Hi! I've no idea what I'm doing!

what a writer! :lol: The picture i got when reading this was hilarious; i like your long list of alliteration. Welcome. P.s. Don't jump off any bridges but i thought dial-up was extinct!

Now....john burke.........where do i know that name from...................? :lol:

nice of john burke to negative-rep me for this post. What a jerk.
what a writer! :lol: The picture i got when reading this was hilarious; i like your long list of alliteration. Welcome. P.s. Don't jump off any bridges but i thought dial-up was extinct!

Now....john burke.........where do i know that name from...................? :lol:

nice of john burke to negative-rep me for this post. What a jerk.
Holy crap! I'm sorry. I had no idea I did that. Still trying to get the hang of this thing. If there is any way I can reverse the negative-rep thing let me know. Again, I'm very sorry.
I figured that had to be a mistake. As soon as you can-just pos rep him and it should make up for it. You may have to spread some around first.

Thanks for the info. I had to spread around quite a bit of positive reps till I was allowed to give SanTropez a positive rep. OK, now I think I'm starting to get the hang of this... sort of...
Welcome. I see you have a cat. You can't be too bad.

LOL! I have three cats. Sherlock, Mycroft and Cali. Sherlock I found in the dumpster as a kitten (eyes were still closed) and then my neighbor left his cat (Mycroft) locked up in his apartment when he moved. The landlord told me he was just going to let the cat out and he could take care of himself (I didn't like that idea!) and Cali was a kitten I found huddled in the corner of my backyard. I'm a cat magnet!
I still have one of these.........


All the rest were shot by the Hun bastards.

Welcome. I see you have a cat. You can't be too bad.

LOL! I have three cats. Sherlock, Mycroft and Cali. Sherlock I found in the dumpster as a kitten (eyes were still closed) and then my neighbor left his cat (Mycroft) locked up in his apartment when he moved. The landlord told me he was just going to let the cat out and he could take care of himself (I didn't like that idea!) and Cali was a kitten I found huddled in the corner of my backyard. I'm a cat magnet!

We have 4 cats. 3 outdoor ones and one snob of a cat who thinks she's all that. She doesn't like me cause I yell at her if she does something she's not supposed to. She likes my husband though, will sit on his lap and give me a dirty look. I still like cats, though.

Our oldest one "Freeway" was given to me by my niece. She found it out on the road stranded on an island, and she stopped to pick it up. She couldn't keep it because she lives in an apt. The other three were abandoned by our neighbors when they got foreclosed.
We adopted them, took them to the vet, got their shots, but only one would adapt to being indoors.

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