High school girl addresses school board

There is no reason I can see that things are going to get better. Some historian in another society may question it all.

You can see the insanity and all you do in this thread is cry about Trump.

TDS went a long way toward breaking everything, so thanks for that.
And once AGAIN this fucking ASSHOLE bursts into a valid thread and FUCKS IT all out of context to make it all about Trump, and of course, itself.

ANYWAY......this push back against this gender MADNESS must continue.
The brain damaged Marxists think they're the majority, but in fact they are NOT, they just have the media and edu systems to USE against everyone else, to FORCE their agenda down the throats of ordinary people that want NO PART OF IT!!!
This won't end well, one way or another....

For there are eunuchs who were born that way, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others--and there are those who choose to live like eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it.'

Matthew 19:12
You can see the insanity and all you do in this thread is cry about Trump.

TDS went a long way toward breaking everything, so thanks for that.

And you can't bring yourself to condemn anything Trump did. You just want to condemn others when they do the same.
Unfortunately, you’re absolutely right. That’s why I suggest all reasonable women invest in one essential fashion accessory…

View attachment 780986
Smith & Wesson 342 AirLite revolver. 10.8 ozs. 5 rounds of .38+P. Compact, Very accurate at short range. A gun I carry myself at times.

Do you hugged tightly to your breast at night? The strains of “happiness is a warm gun” are playing in my head.

The USA has ceased to be “the home of the brave in the land of the free”, and is now the “home of the paranoid in the land of the frightened”.

Guns were supposed to keep you safe. Instead, the USA is the most dangerous, crime ridden country in the first world. Your citizens are afraid to go shopping, to a movie, to take their kids to school, to go to a concert, or a Christmas parade.

As a solution to this problem, conservatives are buying more and more guns, and opening fire on anyone who frightens them but coming within range of their weapons.
And once AGAIN this fucking ASSHOLE bursts into a valid thread and FUCKS IT all out of context to make it all about Trump, and of course, itself.

ANYWAY......this push back against this gender MADNESS must continue.
The brain damaged Marxists think they're the majority, but in fact they are NOT, they just have the media and edu systems to USE against everyone else, to FORCE their agenda down the throats of ordinary people that want NO PART OF IT!!!
This won't end well, one way or another....
You know, they isn't no Marxits.
I have never endorsed or defended it. That would be you with Trump. I can't quite understand how it is that you will defend Trump no matter what he does. He understands it and have spoke on it, but I do not.

No dear, I'm not a liberal, so that means I do not worship, adore, "believe in" or whatever Trump. He is a politician who ran for the highest office in the land, which already makes him a blazing narcissist just like all the rest. I elected him for a job, which does not mean I endorse everything he has done in his life, or faint at his rallies like the girls did with Obama, or even GO to his rallies.

Congrats for engaging in a Moral Panic like all the rest. Oh Noes our president offends my sensibility. Where is the fainting couch!
For there are eunuchs who were born that way, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others--and there are those who choose to live like eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it.'

Matthew 19:12

How have I missed this piece of scripture all these years? Thank you so very much.
No dear, I'm not a liberal, so that means I do not worship, adore, "believe in" or whatever Trump. He is a politician who ran for the highest office in the land, which already makes him a blazing narcissist just like all the rest. I elected him for a job, which does not mean I endorse everything he has done in his life, or faint at his rallies like the girls did with Obama, or even GO to his rallies.

Congrats for engaging in a Moral Panic like all the rest. Oh Noes our president offends my sensibility. Where is the fainting couch!

Still you are incapable of condemning him for something you condemn others for doing. You just can't do it.
For there are eunuchs who were born that way, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others--and there are those who choose to live like eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it.'

Matthew 19:12

Already been through this with you and you crawled away in shame.

These men with complete packages including penises and testicles are NOT who Jesus was talking about. He was talking about birth defects. Like hermaphrodites.
No dear, I'm not a liberal, so that means I do not worship, adore, "believe in" or whatever Trump. He is a politician who ran for the highest office in the land, which already makes him a blazing narcissist just like all the rest. I elected him for a job, which does not mean I endorse everything he has done in his life, or faint at his rallies like the girls did with Obama, or even GO to his rallies.

Congrats for engaging in a Moral Panic like all the rest. Oh Noes our president offends my sensibility. Where is the fainting couch!
. I elected him for a job, which does not mean I endorse everything he has done in his life, or faint at his rallies like the girls did with Obama, or even GO to his rallies

Your judgment sucks.

or faint at his rallies like the girls did with Obama,

Still you are incapable of condemning him for something you condemn others for doing. You just can't do it.

I have done it multiple times over the years. Since I am not in a Moral Panic, and do not believe in Inquisitions and forced confessions, I refuse to take part in your religious rites of "Condemn! Condemn!"
everybody is transgender. They just don't know it, my exp with the guys acting like women and the women acting like men , when did girls start wearing jeans to school? We were always told to wear a dress
I agree that all females have some interest in male characteristics. I disagree that all Men have an interest in female characteristics. Those of either gender who wish to openly express those interests are suffering from a mental. Illness. Unfortunately we largely accepted and excused the occasional tomboy as a lark for far too long, and it’s lead (in part) to our problems today.
In 1972, the Education Amendments of 1972 passed in the United States, which, as part of the Title IX non-discrimination provisions, declared that dresses could not be required of girls. Dress codes thus changed in public schools across the United States. In the 1970s, trousers became quite fashionable for women
Don’t get me started on Title IX. It’s done far more damage to our society than it has done good. You point out one of the major issues with it, but far from the only one.
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Already been through this with you and you crawled away in shame.

These men with complete packages including penises and testicles are NOT who Jesus was talking about. He was talking about birth defects. Like hermaphrodites.

You do not get to talk for Jesus. Your words do not represent Jesus to me.
I have done it multiple times over the years. Since I am not in a Moral Panic, and do not believe in Inquisitions and forced confessions, I refuse to take part in your religious rites of "Condemn! Condemn!"

No you haven't. You still can not do it.
For there are eunuchs who were born that way, and there are eunuchs who have been made eunuchs by others--and there are those who choose to live like eunuchs for the sake of the kingdom of heaven. The one who can accept this should accept it.'

Matthew 19:12

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