HEY you people getting paid to post here.. pay attention!!!!

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"In addition to her academic work, she told TheBlaze that she occasionally freelances for Catholic outlets and for the Wall Street Journal.
But can this really be considered “business” activity?

“I don’t make a lot of money from writing. In fact most years I don’t show a profit,” she told TheBlaze.

Hendershott said some of the outlets and organizations she has written for haven’t paid her a cent.

But the circumstances surrounding the irregular nature of the experience don’t end there. Hendershott noted it was particularly surprising that she, alone, was audited. Her husband, who brings in the vast majority of the family’s income, was not included in the IRS’s inquiry — even though the Hendershotts always files jointly.
?Very Frightening?: Prominent Catholic Prof. Claims IRS Audited Her After Speaking Out Against Obama and Demanded to Know Who Was Paying Her | TheBlaze.com

So those of you that get paid for writing comments on this forum... BE ADVISED!
YOU maybe asked to tell who has been paying YOU!

Those of you that get paid by Soros or his ilk... YOU don't have to worry!

You guys work cheap! I got a sign on bonus of 1,500 and 2 bucks a word and $50 for u tube video posts!:eusa_whistle:

I am also shop steward of the Posters Union
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NON-partisans, of course, have no paymasters.

I guess we'll get pie in the sky when we die, though, eh?
How would I go about getting paid to post? If someone is willing to pay me to just sit here and post shit on this forum, then maybe I can quit work!
Is there a restriction on what I post? I mean, can I post whatever I want, or do I have to post what someone else wants me to post?
Most of all, how much does it pay?
How would I go about getting paid to post? If someone is willing to pay me to just sit here and post shit on this forum, then maybe I can quit work!
Is there a restriction on what I post? I mean, can I post whatever I want, or do I have to post what someone else wants me to post?
Most of all, how much does it pay?

Obviously if one is being paid to be a spokemouth for a partisan organization, you must post what they want you to post.

Are you prepared to LIE for your income?

If you too are hobbled with moral principles, then you must remain an amateur
How would I go about getting paid to post? If someone is willing to pay me to just sit here and post shit on this forum, then maybe I can quit work!
Is there a restriction on what I post? I mean, can I post whatever I want, or do I have to post what someone else wants me to post?
Most of all, how much does it pay?

I get paid $5 a post and $1000 for every degenerate or subversive poster I report. It sounds like easy money but do you realize how idiotic it gets responding to 400 Benghazi threads and countless "Obama sucks" threads? Don't get me started on the TeaTards and the birthers. Do you have any idea how difficult it is to talk common sense with a Libertarian?

I earn every cent
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Interesting that the paid RW posters on this forum are too afraid to comment as they might be audited by the IRS!
I'm a Republican, but I only came online in 1996 to hopefully see if I could find out why my fellow Americans voted in a sorry lady's man for a second term when they booted a war hero based on the same sorry fellow's eleventh hour lies.

I still don't know why that came about, and have accepted that I never will.

Republicans like me are volunteers, and not paid in any way, nor do I want to be, because I make up my own mind based on what I read that passes my truth-ok test and do my best to tell why I have this or that opinion, which may or may not coincide with party line, which I haven't read more than a couple of times for years. I do read the platforms proffered by candidates when they're honest enough to publish them ahead of time to those who want to plan who they're going to vote for based on his stated principles and goals.

Right now, I am hoping the next Republican will push for a flat tax.

A flat tax with a $30,000 standard deduction for every filer as the only deduction. We can be rid of all personal tax accountants and the time wasted preping and avoiding taxes and the need for refund checks. Cut the IRS by half!
NON-partisans, of course, have no paymasters.

I guess we'll get pie in the sky when we die, though, eh?

INCORRECT! I am paid by both sides (kinda like a double agent). The money is deposited directly into my account every month (and they call it "Social Security"). It's all very hush-hush.
After the reelection of Obama, I got a raise from $3 a post to $5 a post

Recognition of a job well done

You are a good creative writer, what else can I say? :)

In terms of posting on this board...

The pay is good but you have to put up with a lot of assholes
Sorry the Demmie supervisors are so mean to yas of the posting serf set! :eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo::eusa_boohoo:

[ame=http://youtu.be/X23v5_K7cXk]Elton John - Sad Songs (Say So Much) - YouTube[/ame]
How would I go about getting paid to post? If someone is willing to pay me to just sit here and post shit on this forum, then maybe I can quit work!
Is there a restriction on what I post? I mean, can I post whatever I want, or do I have to post what someone else wants me to post?
Most of all, how much does it pay?

Obviously if one is being paid to be a spokemouth for a partisan organization, you must post what they want you to post.

Are you prepared to LIE for your income?

If you too are hobbled with moral principles, then you must remain an amateur

If not then they are democrats. :eusa_angel:
24 November 2011
Fake forum comments are 'eroding' trust in the web

Fakes in comment forums and social networks can erode trust in what we see online

Trust in information on the web is being damaged by the huge numbers of people paid by companies to post comments online, say researchers.

Fake posters can "poison" debate and make people unsure about who they can trust, the study suggests.

Some firms have created tens of thousands of fake accounts to flood chat forums and skew debate.

The researchers say there are reliable ways to spot fakes and urge websites to do more to police users.

The researchers from Canada and China say paying people to post comments is an "interesting strategy in business marketing" but it is not a benign activity.

"Paid posters may create a significant negative effect on the online communities, since the information from paid posters is usually not trustworthy," they wrote.


In some cases, rival companies have used competing armies of workers to wage comment wars that confused members of the public looking for unbiased information.

The researchers say the fake comments can overwhelm some users, causing them to find it hard to trust any information found online.

They give the example of a spike in activity on a World of Warcraft chat forum on the Chinese website Baidu.

A thread titled "Junpeng Jia, your mother asked you to go back home for dinner!" received over 300,000 replies over a two day period.

A PR company later claimed it had employed 800 individuals to run 20,000 separate accounts on the site to help maintain interest in the videogame while it was down for maintenance.

Growing problem

While the practice of flooding forums with fake comments is most widespread in China, where such posters are called the Internet Water Army, it is becoming common in other nations too.

The US military is known to use fakes to infiltrate chat forums to gather information about potential terror groups.

Similarly many Facebook pages are plagued by bogus friends and "social bots" that are used to stage debates.

Many marketing firms also seed forums with comments in a bid to create "viral" interest in a company or event.

However, fakes can be spotted by analysing their patterns of activity and the words they use, say the researchers.

Fakes are more likely to start new comment threads, make inane comments rather than add to a debate, and repeat former comments with minor changes, the study suggests.

The researchers say they are refining software tools to help website administrators tackle the "painful" problem.
24 November 2011
Fake forum comments are 'eroding' trust in the web

Fakes in comment forums and social networks can erode trust in what we see online

Trust in information on the web is being damaged by the huge numbers of people paid by companies to post comments online, say researchers.

Fake posters can "poison" debate and make people unsure about who they can trust, the study suggests.

Some firms have created tens of thousands of fake accounts to flood chat forums and skew debate.

The researchers say there are reliable ways to spot fakes and urge websites to do more to police users.

The researchers from Canada and China say paying people to post comments is an "interesting strategy in business marketing" but it is not a benign activity.

"Paid posters may create a significant negative effect on the online communities, since the information from paid posters is usually not trustworthy," they wrote.


In some cases, rival companies have used competing armies of workers to wage comment wars that confused members of the public looking for unbiased information.

The researchers say the fake comments can overwhelm some users, causing them to find it hard to trust any information found online.

They give the example of a spike in activity on a World of Warcraft chat forum on the Chinese website Baidu.

A thread titled "Junpeng Jia, your mother asked you to go back home for dinner!" received over 300,000 replies over a two day period.

A PR company later claimed it had employed 800 individuals to run 20,000 separate accounts on the site to help maintain interest in the videogame while it was down for maintenance.

Growing problem

While the practice of flooding forums with fake comments is most widespread in China, where such posters are called the Internet Water Army, it is becoming common in other nations too.

The US military is known to use fakes to infiltrate chat forums to gather information about potential terror groups.

Similarly many Facebook pages are plagued by bogus friends and "social bots" that are used to stage debates.

Many marketing firms also seed forums with comments in a bid to create "viral" interest in a company or event.

However, fakes can be spotted by analysing their patterns of activity and the words they use, say the researchers.

Fakes are more likely to start new comment threads, make inane comments rather than add to a debate, and repeat former comments with minor changes, the study suggests.

The researchers say they are refining software tools to help website administrators tackle the "painful" problem.

Amateurs.......rank Amateurs

We professionals go through extensive training to do what we do. My class lasted a year and only 218 out of 520 completed the coursework. It is not easy to do what we do. Just try reading some of the threads on this board. But the money is good and we get Obamaphones and other free stuff
The only people who I could conceive being paid to post here are those like TM and Swallow. Judging by the transparent hackneyed and ludicrous content, I would venture that they might be paid by Republican operatives.

Although I would like to believe itl, I doubt it. There are actually really people so pathologically damaged that they would openly and self-willingly post that drivel of their own accord.
Consider the possibility that some of our fellow posters are nothing more than algorithms.

Based on the repetitious content posting of some here, their lack of creativity, I don't think it would really be all that hard to pass the touring test in this place.

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