Hey Snowflakes, This Is What A REAL Attack Looks Like:

Assuming for a moment that this is even true, what was the justification in this particular case for the guy to assault him?

There is no justification for you or anyone else to physically put your hands on someone else.

I don't care how much the bitch Hillary calls for violent intolerance, it is ILLEGAL.

I don't care if someone calls you a c@ck sucker, you still do not have the legal right to touch them...PERIOD.

I agree with an earlier post-we...I wish the guy had been a CPC and had a gun and blew this liberal piece of shit away...BOTH of them.

Then...MAYBE THEN...f*ing Hillary / DNC Brown Shirts would think twice before initiating violence / attacking those who do not share their ideology.

I honestly believe that is what it is going to take to stop them / back them the f* off.

You snowflake theater majors pu$$ies can put on as many fake news hoaxes as you want in attempt to make Conservatives / Trump Supporters look like the criminals - they almost always come out in the end, making you look like world-class pansies who live in some made up world where you have to INVENT CRIMES to blame on the GOP / Conservatives...and in the end the evidence always shows its the Democrats / liberals perpetrating the crimes ... Just like the last 2+ years.

Now that's ironic / funny as hell!

What, you can't read MAGA-room temperature-herp derp?

Neither can I.

really ?we're gonna play that game ?

MY apologies not only did I have to communicate with foreigners who lived in NYC and i I also had to communicate with Europeans and Asians...not all the Asians i communicated with were slant eyed or from the master race . not every one in Europe spoke 5 languages just sayin.

English is the unofficial world wide language of buisness something a stupid white homogenized huskin progressive suburbanite like yourself probably wouldn't understand.

I also muddle through a couple of foreign languages which spins me around and ill write English backwards,,im sure when you're conversing with a chink in singlish you think how open minded CULTURALLY ENRICHED AND accepting you are ,celebrate diversity!!!!!!!

what do you do with an illegal alien who might not have the worlds greatest spoken English ?
or a southerner who sounds like boomhauer? or an English cockneyed cokney?

with an illegal alien YOU instantly attack him right ? or keep it simple so he understands YES YES YES i want it waxed? rapido chop chop

do you call your white trash fat assed high school English teacher to join in ?

You didnt even get the Geronimo reference did ya ?you wont get that Japanese master race reference and I threw in the word chink so you could specifically zero in on it ,ignore your own ignorant emotional response and attack me. attacking me to change the focus from your progressive bias and meaningless sloganeering doesn't work with me....... BFYTW

when confronted by the truth or wrong Just attack! im well aware of the tactic YOU didn't think it was something new ?did you ? probably.

they really are dumbed down which is both frightening and laughable.

with the useful idiots the issue is never the issue the issue is always the revolution .

it doesn't matter that the kid did nothing wrong?....which are what the facts are shaping up to be .your original statement ?....... Geronimo still wont make any sense to ya
so ill ask the question and keep it simple

how is he a white supremacist and a Nazi promoting or stirring up hate when it seems that its really not the case? would someone be allowed to EVEN ask your gender studies professor that question ?

ENLIGHTEN me dumb ass...you're the one who jumped without yelling Geronimo

if you respond with something similar to the maga hat is a kkk hood that triggers some people. Well then just refer to my dumbed down comment and carry on . dont even waste your breath

How do they claim to be so well educated , well read ,and yet be so fuckin stupid?
derp indeed
While all you can do is totally ignore the incidents where tRumpbots and idiots attack people.
Even kill them at a rally.

You republicans pushed and goaded and taunted and threatened until people finally had enough and started responding in kind.

You've no-one to blame but yourselves.

Hate breeds hate, enjoy what you've grown.

Wow, nice attempt at "blaming the victim" there.

Sorry, but unless fighting words are used, there is never an excuse to turn words into violence.

Shame on you.
"Fighting words" have been used over and over from the *president* on down. A lot of folks have had enough.

Yea, it's Trump's fault every time a loony libtard gets violent.

That shit happens a lot in California. Citizens are mostly prohibited from carrying guns so liberals know they can attack. In Florida, liberal idiots know their opponents are armed and have to keep their hands to themselves.

Hey asshole, I condemn ALL violence. You obviously support it.
Here is a suggestion buy a ticket to LA or NYC and wear a MAGA hat :p...please record it and post here.

Translation: Wear a MAGA hat in liberal cities and some brainwashed negro will assault you

I understand some that were fooled and voted for the orange for his lies....but those who embrace his message of hate, racism, bigotry do know that they are parasites. I don't call for violence against any one. But the orange encouraged his minions to harm people in his rallies and speeches.
Conservative activist assaulted at UC-Berkeley campus during recruitment drive

"University of California police want the public's help tracking down a suspect whose brutal alleged assault of a conservative activist on the Berkeley campus was caught on video."

"A witness told Fox News the recruitment table had a sign that said: "Hate Crime Hoaxes Hurt Real Victims," in reference to the case of “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett, who is accused of staging a bias attack against himself in downtown Chicago last month."

So 2 ignorant yet violent snowflakes get pissed at a Conservative for a sign condemning Smollett for his Felony fake Hate Crime, like they should be doing, and perpetrated a REAL politically/partisan-motivated hate crime.

"The Berkeley incident is the latest in a growing series of ideological clashes that have turned violent on college campuses. Conservative groups claim students who lean to the right have been targeted for harassment and even assault over their views."

So where is Kamala Harris running to call this REAL attack a 'modern day lynching'?

Where is Cory Booker attacking the 2 liberal thugs and their hate crime?

Where is CNN, MSNBC...where is Al Sharpton running to condemn LIBERALS for physically attacking Conservatives?

Since it does not help advance their false narrative they could care less how many Conservatives get attacked, beaten, or killed. Charleston, Muslims shot, mosques vandalized, synagogue shooting, just reading the comments here about minorities from the orange supporters...don't be a fool.

0 symparhy....but thoughts and prayers for all the victims of the new racist wave caused by the orange.
What victims would that be? There have been at least a dozen fake hate crimes claimed from the left while Conservatives get beaten and bloodied by snowflakes answering Hillaryy's call for an increase in violent intolerance...
hate crimes are rising, racial tensions against minorities, Jews etc....stats are here but you don't believe in them....you have foxnews and the orange to tell you what to think.
Here is a suggestion buy a ticket to LA or NYC and wear a MAGA hat :p...please record it and post here.

Translation: Wear a MAGA hat in liberal cities and some brainwashed negro will assault you

I understand some that were fooled and voted for the orange for his lies....but those who embrace his message of hate, racism, bigotry do know that they are parasites. I don't call for violence against any one. But the orange encouraged his minions to harm people in his rallies and speeches.

There's a big fat BUT right after your phony claim that you are against violence. My post was in response to you literally wishing for a stranger to assault someone because of a stupid ugly hat.
You republicans pushed and goaded and taunted and threatened until people finally had enough and started responding in kind.

You've no-one to blame but yourselves.

Hate breeds hate, enjoy what you've grown.
You have to be kidding. All through the election leftwing thugs were beating up Trump supporters, and they've been beating up Trump supporters ever since. How many Antifa riots have their been since the election? When it comes to political violence, leftwingers enjoy a monopoly.
Conservative activist assaulted at UC-Berkeley campus during recruitment drive

"University of California police want the public's help tracking down a suspect whose brutal alleged assault of a conservative activist on the Berkeley campus was caught on video."

"A witness told Fox News the recruitment table had a sign that said: "Hate Crime Hoaxes Hurt Real Victims," in reference to the case of “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett, who is accused of staging a bias attack against himself in downtown Chicago last month."

So 2 ignorant yet violent snowflakes get pissed at a Conservative for a sign condemning Smollett for his Felony fake Hate Crime, like they should be doing, and perpetrated a REAL politically/partisan-motivated hate crime.

"The Berkeley incident is the latest in a growing series of ideological clashes that have turned violent on college campuses. Conservative groups claim students who lean to the right have been targeted for harassment and even assault over their views."

So where is Kamala Harris running to call this REAL attack a 'modern day lynching'?

Where is Cory Booker attacking the 2 liberal thugs and their hate crime?

Where is CNN, MSNBC...where is Al Sharpton running to condemn LIBERALS for physically attacking Conservatives?

Since it does not help advance their false narrative they could care less how many Conservatives get attacked, beaten, or killed.

All I saw was a civil lawsuit worth around 3k...
Assaulting someone is a felony, idiot.
Conservative activist assaulted at UC-Berkeley campus during recruitment drive

"University of California police want the public's help tracking down a suspect whose brutal alleged assault of a conservative activist on the Berkeley campus was caught on video."

"A witness told Fox News the recruitment table had a sign that said: "Hate Crime Hoaxes Hurt Real Victims," in reference to the case of “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett, who is accused of staging a bias attack against himself in downtown Chicago last month."

So 2 ignorant yet violent snowflakes get pissed at a Conservative for a sign condemning Smollett for his Felony fake Hate Crime, like they should be doing, and perpetrated a REAL politically/partisan-motivated hate crime.

"The Berkeley incident is the latest in a growing series of ideological clashes that have turned violent on college campuses. Conservative groups claim students who lean to the right have been targeted for harassment and even assault over their views."

So where is Kamala Harris running to call this REAL attack a 'modern day lynching'?

Where is Cory Booker attacking the 2 liberal thugs and their hate crime?

Where is CNN, MSNBC...where is Al Sharpton running to condemn LIBERALS for physically attacking Conservatives?

Since it does not help advance their false narrative they could care less how many Conservatives get attacked, beaten, or killed.


A GOP Congressman assaults a reporter. A Trump supporter attacks a member of the media. Then we have a white nationalist who plans to kill Democrats. Right wing violence has killed or injured far more people yet you are silent on that.
What a fucking douchebag. Remember that Hillary supporter who shot a bunch of Republican politicians playing baseball? Then there's the guy who assaulted Rand Paul. Then we have the countless beating of Trump supporters outside his rallies. Then we have the harassment of Trump administration officials and Republican member of Congress in restaurant.

I could go on all day about all the sleazy violent behavior your side engages in.
Conservative activist assaulted at UC-Berkeley campus during recruitment drive

"University of California police want the public's help tracking down a suspect whose brutal alleged assault of a conservative activist on the Berkeley campus was caught on video."

"A witness told Fox News the recruitment table had a sign that said: "Hate Crime Hoaxes Hurt Real Victims," in reference to the case of “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett, who is accused of staging a bias attack against himself in downtown Chicago last month."

So 2 ignorant yet violent snowflakes get pissed at a Conservative for a sign condemning Smollett for his Felony fake Hate Crime, like they should be doing, and perpetrated a REAL politically/partisan-motivated hate crime.

"The Berkeley incident is the latest in a growing series of ideological clashes that have turned violent on college campuses. Conservative groups claim students who lean to the right have been targeted for harassment and even assault over their views."

So where is Kamala Harris running to call this REAL attack a 'modern day lynching'?

Where is Cory Booker attacking the 2 liberal thugs and their hate crime?

Where is CNN, MSNBC...where is Al Sharpton running to condemn LIBERALS for physically attacking Conservatives?

Since it does not help advance their false narrative they could care less how many Conservatives get attacked, beaten, or killed.

0 symparhy....but thoughts and prayers for all the victims of the new racist wave caused by the orange.
What victims would that be? There have been at least a dozen fake hate crimes claimed from the left while Conservatives get beaten and bloodied by snowflakes answering Hillaryy's call for an increase in violent intolerance...

Trump encouraged violence at his rallies. At the Republican Convention, Ted Cruz's wife had to be taken off the floor because of fear for her safety. Trump regularly whips his crowds into a frenzy against the media and a supporter at his last rally attacked a member of the media.
The so-called protesters were the ones encouraging violence when they refused to leave, idiot.
Conservative activist assaulted at UC-Berkeley campus during recruitment drive

"University of California police want the public's help tracking down a suspect whose brutal alleged assault of a conservative activist on the Berkeley campus was caught on video."

"A witness told Fox News the recruitment table had a sign that said: "Hate Crime Hoaxes Hurt Real Victims," in reference to the case of “Empire” actor Jussie Smollett, who is accused of staging a bias attack against himself in downtown Chicago last month."

So 2 ignorant yet violent snowflakes get pissed at a Conservative for a sign condemning Smollett for his Felony fake Hate Crime, like they should be doing, and perpetrated a REAL politically/partisan-motivated hate crime.

"The Berkeley incident is the latest in a growing series of ideological clashes that have turned violent on college campuses. Conservative groups claim students who lean to the right have been targeted for harassment and even assault over their views."

So where is Kamala Harris running to call this REAL attack a 'modern day lynching'?

Where is Cory Booker attacking the 2 liberal thugs and their hate crime?

Where is CNN, MSNBC...where is Al Sharpton running to condemn LIBERALS for physically attacking Conservatives?

Since it does not help advance their false narrative they could care less how many Conservatives get attacked, beaten, or killed.

0 symparhy....but thoughts and prayers for all the victims of the new racist wave caused by the orange.
What victims would that be? There have been at least a dozen fake hate crimes claimed from the left while Conservatives get beaten and bloodied by snowflakes answering Hillaryy's call for an increase in violent intolerance...

Trump encouraged violence at his rallies. At the Republican Convention, Ted Cruz's wife had to be taken off the floor because of fear for her safety. Trump regularly whips his crowds into a frenzy against the media and a supporter at his last rally attacked a member of the media.

So I see you got your TDS talking points from whatever professor's class you attended today.
Busybee will defend leftwing thugs no matter how obviously guilty they are.
You republicans pushed and goaded and taunted and threatened until people finally had enough and started responding in kind.

You've no-one to blame but yourselves.

Hate breeds hate, enjoy what you've grown.

Wow, nice attempt at "blaming the victim" there.

Sorry, but unless fighting words are used, there is never an excuse to turn words into violence.

Shame on you.
"Fighting words" have been used over and over from the *president* on down. A lot of folks have had enough.
What "fighting words" were those, douchebag? If anyone has been spewing fighting words, it's Dim politicians and the fake news media. They never fail to call Trump supporters "racist" and any other epithet they can think of.
What you're trying to say is that you feel justified in punching a Republican in the mouth. It's as simple as that.
You republicans pushed and goaded and taunted and threatened until people finally had enough and started responding in kind.

You've no-one to blame but yourselves.

Hate breeds hate, enjoy what you've grown.

Wow, nice attempt at "blaming the victim" there.

Sorry, but unless fighting words are used, there is never an excuse to turn words into violence.

Shame on you.
"Fighting words" have been used over and over from the *president* on down. A lot of folks have had enough.

Yea, it's Trump's fault every time a loony libtard gets violent.

That shit happens a lot in California. Citizens are mostly prohibited from carrying guns so liberals know they can attack. In Florida, liberal idiots know their opponents are armed and have to keep their hands to themselves.
I think I am going to buy a can of pepper spray so I can hose these numskulls down when they get ideas about proper protest behavior.
While all you can do is totally ignore the incidents where tRumpbots and idiots attack people.
Even kill them at a rally.

You republicans pushed and goaded and taunted and threatened until people finally had enough and started responding in kind.

You've no-one to blame but yourselves.

Hate breeds hate, enjoy what you've grown.

Wow, nice attempt at "blaming the victim" there.

Sorry, but unless fighting words are used, there is never an excuse to turn words into violence.

Shame on you.
"Fighting words" have been used over and over from the *president* on down. A lot of folks have had enough.

Yea, it's Trump's fault every time a loony libtard gets violent.

That shit happens a lot in California. Citizens are mostly prohibited from carrying guns so liberals know they can attack. In Florida, liberal idiots know their opponents are armed and have to keep their hands to themselves.
That's because there are almost no such incidents. On the other hand, incidents where leftwing thugs attack Republicans are too numerous to count.
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Smollett outed the game, not that there was much to out. The only people it is acceptable to hate and to set up to hate is white Trump supporters. Better if they're wearing MAGA hats. It's not only acceptable to hate them, it's Noble according to the Cult Rules. It's good. The minions slobber over it.

Hey drooling brainless minions: I reject your religion and all your oppressive rules.

Run and tell that.
Smollett outed the game, not that there was much to out. The only people it is acceptable to hate and to set up to hate is white Trump supporters. Better if they're wearing MAGA hats. It's not only acceptable to hate them, it's Noble according to the Cult Rules. It's good. The minions slobber over it.

Hey drooling brainless minions: I reject your religion and all your oppressive rules.

Run and tell that.
After two massive smear campaigns have been exposed within weeks of each other, you would think these idiots would learn
Well, it looks like the libs are violent thugs today. It’s OK. We’ll return to being limp-wristed, pencil-necked pajama boys tomorrow.

Ummm.....progressives have no clue what real violence is. The fag violence against folks wearing MAGA hats will end when before 2020, a video will go viral displaying a snowflake on a street with a baton being banged up his ass with his own shoe! That'll be the end of those attacks for the most part.
Well, it looks like the libs are violent thugs today. It’s OK. We’ll return to being limp-wristed, pencil-necked pajama boys tomorrow.

Ummm.....progressives have no clue what real violence is. The fag violence against folks wearing MAGA hats will end when before 2020, a video will go viral displaying a snowflake on a street with a baton being banged up his ass with his own shoe! That'll be the end of those attacks for the most part.

You’ve got weird fantasies.
While all you can do is totally ignore the incidents where tRumpbots and idiots attack people.
Even kill them at a rally.

You republicans pushed and goaded and taunted and threatened until people finally had enough and started responding in kind.

You've no-one to blame but yourselves.

Hate breeds hate, enjoy what you've grown.

Wow, nice attempt at "blaming the victim" there.

Sorry, but unless fighting words are used, there is never an excuse to turn words into violence.

Shame on you.
"Fighting words" have been used over and over from the *president* on down. A lot of folks have had enough.

Yea, it's Trump's fault every time a loony libtard gets violent.

That shit happens a lot in California. Citizens are mostly prohibited from carrying guns so liberals know they can attack. In Florida, liberal idiots know their opponents are armed and have to keep their hands to themselves.

Hey asshole, I condemn ALL violence. You obviously support it.
"Tree of liberty watered with blah blah blah......"

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