hey libbs !!! this is what the founding fathers think of your policies !!!

Tell me how this is bunk. The OP gave a link to actual quotes of our founding fathers.

I understand them but I would suggest thet you are the one missing the historical contexts of the very quotes you cite.

Read the link and the actual quotes. Then explain why you don't understand them.

I understand them.

I would submit that it is you who is lacking in understanding the historical context of these quotes!

More diversion. You're good at that, but then have probably learned from the masters.

Taking from those who work and giving to those that don't is dangerous. That is exactly what our government has been doing. If the takers outnumber the makers, what then? As Margaret Thatcher said, the problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money.

There are able bodied people on the doles. There are millions of illegal aliens on the doles. Of course, all of them will vote for those who take from others on their behalf. That is the goal and always has been. There was never a war on poverty, just a quest for power. No one is elevated because of welfare, they have simply been made comfortable in poverty and that is why they've stayed there. We have a whole new definition of poverty these days, which simply means that people have to do less toward their own survival and government subsidizes the rest. Why would people attempt to become more educated or find a better job when the government makes up the difference? Many of our "poor" really aren't poor. They are more comfortable with less effort than the rest of us.

The average welfare family, with at least one member working full time, has more disposable income that middle class families who don't accept any welfare. Something to think about because those who pay have it harder than those who receive.

I do agree with most of your post.

I do!

The sociological problems with just "ending" this dependent culture abruptly though are immense.

Isn't it a moot point at this juncture to just say "if only we didn't have.....(fill in the blank)?

I don't see how that kind of musing is productive. Do you?
Brainwashed to nonfunction...Affordable, guaranteed Health Care and taking care of the victims of the Pub depression is not communism, shytteheads...The FF were the big gov't liberals of their day- compared to kings fegging the people...

That's why we started with the Articles Of Confederation. :rotf: :rotf:

Move to Cuba, asshat.
I understand them.

I would submit that it is you who is lacking in understanding the historical context of these quotes!

More diversion. You're good at that, but then have probably learned from the masters.

Taking from those who work and giving to those that don't is dangerous. That is exactly what our government has been doing. If the takers outnumber the makers, what then? As Margaret Thatcher said, the problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money.

There are able bodied people on the doles. There are millions of illegal aliens on the doles. Of course, all of them will vote for those who take from others on their behalf. That is the goal and always has been. There was never a war on poverty, just a quest for power. No one is elevated because of welfare, they have simply been made comfortable in poverty and that is why they've stayed there. We have a whole new definition of poverty these days, which simply means that people have to do less toward their own survival and government subsidizes the rest. Why would people attempt to become more educated or find a better job when the government makes up the difference? Many of our "poor" really aren't poor. They are more comfortable with less effort than the rest of us.

The average welfare family, with at least one member working full time, has more disposable income that middle class families who don't accept any welfare. Something to think about because those who pay have it harder than those who receive.

I do agree with most of your post.

I do!

The sociological problems with just "ending" this dependent culture abruptly though are immense.

Isn't it a moot point at this juncture to just say "if only we didn't have.....(fill in the blank)?

I don't see how that kind of musing is productive. Do you?

No one, not one, is advocating to end entitlements abruptly.
Reforming, is what the Repubs are doing, not ending them abruptly.
No one on SSI now would have been affected by what Ryan proposed.
Everyone 54 and under would have had a change.
I understand them.

I would submit that it is you who is lacking in understanding the historical context of these quotes!

More diversion. You're good at that, but then have probably learned from the masters.

Taking from those who work and giving to those that don't is dangerous. That is exactly what our government has been doing. If the takers outnumber the makers, what then? As Margaret Thatcher said, the problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money.

There are able bodied people on the doles. There are millions of illegal aliens on the doles. Of course, all of them will vote for those who take from others on their behalf. That is the goal and always has been. There was never a war on poverty, just a quest for power. No one is elevated because of welfare, they have simply been made comfortable in poverty and that is why they've stayed there. We have a whole new definition of poverty these days, which simply means that people have to do less toward their own survival and government subsidizes the rest. Why would people attempt to become more educated or find a better job when the government makes up the difference? Many of our "poor" really aren't poor. They are more comfortable with less effort than the rest of us.

The average welfare family, with at least one member working full time, has more disposable income that middle class families who don't accept any welfare. Something to think about because those who pay have it harder than those who receive.

I do agree with most of your post.

I do!

The sociological problems with just "ending" this dependent culture abruptly though are immense.

Isn't it a moot point at this juncture to just say "if only we didn't have.....(fill in the blank)?

I don't see how that kind of musing is productive. Do you?
we are running out of money fast !!! the answer is tax and spend !!
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P36x8rTb3jI]Obama Is Going To Pay For My Gas And Mortgage!!! - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vuIbQzHCdnk&feature=related]RE:Your Higher Taxes pay for My healthcare thanks President Obama Healthcare Reform - GloZell - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gKrp81SINkc&feature=related]American Welfare Chaos: Riots Over Free ObamaHouses - YouTube[/ame]
Taking from those who work and giving to those that don't is dangerous. That is exactly what our government has been doing. If the takers outnumber the makers, what then? As Margaret Thatcher said, the problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money.

There are able bodied people on the doles. There are millions of illegal aliens on the doles. Of course, all of them will vote for those who take from others on their behalf. That is the goal and always has been. There was never a war on poverty, just a quest for power. No one is elevated because of welfare, they have simply been made comfortable in poverty and that is why they've stayed there. We have a whole new definition of poverty these days, which simply means that people have to do less toward their own survival and government subsidizes the rest. Why would people attempt to become more educated or find a better job when the government makes up the difference? Many of our "poor" really aren't poor. They are more comfortable with less effort than the rest of us.

The average welfare family, with at least one member working full time, has more disposable income that middle class families who don't accept any welfare. Something to think about because those who pay have it harder than those who receive.

Finally, a conservative on here speaking sense and arguing with information and not insults! Serious, I agree with much of what you say. That's why I am not a Democrat, and would be a Republican if the whole damn christian right was not seeping into every pore of what was once a great, rational party.

While I do think times have changed and the founding fathers lived in a time that cannot be easily connected to the present day, I do believe expansion of welfare programs is not at all in the best interest of a nation as large and evolving as the US. And when I see Democrats initiating programs that allow illegal aliens access, at times, to more free programs than everyday working people I am amazed at their foolishness.

And the fact people debate whether those on welfare should be drug tested? I am tested at my job, why the hell not test someone getting free money from our taxes???

But its important to not look at nightmare scenarios like Obama wanting to form the next USSR. I think he made many mistakes in his extreme spending. Both sides have.

I wish all of us would stand up and stop fighting over BS and elect a leader who does not pander to special interests and for the votes of those wishing for a free lunch. But I fear that will never, ever happen.
More diversion. You're good at that, but then have probably learned from the masters.

Taking from those who work and giving to those that don't is dangerous. That is exactly what our government has been doing. If the takers outnumber the makers, what then? As Margaret Thatcher said, the problem with socialism is that eventually you run out of other people's money.

There are able bodied people on the doles. There are millions of illegal aliens on the doles. Of course, all of them will vote for those who take from others on their behalf. That is the goal and always has been. There was never a war on poverty, just a quest for power. No one is elevated because of welfare, they have simply been made comfortable in poverty and that is why they've stayed there. We have a whole new definition of poverty these days, which simply means that people have to do less toward their own survival and government subsidizes the rest. Why would people attempt to become more educated or find a better job when the government makes up the difference? Many of our "poor" really aren't poor. They are more comfortable with less effort than the rest of us.

The average welfare family, with at least one member working full time, has more disposable income that middle class families who don't accept any welfare. Something to think about because those who pay have it harder than those who receive.

I do agree with most of your post.

I do!

The sociological problems with just "ending" this dependent culture abruptly though are immense.

Isn't it a moot point at this juncture to just say "if only we didn't have.....(fill in the blank)?

I don't see how that kind of musing is productive. Do you?

No one, not one, is advocating to end entitlements abruptly.
Reforming, is what the Repubs are doing, not ending them abruptly.
No one on SSI now would have been affected by what Ryan proposed.
Everyone 54 and under would have had a change.

Cool! I respect your position.

Maybe instead of asking "whats wrong with us politically" we should be wondering what is wrong with us culturally, societally, and as a "species" in general.

Instead of living in natural shelters and walking the earth everyyday looking for game and gathering herbs and cool rocks we live in boxes and wake up to screaming senseless boxes so that we can go make money for someone else and of course ourselves just so that we can pay the rent and be able to sleep in the box tomorrow.....and so on.

Do you think this is "natural?"

Have we lost touch with the natural "rythyms" of humankind?

Could this be the reason for so much government dependence?

And that is sad. Many of us cannot imagine wanting or needing something and thinking the only way to have it is if someone gives it to us. It's taken years to create this class of people who don't possess the courage or confidence to do something on their own. They believe they are victims and not expected to contribute to their own well being. They have placed all their trust in government.

We saw the most stark example of this during hurricane Katrina. While people in other areas helped each other to get through disasters, in New Orleans we saw people fighting each other and not trying to help themselves, let alone their neighbors. Even the city and state officials had nothing to offer in the way of help because they had no plan. Of course, the federal government was blamed because their collective mindset is that government is always responsible for their welfare.

That woman who believed that Obama would put gas in her car and pay her mortgage isn't rare. They voted for Obama because of color and believed that he would increase the entitlements. He has promoted racial tensions and caused minorities to feel more like victims. They counted on him to really get even for the sins of the past.

While some believed that electing the first black president would prove we weren't racist, the liberals have tried to spin things to show the opposite is true because Obama actually got criticized. Even though every other president in history has been criticized over policies, the left tries to pretend that Obama's policies are perfect and therefore it must be racism if people don't agree with him.

Many will reject liberal ideas no matter where they come from and that is always what it's about.

And that is sad. Many of us cannot imagine wanting or needing something and thinking the only way to have it is if someone gives it to us. It's taken years to create this class of people who don't possess the courage or confidence to do something on their own. They believe they are victims and not expected to contribute to their own well being. They have placed all their trust in government.

We saw the most stark example of this during hurricane Katrina. While people in other areas helped each other to get through disasters, in New Orleans we saw people fighting each other and not trying to help themselves, let alone their neighbors. Even the city and state officials had nothing to offer in the way of help because they had no plan. Of course, the federal government was blamed because their collective mindset is that government is always responsible for their welfare.

That woman who believed that Obama would put gas in her car and pay her mortgage isn't rare. They voted for Obama because of color and believed that he would increase the entitlements. He has promoted racial tensions and caused minorities to feel more like victims. They counted on him to really get even for the sins of the past.

While some believed that electing the first black president would prove we weren't racist, the liberals have tried to spin things to show the opposite is true because Obama actually got criticized. Even though every other president in history has been criticized over policies, the left tries to pretend that Obama's policies are perfect and therefore it must be racism if people don't agree with him.

Many will reject liberal ideas no matter where they come from and that is always what it's about.
this is the lefts dream for all Americans not just blacks !!! the elite leftist think all people need to be fed,housed ,and culled like cattle ....hence the term sheeple !!!
Brainwashed to nonfunction...Affordable, guaranteed Health Care and taking care of the victims of the Pub depression is not communism, shytteheads...The FF were the big gov't liberals of their day- compared to kings fegging the people...

Thanks for admitting you're brainwashed, but you didn't need to prove it with the rest of your post.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fi5NX_Y0cow&feature=related]Van Jones exposed by his own words - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_xNyrzB0xI]Barack Obama Constitution quote IN CONTEXT! - YouTube[/ame]
Taking from those who work and giving to those that don't is dangerous. That is exactly what our government has been doing.
If that was true, then why has the income for 99% of American's gone down in the last 40 years and the top 1%'s income has gone up?

For your statement to be true, it would be the other way around.
Ponder this: If all Conservatives were removed from America, what would America be like in 10 years, 100 years? Conversely, if all Liberals were removed from America, what would America be like in 10 years, 100 years?
Ponder this: If all Conservatives were removed from America, what would America be like in 10 years, 100 years? Conversely, if all Liberals were removed from America, what would America be like in 10 years, 100 years?
1st there would be very few productive people left to creat business and pay taxes ,and that alone would wipeout the lazy left !!
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