Hey right wingers, where are the tapes?

Nice head fake by Trump

Comey is history, a sad footnote in FBI history
Where. Are. The. Tapes?

Another one of Trumps distractions and lies... You can not believe a thing the guy says..

I'm not seeing he said he had tapes, I see he said if there were tapes...that sly dog triggered you again

Trump was threatening Comey Sassy... This got Comey and the FBI staff very angry.

Donald J. Trump


James Comey better hope that there are no "tapes" of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!

5:26 AM - 12 May 2017

From a bunch of wackos that always want to parse their words, apparently you like to remove words or insert words for others.

While you keep making excuses for a president of the united states making a fool out of himself around the world..
Where. Are. The. Tapes?

Another one of Trumps distractions and lies... You can not believe a thing the guy says..

I'm not seeing he said he had tapes, I see he said if there were tapes...that sly dog triggered you again

Trump was threatening Comey Sassy... This got Comey and the FBI staff very angry.

Donald J. Trump


James Comey better hope that there are no "tapes" of our conversations before he starts leaking to the press!

5:26 AM - 12 May 2017

From a bunch of wackos that always want to parse their words, apparently you like to remove words or insert words for others.

While you keep making excuses for a president of the united states making a fool out of himself around the world..

Find a quote where Trump says he has tapes yet?
Now the far rightwing hack jobs are claiming Trump did a "bluff."

What lie? Trump bluffed Comey into telling the truth when he testified by the THREAT of there being tapes! It was artfully done.

Sure,....and that TRUTH was so damn "helpful" to the orange clown, correct??? LOL
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Always remember the SALIENT facts:

Comey stated that AT THE TIME of his being fired, there was no investigation of Trump....BUT there was one of Flynn which forced Trump to threaten anyone who would investigate Flynn since the traitor is "singing" to the FBI to trump's detriment.

Besides......since Comey, THERE IS AN INVESTIGATION of Trump....by the orange moron's OWN admission.
Liberals owned again. Especially that slave of the democrats MarcATL guy.

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