hey trump voter/Do you still think there is any chance for Trump to win the election?

"scandals that ruined his reputation"...NO Trumps reputation has not been ruined and thats just Left propoganda. Some guy talking to his buddies in a closed private bus is protected by freedom of speech. The only "scandal" is falsely created hysteria by a corrupt Left. yes he has lived in the media eye a long time.
Considering recent scandals that ruined his reputation, Do you still think there is any chance for Trump to win the election?
Would scandals like this matter to Iranian voters?
Dani? Why is my question funny? Do you guys not vote, or do women not vote? or should the answer be obvious? I was really interested.

all adult (+18) can vote in iran.
Iranian congress election, 2016
Turnout 62% (first round)[1]
59% (second round)[2]
Iranian legislative election, 2016 - Wikipedia

i thought you did troll...
because this thread is for usa election.its not about iran election
"scandals that ruined his reputation"...NO Trumps reputation has not been ruined and thats just Left propoganda. Some guy talking to his buddies in a closed private bus is protected by freedom of speech. The only "scandal" is falsely created hysteria by a corrupt Left. yes he has lived in the media eye a long time.
propaganda or true . its not very important. do you think propaganda cant hurt trump reputation ?
Considering recent scandals that ruined his reputation, Do you still think there is any chance for Trump to win the election?
Yep. If people ignore the lies and come out and vote on election day then he will win. If they believe the lies and don't come out then no he won't. If he doesn't win then he should refuse to concede,file lawsuit,set up parallel administration etc.
.................................................................................................................................................................................................................. No, all this idiotic "scandal" will not hurt Trump. The attacks on all the "deplorables" will ensure that a hornets nest of anger from a huge chunk of Americans will be the bitter drink of a Hillary win which has been attained by cheating. The North remembers. Hillary is Cersei Lannister.
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images (3).jpg
001-Clinton-Hires-Debbie-Wasserman-Schultz-01.jpg ..................................Furthermore, Cersei makes a series of political and economic blunders, alienating allies such as Pycelle and Kevan Lannister. In an attempt to undermine the Tyrells as well as release her son from his marriage to Margaery, Cersei attempts to frame Margaery for adultery and treason. However this plot backfires as the investigation into Margaery reveals evidence of Cersei's own adultery and her complicity in Robert Baratheon's death. She confesses her post marital affairs, (though not her relationship with Jaime) and as punishment, she is stripped naked and forced to walk through the capital in full view of the public. The remaining charges will be settled in a trial by combat.
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Oh okay…when you’re asked to muster some manhood, you run like a little bitch.
So you call engaging in a competition involving avatars a display of 'manhood'?!

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Saying you believe in your candidate is fine. Asked to back it up in the most minor of ways and balking at the suggestion…suggest that you are severely lacking in either manhood or belief in you candidate.

Which is it?

Basically, if you’re going to talk the talk, when asked to back it up, you can’t be a bitch.

[Mitt Romney had about 30,000 people at a rally in PA right before the election.

30,000+ Rally for Romney in Pennsylvania - Breitbart

Lost the state by 6%

Trump is actually doing worse than Romney. Mitt has got to take some satisfaction out of that.
:clap:Something other than a personal attack...and it was factual and pertinent! NICE JOB!

The All-In media, however, has finally abandoned reporting that turnout for Liberal events - primaries and rallies - have dropped even lower than when they were in 2014...when Libs received an historical, record-setting ass-kicking. Liberals ARE worried about low numbers, even if they won't admit it in large numbers.

They don’t announce it because it doesn’t matter. What does matter is who has the ground game to get supporters to the polls. Who is driving the conversation that is being had about the election and who is leading in the polling in the battleground states.
What matters is the integrity, honesty, and character of the candidates. I just posted a thread, with Links, about how Hillary's Camp has become so desperate that they were posting Fake sexist Trump ads on Craiglist!

SERIOUSLY?! :lmao::lmao:
No, the Clinton campaign is not desperate when state polls show she has 259 of the 270 electoral votes needed to win and her opponent will have to win 90% of the toss ups of which he is currently loosing 80%. I think the Clinton campaign's only fear is that their supporters will become complacent and not show up on election day. However, with the outrage over Trump's lewd comments, that doesn't seem likely.
RealClearPolitics - 2016 Election Maps - Battle for White House
Candy, why don't you go bavk to the jids table and talk to them about gambling avatars, marbles, etc. We're trying to have a serious discussion here at the big table...
No, the Clinton campaign is not desperate
When a candidate resorts to having her staff create fake sexist ads on Craigslist to dishonestly try to discredit her opponent...

...sorry, that's damn DESPERATE!

No, the Clinton campaign is not desperate
When a candidate resorts to having her staff create fake sexist ads on Craigslist to dishonestly try to discredit her opponent...

...sorry, that's damn DESPERATE!


Almost like leaching on to every document created and released by a international criminal….
No wonder Trump is losing so soundly, his worshipers are losers; their messiah can’t help but be one.
Considering recent scandals that ruined his reputation, Do you still think there is any chance for Trump to win the election?
I posted a link to an article that showed neither candidate is taking a hit from the scandals being revealed almost daily about them.

That is because Americans have plateaued out - they are tired of all the election / scandal bullshit. AND the vast majority of Americans are not voting FOR a specific candidate - they are voting for the 'R' or the 'D'. If people were focused on the individuals then all these scandals would matter. Since people are only voting for the 'R' or the 'D' each new personal, individual scandal has no impact.

The vast majority of the media has been exposed (through Wikileaks) or they have admitted themselves they are 'All-In' for Hillary, so anyone who takes the polling numbers from these news agencies seriously are morons.

One thing that IS telling is the crowds at the rallies. Trump continues to give rallies attended by 12,000 - 15,000 while Hillary is often having a hard time trying to fill a school gymnasium. And lately at Clinton Rallies the attendees are protesting, calling bill Clinton a Rapist and Hillary an Enabler.

The media has been keeping it quiet, but I have posted links to stories where Dems are rebelling and switching to Trump by the thousands. (And admittedly vice versa).

Does Trump still have a chance? IMO, Absolutely!

I also think some people - DNC, GOP, IND - will vote for Trump just to see if Hillary really goes to jail. :p
18,000 seat auditorium yesterday was half empty for a Trump rally. Clinton had over 10,000 at hers a couple days ago. I wondered when the Repubs would ever get the energy to protest. That's good, I guess.
To be fair....filling an auditorium is not an accurate indication of # of votes....for any candidate....just ask Bernie Sanders.
Sander's rallies were not as big as Trump's.
.................................................................................................................................................................................................................. No, all this idiotic "scandal" will not hurt Trump. The attacks on all the "deplorables" will ensure that a hornets nest of anger from a huge chunk of Americans will be the bitter drink of a Hillary win which has been attained by cheating. The North remembers. Hillary is Cersei Lannister.
He's already loss 5% in the polls and the number of women stepping forward will surely grow. In fact, two more came forward today.

His handling of this affair is a clear illustration of Trump's lack of understanding of politics and why he should not be president. When he decided to drag out all the accusers of BIl Clinton from 20 years ago, and tried to pass off his comments as just locker room talk, he made a major blunder. Political analysts saw and his own people saw it but he didn't and of course he follows no ones advice. He simply could not resist the urge to attack when he should have been backing off. This is the kind of thinking that would be disastrous for a president. A president must anticipate his adversaries reactions to his actions. He can't act out of anger or his enemies will play him like a fiddle.
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"and the number of women stepping forward will surely grow. In fact, two more came forward today." YES AND NO SANE PERSON BELIEVES THESE BOMBO FAKE "ACCUSATIONS"...

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