Hey just a reminder: thousands of troops are at the border doing absolutely nothing

They're not doing "nothing". They're wishing they were home with their families for Thanksgiving instead of sitting in the desert cleaning gear and swapping stories
--------------------------- they get PAID Lesh . [wishing and a-hoping ,] I think that thats the name of an old song isn't it Lesh ??
I think conservatives being fiscally responsible is a joke at this point.
Mexico is being fiscally irresponsible, Wheelie. They created a mass of pisanos who have no hope of ever moving out of their class. Meanwhile, there is only one other class, the super rich, who want absolutely nothing to change and use their police to dump unwanted pisanos at the US border with instructions they will shoot to kill if they come back. That leaves us fiscally responsible for another country's human disposals, whom the superrich don't want to be bothered with the expenses of hosting their criminally insane druggies for life, they want to pass all their responsibilities onto United States Taxpayers because they can.

Socially irresponsible countries want other countries to pay for their problems. We're done paying. That's that.
That's not true. There was a time in which Mexico was a nation of peasants and wealthy property owners. Today there is a large growing middle class in Mexico. They are 47% of the population. The definition of middle class is household income of $15,000 to $45,000 after taxes. Considering Mexico's low cost of living compared to the US, it’s enough to keep one away from poverty but certainly not enough for a lavish life style. Using the same model the US is 70% middle class.

Mexico's middle class totals 47% of households
They're not doing "nothing". They're wishing they were home with their families for Thanksgiving instead of sitting in the desert cleaning gear and swapping stories

Yes, there is a down side for agreeing to join a volunteer military.
Trump is such an embarrassment in every way.
Mid terms are over. There is no need for troops at the border. If the border patrol feels the need for support, the National Guard can provide it. They are better trained for this type of work than the Army.
Total bs. As usual.
The troops, the president said, will be “waiting” for the caravan of unarmed men, women and children fleeing violence in Central America. But using the world’s most powerful military to stop some 3,000 unarmed migrants who may or may not make it to the United States border might not be the best use of taxpayer dollars at the Defense Department. These 5,000 troops that are trained and ready, will be used for something other than their intended mission. They are prohibited from combat or enforcing our immigration laws, so what can they do? The most probably duties are building tents, for themselves, transporting border officials on helicopters, cleaning up around the border and shoveling manure from Border Patrol horses. What a waste of money at a cost of $600,000 a day with at total cost of not less than 18 million!
Worth every penny if it keeps out uneducated criminals.
That's a big if since we don't know if there are criminals among the migrants. However the assumption that the migrants are criminals and a threat to the country is necessary assumption because Donald Trump needs foreigners threatening the country. Without it he has no justification for building walls around the country, both literally and figuratively. Without a threat, his upcoming re-election rallies will lack the zing he needs to fire up his base. So our troops should prepare for a long assignment at the border since there are many rallies planned.
We do know there are criminals among the alien invasion force, and that isn't required to justify the wall. Under current law, if someone gets one foot over the border, legally the border patrol is required to detain them. With a wall, that's can't happen. The wall keeps the invaders from stepping foot in the country and thereby preventing them from using any means, whether legal or illegal, to remain in the country.

That's why dirtbags like you are opposed to it.
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Just issue ammo and letthe military solve the problem. This could be the last caravan we need todeal with. While they’re at it they could just round up those other 22million and deport themtelling them if they come back the militart will deal with them. Problem solved.
Trump is such an embarrassment in every way.

Fox Butterfield, is that you?

Perhaps they have nothing to do because their presence is keeping illegals from attempting to cross the border.
lol... he is pretty good at grabbing their pussies too 'eh?
without protest apparently....I wonder if Ellison grabs their pussies as he is kicking their ass.....

without protest? step outa the bubble, mood. lol... he hasta take it or pay for it cause with that orange ooze, he hasn't gotten it for free by the willing for a very long time.


You're just pissed because he hasn't grabbed your pussy kid.

<pfffft> i have known about trump & his man whore rep going back decades.... besides, i have a Marine keeping me warm at night because i prefer a real patriot, rather than an orange hued, tribbleheaded, multi military deferred, anus faced, huuuuuuuuge treasonous putin puppet.

What the hell does this have to do with Obama? And he's not orange, he's half black, AKA an oreo. We know Obama is a putin puppet, he told the Russians he would be more "flexible" after the election. Trump bombed Assad and Russian friendly targets in Syria.

you fail at comprehension... & trump is most certainly mango hued. & you don't even know what 'oreo' means, so you failed twice.

soooooooo......... gonna try yet again with that tired old 'flexible' soundbite, yet again? my lord - you deplorablews need some new material. obama did what exactly after the election concerning the rooooskies? oh, that's right - hr imposed sanctions, threw their spies out of the country & closed their compounds down. & trump? it took a freakin' act of congress during his term to draw up a veto proof piece of legislation to impose even more sanctions because he was too reluctant to piss off vlad.

he bombed a small part of an airstrip in syria which was up & running again in 24 hrs.
We may need to litigate the meaning and differences between a general clause and a common clause.
Ellis Island can handle entire families.
No, Ellis Island was closed as an immigration port of entry over 60 years ago. Today, Ellis Island is the site of the National Immigration Museum. It hosts millions of tourist every year.

Half of all Americans today can trace their family history to at least one person who passed through the Port of New York at Ellis Island.
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Trump is such an embarrassment in every way.
View attachment 229370
The top issue in the mid term election was healthcare which is what democrats ran on.
Health care was fine until Obamanation got involved.

uh-huh. bankruptcies....foreclosures.... jacked up premiums or outright denial of health insurance for pre existing conditions.... having to go to the ER for an ear infection thus jacking up EVERYBODY'S co pays for their own hospital stays....

ah.......good times.

If you think the ACA is working you are ill informed.
Ellis Island can handle entire families.
No, Ellis Island was closed as an immigration port of entry over 60 years ago. Today, Ellis Island is the site of the National Immigration Museum. It hosts millions of tourist every year.

Half of all Americans today can trace their family history to at least one person who passed through the Port of New York at Ellis Island.
Upgrading Ellis Island is more cost effective.
Those troops are not doing nothing. There's Tecate and Beef on the border.
Trump is such an embarrassment in every way.
View attachment 229370
The top issue in the mid term election was healthcare which is what democrats ran on.
Health care was fine until Obamanation got involved.

uh-huh. bankruptcies....foreclosures.... jacked up premiums or outright denial of health insurance for pre existing conditions.... having to go to the ER for an ear infection thus jacking up EVERYBODY'S co pays for their own hospital stays....

ah.......good times.

If you think the ACA is working you are ill informed.

i know several people who are using it & all agree that although it is not perfect, it's certainly working for them & are grateful they have it versus not having coverage like in the past.
Dictator Don is pulling the plug on the troops even though the caravan hasnt arrived yet. We don't care bout the migrants now!

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