Tomorrow's Outrage Today!

First men take over your sports. Now we are taking over your beauty pageants. lolz
Men truly are better than women at everything.
Leave us alone. We will make our own goddamn sandwich.
An oxymoron if there ever was one.

And the right’s campaign of bigotry and hatred directed at transgender Americans is consistent with conservatives’ desire for anarchy and division; Republicans use culture war non-issues to deflect from actual problems that need to be addressed, problems Republicans are incapable of addressing.
Wrong again Mrs. Jones. We are fine with men putting on wigs and dresses all they want, but we believe in majority rule. And they need to adhere to the laws we all abide by, they can deal with their own problems just like everyone else.
Your problems are yours, not mine.
Once again for anyone sane reading along (IOW, not the liberals in this thread):

They started this crap a couple of decades ago with their -isms and their -phobes and everything else. Now we've finally had enough; our bags are packed at we're one foot out the door. Our spirits and souls are already divorced from the abusive mess. Now that we're there, true to form, their abusive selves are crying about "division" and "behavior".

K, whatever, bye.

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