Highly Classified Document Went Missing in Final Days of Trump Admin.

Why did the ape of MAL declassify parts of that binder right before he had to vacate the W.H. thanks to Biden?

Because he's a deranged psychopath looking for revenge after the loss.

The way that you post, there isn't a single person here that doesn't see you as at least somewhat mentally retarded, even those sympathetic to your politics.
I do suspect that President Trump has documents related to Crossfire Hurricane and the illegalities of the halfbreed resident.
That is what is driving the entire witch hunt.
I do suspect that President Trump has documents related to Crossfire Hurricane and the illegalities of the halfbreed resident.
That is what is driving the entire witch hunt.
^^^ Statement by a delusional doofus. Just more MAGA nonsense that never happened. Trump will be easily defeated next year. You could say it's in the bag. MAGA!
The way that you post, there isn't a single person here that doesn't see you as at least somewhat mentally retarded, even those sympathetic to your politics.
Why don't you answer the question, Trump suckhole?
If the LOTUS has documents belonging to the US government then it's hardly a witch hunt, the witch has been found already.
Nah, it's just a coincidence to the herd that soon after Trump got his grubby paws on that binder he declassified portions of it then it disappeared.

Meadows also had his filthy hands on it. They should get him under oath. I'll bet money he takes the 5th.
I find no end of irony over these RedHats who bend over for Putin, a Communist. P01135809 has heaped no end of praise on Xi Ping, who is both the President and General Secretary of The People's Republic of (Communist) China. And "The Supreme Leader" of The Demoratic People's Republic of (Communist) North Korea Kim Jong-un. Yep, P01135809 just loves him some COMMUNITS FUCKING DICATORS!
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That must mean it's a conspiracy. Ooh.

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