-confirmed administration, it is of utmost importance that members of the Electoral College realize that Hillary Clinton has received well over 1.5 million more popular votes than Trump.

The dangers posed by Trump and the Republican controlled congress to average Americans’ constitutional rights cannot be overstated. These dangers have become readily apparent a full two months before the traditional Inauguration Day. Additionally, most conservatives have long expressed their overwhelming desire to escalate U. S. military involvement in the Middle East, as has Trump. Also, Trump has proposed even more tax cuts for the super-rich, and with the inevitable increase in military spending, our nation cannot afford to go several more trillions-of-dollars into debt to support the Republicans’ plans to install more corrupt puppet governments.

All the above issues, and many more that will negatively impact average Americans and the citizens in many other parts of the world, can be averted. To this end, the Electors must serve the majority of American voters by making the constitutionally justified decision to elect Hillary Clinton the 45th President of the United States.

The very survival of civilization, now, rests on the Electors shoulders alone. You, the Electors, must realize that any further validation of the stupidity by rank-and-file Republican voters would be unconscionable.

Hillary Clinton's Popular Vote Lead Over Donald Trump Now Exceeds 1.5 Million Votes

The short report at the link above says it all.


With Mrs. Clinton's lead over Trump exceeding 2 million votes (and more to count), America has spoken. Now, The Republicans' crooked tactics are being discovered in three swing states, (an accurate count in these states will add to her lead considerably).

This cheating by the Republicans in 2016 becomes even more significant, given the fraud committed by the GOP to steal the election in 2000, and the disastrous results of the eight year Bush/Cheney administration.

As stated in the OP, "The dangers posed by Trump and the Republican controlled congress to average Americans’ constitutional rights cannot be overstated." It is important, "You, the Electors, must realize that any further validation of the stupidity by rank-and-file Republican voters would be unconscionable."

It cannot have escaped the notice of the Electors that Trump’s transition team and his growing number of cabinet members are anti-Semitic, homophobic, misogynistic, bigoted racists. His months of campaign rhetoric have already shown Trump’s contempt for the Constitution, and with their show of support, the Republicans in congress have as well.

Understanding these statements to be true, and how the vast majority of European leaders have voiced their concerns for the noticeably despotic tone being set by Trump’s yet-to-confirmed administration, it is of utmost importance that members of the Electoral College realize that Hillary Clinton has received well over 1.5 million more popular votes than Trump.

The dangers posed by Trump and the Republican controlled congress to average Americans’ constitutional rights cannot be overstated. These dangers have become readily apparent a full two months before the traditional Inauguration Day. Additionally, most conservatives have long expressed their overwhelming desire to escalate U. S. military involvement in the Middle East, as has Trump. Also, Trump has proposed even more tax cuts for the super-rich, and with the inevitable increase in military spending, our nation cannot afford to go several more trillions-of-dollars into debt to support the Republicans’ plans to install more corrupt puppet governments.

All the above issues, and many more that will negatively impact average Americans and the citizens in many other parts of the world, can be averted. To this end, the Electors must serve the majority of American voters by making the constitutionally justified decision to elect Hillary Clinton the 45th President of the United States.

The very survival of civilization, now, rests on the Electors shoulders alone. You, the Electors, must realize that any further validation of the stupidity by rank-and-file Republican voters would be unconscionable.

Hillary Clinton's Popular Vote Lead Over Donald Trump Now Exceeds 1.5 Million Votes

The short report at the link above says it all.

Glad to see the left wing lying nut jobs are still in a 10 year old child temper tantrum. Go get your play dough puppy dog therapy.
It cannot have escaped the notice of the Electors that Trump’s transition team and his growing number of cabinet members are anti-Semitic, homophobic, misogynistic, bigoted racists. His months of campaign rhetoric have already shown Trump’s contempt for the Constitution, and with their show of support, the Republicans in congress have as well.

Understanding these statements to be true, and how the vast majority of European leaders have voiced their concerns for the noticeably despotic tone being set by Trump’s yet-to-confirmed administration, it is of utmost importance that members of the Electoral College realize that Hillary Clinton has received well over 1.5 million more popular votes than Trump.

The dangers posed by Trump and the Republican controlled congress to average Americans’ constitutional rights cannot be overstated. These dangers have become readily apparent a full two months before the traditional Inauguration Day. Additionally, most conservatives have long expressed their overwhelming desire to escalate U. S. military involvement in the Middle East, as has Trump. Also, Trump has proposed even more tax cuts for the super-rich, and with the inevitable increase in military spending, our nation cannot afford to go several more trillions-of-dollars into debt to support the Republicans’ plans to install more corrupt puppet governments.

All the above issues, and many more that will negatively impact average Americans and the citizens in many other parts of the world, can be averted. To this end, the Electors must serve the majority of American voters by making the constitutionally justified decision to elect Hillary Clinton the 45th President of the United States.

The very survival of civilization, now, rests on the Electors shoulders alone. You, the Electors, must realize that any further validation of the stupidity by rank-and-file Republican voters would be unconscionable.

Hillary Clinton's Popular Vote Lead Over Donald Trump Now Exceeds 1.5 Million Votes

The short report at the link above says it all.

In an update to the lead Mrs. Clinton currently holds over Trump in the popular vote, her lead now exceeds 2.3 million votes.

Hopefully, the electors in the Electoral College will take note of this tremendous lead that proves the will of the majority, and to the many conflicts-of-interest Trump has committed in less than a month since the election.

It is difficult for rational people to believe that even the most devoted Republican electors can be so stupid as to permit such a blatant crook as Trump to be President of the United States. Again, people of reason ask the Electoral College members to do the right thing and the responsible thing and make Hillary Clinton President of the United States.

Clinton's Popular Vote Lead Over Trump Now Exceeds 2.3 Million

OP is right. The women Trump has appointment are clearly misogynistic. :fu:
It cannot have escaped the notice of the Electors that Trump’s transition team and his growing number of cabinet members are anti-Semitic, homophobic, misogynistic, bigoted racists. His months of campaign rhetoric have already shown Trump’s contempt for the Constitution, and with their show of support, the Republicans in congress have as well.

Understanding these statements to be true, and how the vast majority of European leaders have voiced their concerns for the noticeably despotic tone being set by Trump’s yet-to-confirmed administration, it is of utmost importance that members of the Electoral College realize that Hillary Clinton has received well over 1.5 million more popular votes than Trump.

The dangers posed by Trump and the Republican controlled congress to average Americans’ constitutional rights cannot be overstated. These dangers have become readily apparent a full two months before the traditional Inauguration Day. Additionally, most conservatives have long expressed their overwhelming desire to escalate U. S. military involvement in the Middle East, as has Trump. Also, Trump has proposed even more tax cuts for the super-rich, and with the inevitable increase in military spending, our nation cannot afford to go several more trillions-of-dollars into debt to support the Republicans’ plans to install more corrupt puppet governments.

All the above issues, and many more that will negatively impact average Americans and the citizens in many other parts of the world, can be averted. To this end, the Electors must serve the majority of American voters by making the constitutionally justified decision to elect Hillary Clinton the 45th President of the United States.

The very survival of civilization, now, rests on the Electors shoulders alone. You, the Electors, must realize that any further validation of the stupidity by rank-and-file Republican voters would be unconscionable.

Hillary Clinton's Popular Vote Lead Over Donald Trump Now Exceeds 1.5 Million Votes

The short report at the link above says it all.

Stupid is you idiot libtards. Stfu retard.
The Twenty-fifth Amendment opens the door for the Electoral College to vote according to the wishes of the majority of the American people. To do this will save the U.S. from the ravages a Trump presidency will cause.

The question now is, are the Republican electors willing to put the well-being of our country before their political party?

It cannot have escaped the notice of the Electors that Trump’s transition team and his growing number of cabinet members are anti-Semitic, homophobic, misogynistic, bigoted racists. His months of campaign rhetoric have already shown Trump’s contempt for the Constitution, and with their show of support, the Republicans in congress have as well.

What a bunch of whiney ass cry babies... This crap just can't be made up... ole BertramN must be suffering from a Chronic Case of Cranium Rectalitis with no medical relief in sight...
How many times does it take for a logical and legal explanation of the Electoral College for the mentally wounded individuals to get over their butthurt...

The Electoral College Meets Monday. Here’s What to Expect.

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It cannot have escaped the notice of the Electors that Trump’s transition team and his growing number of cabinet members are anti-Semitic, homophobic, misogynistic, bigoted racists. His months of campaign rhetoric have already shown Trump’s contempt for the Constitution, and with their show of support, the Republicans in congress have as well.

Understanding these statements to be true, and how the vast majority of European leaders have voiced their concerns for the noticeably despotic tone being set by Trump’s yet-to-confirmed administration, it is of utmost importance that members of the Electoral College realize that Hillary Clinton has received well over 1.5 million more popular votes than Trump.

The dangers posed by Trump and the Republican controlled congress to average Americans’ constitutional rights cannot be overstated. These dangers have become readily apparent a full two months before the traditional Inauguration Day. Additionally, most conservatives have long expressed their overwhelming desire to escalate U. S. military involvement in the Middle East, as has Trump. Also, Trump has proposed even more tax cuts for the super-rich, and with the inevitable increase in military spending, our nation cannot afford to go several more trillions-of-dollars into debt to support the Republicans’ plans to install more corrupt puppet governments.

All the above issues, and many more that will negatively impact average Americans and the citizens in many other parts of the world, can be averted. To this end, the Electors must serve the majority of American voters by making the constitutionally justified decision to elect Hillary Clinton the 45th President of the United States.

The very survival of civilization, now, rests on the Electors shoulders alone. You, the Electors, must realize that any further validation of the stupidity by rank-and-file Republican voters would be unconscionable.

Hillary Clinton's Popular Vote Lead Over Donald Trump Now Exceeds 1.5 Million Votes

The short report at the link above says it all.


With Mrs. Clinton's lead over Trump exceeding 2 million votes (and more to count), America has spoken. Now, The Republicans' crooked tactics are being discovered in three swing states, (an accurate count in these states will add to her lead considerably).

This cheating by the Republicans in 2016 becomes even more significant, given the fraud committed by the GOP to steal the election in 2000, and the disastrous results of the eight year Bush/Cheney administration.

As stated in the OP, "The dangers posed by Trump and the Republican controlled congress to average Americans’ constitutional rights cannot be overstated." It is important, "You, the Electors, must realize that any further validation of the stupidity by rank-and-file Republican voters would be unconscionable."

What did Hillary win?
The Twenty-fifth Amendment opens the door for the Electoral College to vote according to the wishes of the majority of the American people. To do this will save the U.S. from the ravages a Trump presidency will cause.

The question now is, are the Republican electors willing to put the well-being of our country before their political party?

They are...
It cannot have escaped the notice of the Electors that Trump’s transition team and his growing number of cabinet members are anti-Semitic, homophobic, misogynistic, bigoted racists. His months of campaign rhetoric have already shown Trump’s contempt for the Constitution, and with their show of support, the Republicans in congress have as well.

Understanding these statements to be true, and how the vast majority of European leaders have voiced their concerns for the noticeably despotic tone being set by Trump’s yet-to-confirmed administration, it is of utmost importance that members of the Electoral College realize that Hillary Clinton has received well over 1.5 million more popular votes than Trump.

The dangers posed by Trump and the Republican controlled congress to average Americans’ constitutional rights cannot be overstated. These dangers have become readily apparent a full two months before the traditional Inauguration Day. Additionally, most conservatives have long expressed their overwhelming desire to escalate U. S. military involvement in the Middle East, as has Trump. Also, Trump has proposed even more tax cuts for the super-rich, and with the inevitable increase in military spending, our nation cannot afford to go several more trillions-of-dollars into debt to support the Republicans’ plans to install more corrupt puppet governments.

All the above issues, and many more that will negatively impact average Americans and the citizens in many other parts of the world, can be averted. To this end, the Electors must serve the majority of American voters by making the constitutionally justified decision to elect Hillary Clinton the 45th President of the United States.

The very survival of civilization, now, rests on the Electors shoulders alone. You, the Electors, must realize that any further validation of the stupidity by rank-and-file Republican voters would be unconscionable.

Hillary Clinton's Popular Vote Lead Over Donald Trump Now Exceeds 1.5 Million Votes

The short report at the link above says it all.


You lost, it's not going to change no matter how many lies you tell. Now get your tissues, safety pins and a beer and enjoy the ride.

You've been crying about Obama for 8 years.
It cannot have escaped the notice of the Electors that Trump’s transition team and his growing number of cabinet members are anti-Semitic, homophobic, misogynistic, bigoted racists. His months of campaign rhetoric have already shown Trump’s contempt for the Constitution, and with their show of support, the Republicans in congress have as well.

Understanding these statements to be true, and how the vast majority of European leaders have voiced their concerns for the noticeably despotic tone being set by Trump’s yet-to-confirmed administration, it is of utmost importance that members of the Electoral College realize that Hillary Clinton has received well over 1.5 million more popular votes than Trump.

The dangers posed by Trump and the Republican controlled congress to average Americans’ constitutional rights cannot be overstated. These dangers have become readily apparent a full two months before the traditional Inauguration Day. Additionally, most conservatives have long expressed their overwhelming desire to escalate U. S. military involvement in the Middle East, as has Trump. Also, Trump has proposed even more tax cuts for the super-rich, and with the inevitable increase in military spending, our nation cannot afford to go several more trillions-of-dollars into debt to support the Republicans’ plans to install more corrupt puppet governments.

All the above issues, and many more that will negatively impact average Americans and the citizens in many other parts of the world, can be averted. To this end, the Electors must serve the majority of American voters by making the constitutionally justified decision to elect Hillary Clinton the 45th President of the United States.

The very survival of civilization, now, rests on the Electors shoulders alone. You, the Electors, must realize that any further validation of the stupidity by rank-and-file Republican voters would be unconscionable.

Hillary Clinton's Popular Vote Lead Over Donald Trump Now Exceeds 1.5 Million Votes

The short report at the link above says it all.


With Mrs. Clinton's lead over Trump exceeding 2 million votes (and more to count), America has spoken. Now, The Republicans' crooked tactics are being discovered in three swing states, (an accurate count in these states will add to her lead considerably).

This cheating by the Republicans in 2016 becomes even more significant, given the fraud committed by the GOP to steal the election in 2000, and the disastrous results of the eight year Bush/Cheney administration.

As stated in the OP, "The dangers posed by Trump and the Republican controlled congress to average Americans’ constitutional rights cannot be overstated." It is important, "You, the Electors, must realize that any further validation of the stupidity by rank-and-file Republican voters would be unconscionable."

What did Hillary win?

2.8 million more votes than Trump did.
It cannot have escaped the notice of the Electors that Trump’s transition team and his growing number of cabinet members are anti-Semitic, homophobic, misogynistic, bigoted racists. His months of campaign rhetoric have already shown Trump’s contempt for the Constitution, and with their show of support, the Republicans in congress have as well.

Understanding these statements to be true, and how the vast majority of European leaders have voiced their concerns for the noticeably despotic tone being set by Trump’s yet-to-confirmed administration, it is of utmost importance that members of the Electoral College realize that Hillary Clinton has received well over 1.5 million more popular votes than Trump.

The dangers posed by Trump and the Republican controlled congress to average Americans’ constitutional rights cannot be overstated. These dangers have become readily apparent a full two months before the traditional Inauguration Day. Additionally, most conservatives have long expressed their overwhelming desire to escalate U. S. military involvement in the Middle East, as has Trump. Also, Trump has proposed even more tax cuts for the super-rich, and with the inevitable increase in military spending, our nation cannot afford to go several more trillions-of-dollars into debt to support the Republicans’ plans to install more corrupt puppet governments.

All the above issues, and many more that will negatively impact average Americans and the citizens in many other parts of the world, can be averted. To this end, the Electors must serve the majority of American voters by making the constitutionally justified decision to elect Hillary Clinton the 45th President of the United States.

The very survival of civilization, now, rests on the Electors shoulders alone. You, the Electors, must realize that any further validation of the stupidity by rank-and-file Republican voters would be unconscionable.

Hillary Clinton's Popular Vote Lead Over Donald Trump Now Exceeds 1.5 Million Votes

The short report at the link above says it all.


You lost, it's not going to change no matter how many lies you tell. Now get your tissues, safety pins and a beer and enjoy the ride.

You've been crying about Obama for 8 years.
It's over for you takers....

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