Hey leftists, are transgender "women" really women?

What exactly does this have to do with the guy who says conservatives aren’t condemning transgender people?

Without Truth ... Life literally has no meaning.
It'd be like getting up to go to work and There is no
Time.Father Time deciding to retire.
On time,of course.
3rd Example :
" Truth can never be told so as to be understood
and not be believed."
William Blake { 1757-1827 }
English poet,artist
Without Truth ... Life literally has no meaning.
It'd be like getting up to go to work and There is no
Time.Father Time deciding to retire.
On time,of course.

Now what the fuck does this have to do with the post you read and replied to?

Now what the fuck does this have to do with the post you read and replied to?
In the current Age of Lies,disinformation and Fake News ...
Truth is the most valuable tool in mankinds toolbox of integrity.
For without that toolbox ... it's merely an exercise in :
" Come follow me and let the world babble."
-- Dante
3rd Example :
" Truth can never be told so as to be understood
and not be believed."
William Blake { 1757-1827 }
English poet,artist
Depends on the definition of 'truth'......A progressive would say. They are anchored in Marxism, not truth.
Are you trying to prove that libs are idiots?

Again, for the slow ones like you.....transgender women are men in dresses.
I guess that depends on how you define “man” and what the trans woman decides to wear
In the current Age of Lies,disinformation and Fake News ...
Truth is the most valuable tool in mankinds toolbox of integrity.
For without that toolbox ... it's merely an exercise in :
" Come follow me and let the world babble."
-- Dante
Did you get lost? Do you even know what the topic is?

Maybe you’re high?
Are you trying to prove that libs are idiots?

Again, for the slow ones like you.....transgender women are men in dresses.
Idiots on Porpoises.But not for long.One cannot survive swiming amongst
sharks w/o some kind of luck.Porpoises do not rely on Luck.
They are benevolent mammals of the seas and highly gifted swimmers
who do not rely On some Tarzan for kitsch.
One can learn a lot by watching and being around Porpoise.
One can only learn negatives and contempt for the human condition
from today's Democrat.
They are attempting to supplant Evil.
Did you get lost? Do you even know what the topic is?

Maybe you’re high?
The topic is how to play dumb down.Keep debating a ludicrous notion
as if beating a dead horse.
Real Americans and Patriots do not have the time to engage in
such ridiculousness.Such Low I.Q. babble over things that are baseless
and moronic.Like Trans Gender anything.
It's a distraction.To help keep the populace dumb-downed.
Conditioning men's brains to think wiithout using their brains.
Kneejerk mindlessness.Numbing whatever senses men were born with.
This is how Chairman Mao managed to convert and take over all China.
By infiltrating minds,young minds in obediance training.
Hitler with his Hitler Youth.
Democrats with their Progressive B.S. and Gay agendas.
Moving on to Trans gender and Indoctrination of our youngest
with CRT.
The topic is how to play dumb down.Keep debating a ludicrous notion
as if beating a dead horse.
Real Americans and Patriots do not have the time to engage in
such ridiculousness.Such Low I.Q. babble over things that are baseless
and moronic.Like Trans Gender anything.
It's a distraction.To help keep the populace dumb-downed.
Conditioning men's brains to think wiithout using their brains.
Kneejerk mindlessness.Numbing whatever senses men were born with.
This is how Chairman Mao managed to convert and take over all China.
By infiltrating minds,young minds in obediance training.
Hitler with his Hitler Youth.
Democrats with their Progressive B.S. and Gay agendas.
Moving on to Trans gender and Indoctrination of our youngest
with CRT.
Why is your post formatted so awkwardly? I think you’re high.

”Yea man, porpoises are like…whoa”
Why is your post formatted so awkwardly? I think you’re high.

”Yea man, porpoises are like…whoa”
I get it.Because you spend precious time ... Thinking.
When the correct use of grammar would be ...
{ Why is your post format so awkward.} Now run along
and be good widdle thinker ... Tinker ... Candlestick
I get it.Because you spend precious time ... Thinking.
When the correct use of grammar would be ...
{ Why is your post format so awkward.} Now run along
and be good widdle thinker ... Tinker ... Candlestick
The snozzberries taste like snozzberries.

Have fun, Cheech.
You dare question the will of God?!?!

Romans 13
1Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God. 2Consequently, whoever rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgment on themselves.

You continue to try to deceive people as though you have lost control being an instrument of Satan. You continue to sin.

Matthew 5
And if your right hand causes you to stumble, cut it off and throw it away. It is better for you to lose one part of your body than for your whole body to go into hell.
Sin is not 'the will of God' God refuses to stand in the presence of unclean and sinful people. This is why there is a Hell for people like you, and you send yourself there. You go to where your 'gods' are. You become a prisoner of Hell, and once Hell is sealed no one gets in or out, and you are forgotten forever.
For some reason that question will offend coyote in her cabin. Oooops did I use the improper pronoun?

Seriously, are transgender "women," women?
Authoritarian regimes try to dictate gender-identity to everyone.

Freedom-loving patriots respect the right of the individual to a personal identity, true to oneself, not one imposed by an intrusive Big Government, politicians, and bureaucrats.

As we know, anatomical and psychological realities don't always align, as the Statists insist.
Example # 4 :

James Russell Lowell { 1819-1891 }
American poet,critic,diplomat

" The Present Crisis "
Then to side with Truth is noble when we
share her wretched crust,
Ere her cause bring fame and profit,and 'tis
prosperous to be just;
Then it is the brave man chooses,while the
coward stands aside,
Doubting in his abject spirit,till his Lord is

Authoritarian regimes try to dictate gender-identity to everyone.

Freedom-loving patriots respect the right of the individual to a personal identity, true to oneself, not one imposed by an intrusive Big Government, politicians, and bureaucrats.

As we know, anatomical and psychological realities don't always align, as the Statists insist.
And even when allowed to extreme like in Hitler world
and his use of Queer Sadio-Masochist bullies like
Ernst Rohm { Co-Creator and then Commander of Hitler's
Storm Troopers force } who Hitler was friends with and helped
promote until tiring of the Gay Sadomasochist having ended his
life during the infamous Night of the Long Knives.
Such is Life in Sex and War.

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