Hillary Above the Law, Part 2; Misuse of Air Force One Violates US Campaign Laws


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
How many Air Force One trips will Hillary and her staff get from a corrupt Obama regime before this election is over?

And will the gutless Republican Congresspukes ever raise their lap dog voice in protest?
Is this the newest scandal? Howdy Gowdy should launch a full congressional investigation!
This is use of Federal money for aiding Hilarys campaign and is a violation of federal law.

But nothing will happen because Hillary is above the law and the GOP is a bunch of cowardly lap dogs to do a damned thing about it.

More laws for the little people only, not the rulers.

The Latest: Hillary Clinton Joins Obama on Air Force One

Trump protests Clinton riding Air Force One with Obama

Citizens' Guide
Truth. You friggin idiot. Hillary is a crooked hag.
This is use of Federal money for aiding Hilarys campaign and is a violation of federal law.

But nothing will happen because Hillary is above the law and the GOP is a bunch of cowardly lap dogs to do a damned thing about it.

More laws for the little people only, not the rulers.

The Latest: Hillary Clinton Joins Obama on Air Force One

Trump protests Clinton riding Air Force One with Obama

Citizens' Guide
Truth. You friggin idiot. Hillary is a crooked hag.
You wouldn't know truth if it bitch slapped you, as it does continuously.
Is this the newest scandal? Howdy Gowdy should launch a full congressional investigation!
Truth hurts little libtards so much they cy scandal like little bitches.
Oh, just pull the bottle of hot sauce that opened up out of you ass and move on.
Oh, little libtard, we will not move on.

This is use of Federal money for aiding Hilarys campaign and is a violation of federal law.

But nothing will happen because Hillary is above the law and the GOP is a bunch of cowardly lap dogs to do a damned thing about it.

More laws for the little people only, not the rulers.

The Latest: Hillary Clinton Joins Obama on Air Force One

Trump protests Clinton riding Air Force One with Obama

Citizens' Guide
Democrats are corrupt and amoral.
And Congressional Republicans are cowardly lap dogs for the corporations as well, which is why they will never get up on their hind legs and FIGHT for the Constitution.
Some people seem very upset today. I heard the guy live....he laid into her good....called her careless. What is everyone so upset about?
bravo ! I saw it too .
I was kinda expecting a different outcome .
and not the Hillary behind bars fantasy the right was having
turns out to be the ubiquitous office management fuck up.
What are we upset about?

A. The meeting on the Tarmac.

B. Hillary is on AF O on the arm of bummer

C. The DOJ sold us out.

And you want us to believe in them?
Anymore stupid questions?

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