Hey just a reminder: thousands of troops are at the border doing absolutely nothing

Illegals have killed more Americans than terrorists did on 911, so :anj_stfu: about our troops securing the border.

Yeah, pull your head out of your ass mush brain.
You can make up facts all you want. Actual smart people don’t care.

You know nothing dummy, hundreds of thousands of illegal crimes just in Texas alone.
Making up statistics doesn’t make you smarter.

Yep, you're just not too damn smart.
Taking the data only from these five states, and assuming that each person incarcerated for a homicide-related offense is responsible for only one death, yields 5,400 people killed by illegal aliens.

Crime & Illegal Immigration | National Review

I think conservatives being fiscally responsible is a joke at this point.
Oh, right, because the Dims were so fiscally responsible when they had control of all three branches of government. How much did Obama add to the deficit? I believe it was in the neighborhood of $10 fucking Trillion dollars!
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I think conservatives being fiscally responsible is a joke at this point.
Oh, right, because the Dims were so fiscally responsible when they had control of all three branches of government. How much did Obama add to the deficit? I believe it was in the neighborhood of $10 fucking billion dollars!

That number should start with a T, lol.

Hey just a reminder: thousands of troops are at the border doing absolutely nothing
Trump is such an embarrassment in every way.
You are an idiot if you think President Trump is going to create martyrdom for the criminally insane. Please medicate yourself appropriately with a :chillpill:
Same stupid shit, liberal igmos trying to let Criminals enter the country The damn military are doing exactly what they need to be doing exactly where they need to be and will be ready to meet any challeng the criminals may decide to make. They can stay off of US soil, go home or try to enter and become criminals. AND oshitass added TRILLIONS to the deficit
More than all of the presidents before him. Bush added almost as much but most of his spending went for creating new departments of government from scratch and adding security measures to the country.
I think conservatives being fiscally responsible is a joke at this point.
Mexico is being fiscally irresponsible, Wheelie. They created a mass of pisanos who have no hope of ever moving out of their class. Meanwhile, there is only one other class, the super rich, who want absolutely nothing to change and use their police to dump unwanted pisanos at the US border with instructions they will shoot to kill if they come back. That leaves us fiscally responsible for another country's human disposals, whom the superrich don't want to be bothered with the expenses of hosting their criminally insane druggies for life, they want to pass all their responsibilities onto United States Taxpayers because they can.

Socially irresponsible countries want other countries to pay for their problems. We're done paying. That's that.
And a thousand Americans are unaccounted for in California

Better place to send the military

Especially since it seems we have the troops to spare, they enlisted (at least in part) to save lives and benefit the nation, and our border patrol is more than capable of handling the situation at the border on their own.

Yeah we need more people in the area of a large fire to get killed. The troops are where they were sent and your bullshit pump is not doing well. The troops ARE building walls hanging razor wire and filling in with eyes and ears to more than close the border.I am sure that a lot of the invaders will wish they had stayed in Southern Mexico or at home when it is over. The small percentage that gets In will be hard pressed to settle if they are caught because of the new instructions on handling the invasion.
And a thousand Americans are unaccounted for in California

Better place to send the military

Especially since it seems we have the troops to spare, they enlisted (at least in part) to save lives and benefit the nation, and our border patrol is more than capable of handling the situation at the border on their own.

Yeah we need more people in the area of a large fire to get killed. The troops are where they were sent and your bullshit pump is not doing well. The troops ARE building walls hanging razor wire and filling in with eyes and ears to more than close the border.I am sure that a lot of the invaders will wish they had stayed in Southern Mexico or at home when it is over. The small percentage that gets In will be hard pressed to settle if they are caught because of the new instructions on handling the invasion.

The troops are not building walls. Their "barrier mission" was over earlier this week. Even Mattis said there are no further orders at this time. The Border patrol is more than capable of handling the situation (of which there is none).

If you're worried about the safety of the troops, perhaps you should have your head examined (I doubt the doctor would find much to examine by the way); the Troops are accustomed to dangerous environments as you may (or probably not I suppose) know.
way to go capt crazy pants with a deferred bone spur....
yeah too bad he isn't a great warrior like Obama and slick willy....and Schumer and Reid and Ellison...or wait he is pretty good at kicking women's asses....

lol... he is pretty good at grabbing their pussies too 'eh?
So you never did that? You are a strange person or man or other.

i am a straight female, dimwit. besides, GRABBING = unwanted.

Trump is such an embarrassment in every way.
View attachment 229370
The top issue in the mid term election was healthcare which is what democrats ran on.
Health care was fine until Obamanation got involved.

uh-huh. bankruptcies....foreclosures.... jacked up premiums or outright denial of health insurance for pre existing conditions.... having to go to the ER for an ear infection thus jacking up EVERYBODY'S co pays for their own hospital stays....

ah.......good times.
how do you know billy?....do you live down this way?....
Well, you go ahead and fill me in since you are apparently close.
so you are admitting you are just tossing something out there with nothing to back it up?...
We both know their presence there is completely useless. I don’t know why you bother.
so why did you start a thread on this?....
To give you something to do other then jack off

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