Hey Snowflakes, This Is What A REAL Attack Looks Like:

UC Berkeley employee cheered campus assault on conservative activist; potential suspect ID'd


Conservative activist assaulted at UC-Berkeley campus during recruitment drive

"University of California police want the public's help tracking down a suspect whose brutal alleged assault of a conservative activist on the Berkeley campus was caught on video."

"A witness told Fox News the recruitment table had a sign that said: "Hate Crime Hoaxes Hurt Real Victims," in reference to the case of “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett, who is accused of staging a bias attack against himself in downtown Chicago last month."

So 2 ignorant yet violent snowflakes get pissed at a Conservative for a sign condemning Smollett for his Felony fake Hate Crime, like they should be doing, and perpetrated a REAL politically/partisan-motivated hate crime.

"The Berkeley incident is the latest in a growing series of ideological clashes that have turned violent on college campuses. Conservative groups claim students who lean to the right have been targeted for harassment and even assault over their views."

So where is Kamala Harris running to call this REAL attack a 'modern day lynching'?

Where is Cory Booker attacking the 2 liberal thugs and their hate crime?

Where is CNN, MSNBC...where is Al Sharpton running to condemn LIBERALS for physically attacking Conservatives?

Since it does not help advance their false narrative they could care less how many Conservatives get attacked, beaten, or killed.


No Sergei. A real attach is what your white supremacist trumpkins do

Glad loves you, bot
The dumbass makes an appearance and, as usual has fuck to offer!
You republicans pushed and goaded and taunted and threatened until people finally had enough and started responding in kind.

You've no-one to blame but yourselves.

Hate breeds hate, enjoy what you've grown.
You have to be kidding. All through the election leftwing thugs were beating up Trump supporters, and they've been beating up Trump supporters ever since. How many Antifa riots have their been since the election? When it comes to political violence, leftwingers enjoy a monopoly.

We have Charlottesville. The Jewish Community Center shootings. The Annapolis shooting. The Proud Boys assault. A GOP Congressman's assault on a reporter. A Trump supporter's physically assaulting a member of the media.
Conservative activist assaulted at UC-Berkeley campus during recruitment drive

"University of California police want the public's help tracking down a suspect whose brutal alleged assault of a conservative activist on the Berkeley campus was caught on video."

"A witness told Fox News the recruitment table had a sign that said: "Hate Crime Hoaxes Hurt Real Victims," in reference to the case of “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett, who is accused of staging a bias attack against himself in downtown Chicago last month."

So 2 ignorant yet violent snowflakes get pissed at a Conservative for a sign condemning Smollett for his Felony fake Hate Crime, like they should be doing, and perpetrated a REAL politically/partisan-motivated hate crime.

"The Berkeley incident is the latest in a growing series of ideological clashes that have turned violent on college campuses. Conservative groups claim students who lean to the right have been targeted for harassment and even assault over their views."

So where is Kamala Harris running to call this REAL attack a 'modern day lynching'?

Where is Cory Booker attacking the 2 liberal thugs and their hate crime?

Where is CNN, MSNBC...where is Al Sharpton running to condemn LIBERALS for physically attacking Conservatives?

Since it does not help advance their false narrative they could care less how many Conservatives get attacked, beaten, or killed.


A GOP Congressman assaults a reporter. A Trump supporter attacks a member of the media. Then we have a white nationalist who plans to kill Democrats. Right wing violence has killed or injured far more people yet you are silent on that.
What a fucking douchebag. Remember that Hillary supporter who shot a bunch of Republican politicians playing baseball? Then there's the guy who assaulted Rand Paul. Then we have the countless beating of Trump supporters outside his rallies. Then we have the harassment of Trump administration officials and Republican member of Congress in restaurant.

I could go on all day about all the sleazy violent behavior your side engages in.

I remember the right wing loon who shot then Democrat Congresswoman Giffords in Arizona. Several protestors have been attacked at Trump rallies including women who had a baby with them and a minister. Telling GOP congressmen and Cabinet members they disagree with their policies is not harassment. it is what we call freedom. If they don't like it then they can resign.

The fact is that neither side is innocent. However Trump has openly encouraged their supporters to commit violence and he regularly whips his crowds into a frenzy against the media. Neither Pelosi or Schumer have done that.
Conservative activist assaulted at UC-Berkeley campus during recruitment drive

"University of California police want the public's help tracking down a suspect whose brutal alleged assault of a conservative activist on the Berkeley campus was caught on video."

"A witness told Fox News the recruitment table had a sign that said: "Hate Crime Hoaxes Hurt Real Victims," in reference to the case of “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett, who is accused of staging a bias attack against himself in downtown Chicago last month."

So 2 ignorant yet violent snowflakes get pissed at a Conservative for a sign condemning Smollett for his Felony fake Hate Crime, like they should be doing, and perpetrated a REAL politically/partisan-motivated hate crime.

"The Berkeley incident is the latest in a growing series of ideological clashes that have turned violent on college campuses. Conservative groups claim students who lean to the right have been targeted for harassment and even assault over their views."

So where is Kamala Harris running to call this REAL attack a 'modern day lynching'?

Where is Cory Booker attacking the 2 liberal thugs and their hate crime?

Where is CNN, MSNBC...where is Al Sharpton running to condemn LIBERALS for physically attacking Conservatives?

Since it does not help advance their false narrative they could care less how many Conservatives get attacked, beaten, or killed.

0 symparhy....but thoughts and prayers for all the victims of the new racist wave caused by the orange.
What victims would that be? There have been at least a dozen fake hate crimes claimed from the left while Conservatives get beaten and bloodied by snowflakes answering Hillaryy's call for an increase in violent intolerance...

Trump encouraged violence at his rallies. At the Republican Convention, Ted Cruz's wife had to be taken off the floor because of fear for her safety. Trump regularly whips his crowds into a frenzy against the media and a supporter at his last rally attacked a member of the media.
The so-called protesters were the ones encouraging violence when they refused to leave, idiot.

They have every right to protest. This is a free country. When Obama was heckled, he calmed down the crowd and said he had a right to protest. There is such a thing as security. Assaulting people is not legal.
Conservative activist assaulted at UC-Berkeley campus during recruitment drive

"University of California police want the public's help tracking down a suspect whose brutal alleged assault of a conservative activist on the Berkeley campus was caught on video."

"A witness told Fox News the recruitment table had a sign that said: "Hate Crime Hoaxes Hurt Real Victims," in reference to the case of “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett, who is accused of staging a bias attack against himself in downtown Chicago last month."

So 2 ignorant yet violent snowflakes get pissed at a Conservative for a sign condemning Smollett for his Felony fake Hate Crime, like they should be doing, and perpetrated a REAL politically/partisan-motivated hate crime.

"The Berkeley incident is the latest in a growing series of ideological clashes that have turned violent on college campuses. Conservative groups claim students who lean to the right have been targeted for harassment and even assault over their views."

So where is Kamala Harris running to call this REAL attack a 'modern day lynching'?

Where is Cory Booker attacking the 2 liberal thugs and their hate crime?

Where is CNN, MSNBC...where is Al Sharpton running to condemn LIBERALS for physically attacking Conservatives?

Since it does not help advance their false narrative they could care less how many Conservatives get attacked, beaten, or killed.

0 symparhy....but thoughts and prayers for all the victims of the new racist wave caused by the orange.
What victims would that be? There have been at least a dozen fake hate crimes claimed from the left while Conservatives get beaten and bloodied by snowflakes answering Hillaryy's call for an increase in violent intolerance...

Trump encouraged violence at his rallies. At the Republican Convention, Ted Cruz's wife had to be taken off the floor because of fear for her safety. Trump regularly whips his crowds into a frenzy against the media and a supporter at his last rally attacked a member of the media.

So I see you got your TDS talking points from whatever professor's class you attended today.
Busybee will defend leftwing thugs no matter how obviously guilty they are.

You are the rightwing thugs who refuse to condemn rightwing violence or even acknowledge it exists.
You republicans pushed and goaded and taunted and threatened until people finally had enough and started responding in kind.

You've no-one to blame but yourselves.

Hate breeds hate, enjoy what you've grown.
You have to be kidding. All through the election leftwing thugs were beating up Trump supporters, and they've been beating up Trump supporters ever since. How many Antifa riots have their been since the election? When it comes to political violence, leftwingers enjoy a monopoly.
Antifa is not "left wing". They are anarchists.
Spare me. Leftwingers defend them all the time. Being a thug doesn't make you an anarchist.
No, usually being a thug makes you a tRumpkin. But baing an anarchist doesn't make you a liberal either.
Horseshit. All lefties are thugs. We've seen that ever since early in 2016. Hillary paid people to beat up Trump supporters. That says it all.

You rightwingers are thugs. Clinton paid for no one to beat anyone up. Trump said he would pay the legal bills of anyone who attacked a protestor.
0 symparhy....but thoughts and prayers for all the victims of the new racist wave caused by the orange.
What victims would that be? There have been at least a dozen fake hate crimes claimed from the left while Conservatives get beaten and bloodied by snowflakes answering Hillaryy's call for an increase in violent intolerance...

Trump encouraged violence at his rallies. At the Republican Convention, Ted Cruz's wife had to be taken off the floor because of fear for her safety. Trump regularly whips his crowds into a frenzy against the media and a supporter at his last rally attacked a member of the media.

So I see you got your TDS talking points from whatever professor's class you attended today.
Busybee will defend leftwing thugs no matter how obviously guilty they are.

You are the rightwing thugs who refuse to condemn rightwing violence or even acknowledge it exists.
Dew ewe acknowledge and condem left wing thuggery and violence? Show some examples!
No, usually being a thug makes you a tRumpkin. But baing an anarchist doesn't make you a liberal either.
Horseshit. All lefties are thugs. We've seen that ever since early in 2016. Hillary paid people to beat up Trump supporters. That says it all.
Fake news my ill-informed friend.

And you fell for it, as usual.
Wrong. It was on video tape, moron.
Please post video of Hillary paying people to beat up tRumpkins.
Video: Clinton Camp Admits Paying Protesters to Incite Violence at Trump Rallies

"No, I’m saying that we have mentally ill people that we pay to do shit, make no mistake. Over the last twenty years. I’ve paid off a few homeless guys to do crazy stuff, and I’ve also made sure they had a hotel."

That is hardly proof of anything. it is ambiguous at best.
Conservative activist assaulted at UC-Berkeley campus during recruitment drive

"University of California police want the public's help tracking down a suspect whose brutal alleged assault of a conservative activist on the Berkeley campus was caught on video."

"A witness told Fox News the recruitment table had a sign that said: "Hate Crime Hoaxes Hurt Real Victims," in reference to the case of “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett, who is accused of staging a bias attack against himself in downtown Chicago last month."

So 2 ignorant yet violent snowflakes get pissed at a Conservative for a sign condemning Smollett for his Felony fake Hate Crime, like they should be doing, and perpetrated a REAL politically/partisan-motivated hate crime.

"The Berkeley incident is the latest in a growing series of ideological clashes that have turned violent on college campuses. Conservative groups claim students who lean to the right have been targeted for harassment and even assault over their views."

So where is Kamala Harris running to call this REAL attack a 'modern day lynching'?

Where is Cory Booker attacking the 2 liberal thugs and their hate crime?

Where is CNN, MSNBC...where is Al Sharpton running to condemn LIBERALS for physically attacking Conservatives?

Since it does not help advance their false narrative they could care less how many Conservatives get attacked, beaten, or killed.


A GOP Congressman assaults a reporter. A Trump supporter attacks a member of the media. Then we have a white nationalist who plans to kill Democrats. Right wing violence has killed or injured far more people yet you are silent on that.
What a fucking douchebag. Remember that Hillary supporter who shot a bunch of Republican politicians playing baseball? Then there's the guy who assaulted Rand Paul. Then we have the countless beating of Trump supporters outside his rallies. Then we have the harassment of Trump administration officials and Republican member of Congress in restaurant.

I could go on all day about all the sleazy violent behavior your side engages in.

I remember the right wing loon who shot then Democrat Congresswoman Giffords in Arizona. Several protestors have been attacked at Trump rallies including women who had a baby with them and a minister. Telling GOP congressmen and Cabinet members they disagree with their policies is not harassment. it is what we call freedom. If they don't like it then they can resign.

The fact is that neither side is innocent. However Trump has openly encouraged their supporters to commit violence and he regularly whips his crowds into a frenzy against the media. Neither Pelosi or Schumer have done that.
So after 12 pages, we (still) have Smollett summing up / representing the Left, not only their false claims of being victims of 'right wing's / MAGA hat-wearing Trump supporters but overall liars as we'll in general, and on the other side we have yet again another very real case of violent liberal intolerance.

Great discussion...

A real attack occurred in Annapolis and a Jewish Community center. We have the Proud Boys. There is plenty of intolerance on the right as well.
Wasn’t it Biden who threatened to take the POTUS out behind the woodshed and beat the shit outta him?
Conservative activist assaulted at UC-Berkeley campus during recruitment drive

"University of California police want the public's help tracking down a suspect whose brutal alleged assault of a conservative activist on the Berkeley campus was caught on video."

"A witness told Fox News the recruitment table had a sign that said: "Hate Crime Hoaxes Hurt Real Victims," in reference to the case of “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett, who is accused of staging a bias attack against himself in downtown Chicago last month."

So 2 ignorant yet violent snowflakes get pissed at a Conservative for a sign condemning Smollett for his Felony fake Hate Crime, like they should be doing, and perpetrated a REAL politically/partisan-motivated hate crime.

"The Berkeley incident is the latest in a growing series of ideological clashes that have turned violent on college campuses. Conservative groups claim students who lean to the right have been targeted for harassment and even assault over their views."

So where is Kamala Harris running to call this REAL attack a 'modern day lynching'?

Where is Cory Booker attacking the 2 liberal thugs and their hate crime?

Where is CNN, MSNBC...where is Al Sharpton running to condemn LIBERALS for physically attacking Conservatives?

Since it does not help advance their false narrative they could care less how many Conservatives get attacked, beaten, or killed.


A GOP Congressman assaults a reporter. A Trump supporter attacks a member of the media. Then we have a white nationalist who plans to kill Democrats. Right wing violence has killed or injured far more people yet you are silent on that.
What a fucking douchebag. Remember that Hillary supporter who shot a bunch of Republican politicians playing baseball? Then there's the guy who assaulted Rand Paul. Then we have the countless beating of Trump supporters outside his rallies. Then we have the harassment of Trump administration officials and Republican member of Congress in restaurant.

I could go on all day about all the sleazy violent behavior your side engages in.

I remember the right wing loon who shot then Democrat Congresswoman Giffords in Arizona. Several protestors have been attacked at Trump rallies including women who had a baby with them and a minister. Telling GOP congressmen and Cabinet members they disagree with their policies is not harassment. it is what we call freedom. If they don't like it then they can resign.

The fact is that neither side is innocent. However Trump has openly encouraged their supporters to commit violence and he regularly whips his crowds into a frenzy against the media. Neither Pelosi or Schumer have done that.

Yes really!!!
Conservative activist assaulted at UC-Berkeley campus during recruitment drive

"University of California police want the public's help tracking down a suspect whose brutal alleged assault of a conservative activist on the Berkeley campus was caught on video."

"A witness told Fox News the recruitment table had a sign that said: "Hate Crime Hoaxes Hurt Real Victims," in reference to the case of “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett, who is accused of staging a bias attack against himself in downtown Chicago last month."

So 2 ignorant yet violent snowflakes get pissed at a Conservative for a sign condemning Smollett for his Felony fake Hate Crime, like they should be doing, and perpetrated a REAL politically/partisan-motivated hate crime.

"The Berkeley incident is the latest in a growing series of ideological clashes that have turned violent on college campuses. Conservative groups claim students who lean to the right have been targeted for harassment and even assault over their views."

So where is Kamala Harris running to call this REAL attack a 'modern day lynching'?

Where is Cory Booker attacking the 2 liberal thugs and their hate crime?

Where is CNN, MSNBC...where is Al Sharpton running to condemn LIBERALS for physically attacking Conservatives?

Since it does not help advance their false narrative they could care less how many Conservatives get attacked, beaten, or killed.


A GOP Congressman assaults a reporter. A Trump supporter attacks a member of the media. Then we have a white nationalist who plans to kill Democrats. Right wing violence has killed or injured far more people yet you are silent on that.
What a fucking douchebag. Remember that Hillary supporter who shot a bunch of Republican politicians playing baseball? Then there's the guy who assaulted Rand Paul. Then we have the countless beating of Trump supporters outside his rallies. Then we have the harassment of Trump administration officials and Republican member of Congress in restaurant.

I could go on all day about all the sleazy violent behavior your side engages in.

I remember the right wing loon who shot then Democrat Congresswoman Giffords in Arizona. Several protestors have been attacked at Trump rallies including women who had a baby with them and a minister. Telling GOP congressmen and Cabinet members they disagree with their policies is not harassment. it is what we call freedom. If they don't like it then they can resign.

The fact is that neither side is innocent. However Trump has openly encouraged their supporters to commit violence and he regularly whips his crowds into a frenzy against the media. Neither Pelosi or Schumer have done that.

Yes really!!!
No. Not really!
A GOP Congressman assaults a reporter. A Trump supporter attacks a member of the media. Then we have a white nationalist who plans to kill Democrats. Right wing violence has killed or injured far more people yet you are silent on that.
What a fucking douchebag. Remember that Hillary supporter who shot a bunch of Republican politicians playing baseball? Then there's the guy who assaulted Rand Paul. Then we have the countless beating of Trump supporters outside his rallies. Then we have the harassment of Trump administration officials and Republican member of Congress in restaurant.

I could go on all day about all the sleazy violent behavior your side engages in.

I remember the right wing loon who shot then Democrat Congresswoman Giffords in Arizona. Several protestors have been attacked at Trump rallies including women who had a baby with them and a minister. Telling GOP congressmen and Cabinet members they disagree with their policies is not harassment. it is what we call freedom. If they don't like it then they can resign.

The fact is that neither side is innocent. However Trump has openly encouraged their supporters to commit violence and he regularly whips his crowds into a frenzy against the media. Neither Pelosi or Schumer have done that.

Yes really!!!
No. Not really!

Another lie by a Trump supporter.

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