Hey from VEGAS

We don't do 'nice'. We do kick-ass.

But, welcome!!

Yah right.. rough tough cream puff...

LuvtheStars.. welcome.. So tell us a little about yourself..

Im just a Texas girl living in Vegas. I for some reason like watching the news and political stuff- i say that cause most my friends are like "BORING" when i mention world events. Its kinda sad really, i wish more young people were aware of whats happening around them...eventually your going to be forced to wake up. Other than that i like to read,mess around online,make clothes,listen to music blah blah blah- i will stop now before i bore u guys 2 death
Welcome... You have nice, ah... hair. Yeah. You have nice hair. Stay away from the sand box. The liberal kids pee in there.

Hope you have thick skin. We had another hot young woman on here, but she was run off.

Actually, I think she thought we were too immature and left.

Anyways, enjoy.

Hope you have thick skin. We had another hot young woman on here, but she was run off.

Actually, I think she thought we were too immature and left.

Anyways, enjoy.

I can take it, i have older brothers so im used to it. The Christine pic had me laughing HAHA. I wish i had one of Sharron Angle missing some teeth...oh wait, she is already :razz:

Hope you have thick skin. We had another hot young woman on here, but she was run off.

Actually, I think she thought we were too immature and left.

Anyways, enjoy.

I can take it, i have older brothers so im used to it. The Christine pic had me laughing HAHA. I wish i had one of Sharron Angle missing some teeth...oh wait, she is already :razz:

I'm hoping Christine and Sharon are both elected. It helps if one looks at politics in an ironic sort of way, as a Theatre of the Absurd.
LuvtheStars, good luck sorting us all out. Sounds like you may share some views with YoungLefty. With the elections just a few short weeks away, it could get pretty rough in here. Might I suggest handing out in the Coffee Shop found in the General thread section. Also, heads up Jeremy is married and his wife posts here sometimes. Samson is strangely attracted to octopi. I have three daughters, with the youngest one 21. Two of them are very politically aware.
Welcome aboard...

LuvtheStars, good luck sorting us all out. Sounds like you may share some views with YoungLefty. With the elections just a few short weeks away, it could get pretty rough in here. Might I suggest handing out in the Coffee Shop found in the General thread section. Also, heads up Jeremy is married and his wife posts here sometimes. Samson is strangely attracted to octopi. I have three daughters, with the youngest one 21. Two of them are very politically aware.

I get a lot of the same treatment. Friends try to stear clear of talking politics with me.. Because once I get started, there's no stopping. Luckily, I found this place, which gave me an outlet, and a place where your voice can be hard. Erm.. Your letters can be read. :D
Like I said, I'll be more than happy to assist you with anything! :eusa_drool:. Haha, hope you enjoy this place! And.. buckle up!
LuvtheStars, good luck sorting us all out. Sounds like you may share some views with YoungLefty. With the elections just a few short weeks away, it could get pretty rough in here. Might I suggest handing out in the Coffee Shop found in the General thread section. Also, heads up Jeremy is married and his wife posts here sometimes. Samson is strangely attracted to octopi. I have three daughters, with the youngest one 21. Two of them are very politically aware.

I get a lot of the same treatment. Friends try to stear clear of talking politics with me.. Because once I get started, there's no stopping. Luckily, I found this place, which gave me an outlet, and a place where your voice can be hard. Erm.. Your letters can be read. :D
Like I said, I'll be more than happy to assist you with anything! :eusa_drool:. Haha, hope you enjoy this place! And.. buckle up!

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LuvtheStars, it gives me no great pleasure to inform you that your, how shall we say, distracting features, will no-doubt invite hostility from the less secure women on this board.

But all is not lost. Take comfort in the fact that you'll have an army of male sympathizers literally tripping over themselves to kiss any emotional bruises better. Though I'm sure that thought crossed your mind when you chose your profile picture.


I'm Swagger, and like most easily led, red-blooded males, I am at your service.

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