Hillary Above the Law, Part 2; Misuse of Air Force One Violates US Campaign Laws

This is use of Federal money for aiding Hilarys campaign and is a violation of federal law.

But nothing will happen because Hillary is above the law and the GOP is a bunch of cowardly lap dogs to do a damned thing about it.

More laws for the little people only, not the rulers.

The Latest: Hillary Clinton Joins Obama on Air Force One

Trump protests Clinton riding Air Force One with Obama

Citizens' Guide
It's not illegal, Jim. The campaign has to reimburse for use of Air Force One (half the rate) and pay a rate for the rest of her passengers. The president has the right to campaign and it was done by Reagan. The president can't fly Jet Blue, ya know.
Interesting historical perspective on this--it isn't all that common for the sitting president to actively campaign for his party's potential candidate, for one reason or another, recently.

The closest comparison to Obama may be Ronald Reagan, a popular incumbent who headlined at least 20 party rallies ahead of Vice President George H.W. Bush's election in 1988.
Obama will be uniquely busy president on the campaign trail
I know the President has precedence for using government vehicles and resources to get re-elected, but it is illegal I believe for the government to lend its resources or rent them to an unelected person.

The use of Air Force One is about $200k per hour which far exceeds the limited donation of people to a candidate as well. And for federal employees and contractors it is strictly prohibited anyway.

So I guess you are going to tell me that it is OK if the federal government sends people out door too door campaigning for Hillary as long as the DNC pays for it?
Some people seem very upset today. I heard the guy live....he laid into her good....called her careless. What is everyone so upset about?
Why would you vote such a careless woman into office?


I expect she has been reformed when it comes to her email communications.

She's highly qualified for the job.....and this mistake can be forgiven.

And...the alternative is far more careless. Believe me.
Forgive me. But, I never believe anything a democrats says. Qualified my ass. She dosen't even qualify for security clearance.
a true uneducated retard
The thread title is inaccurate. This must be at least Part 666,666 of hiLIARy's violation of U.S. campaign laws.
This is use of Federal money for aiding Hilarys campaign and is a violation of federal law.

But nothing will happen because Hillary is above the law and the GOP is a bunch of cowardly lap dogs to do a damned thing about it.

More laws for the little people only, not the rulers.

The Latest: Hillary Clinton Joins Obama on Air Force One

Trump protests Clinton riding Air Force One with Obama

Citizens' Guide
It's not illegal, Jim. The campaign has to reimburse for use of Air Force One (half the rate) and pay a rate for the rest of her passengers. The president has the right to campaign and it was done by Reagan. The president can't fly Jet Blue, ya know.
Interesting historical perspective on this--it isn't all that common for the sitting president to actively campaign for his party's potential candidate, for one reason or another, recently.

The closest comparison to Obama may be Ronald Reagan, a popular incumbent who headlined at least 20 party rallies ahead of Vice President George H.W. Bush's election in 1988.
Obama will be uniquely busy president on the campaign trail
I know the President has precedence for using government vehicles and resources to get re-elected, but it is illegal I believe for the government to lend its resources or rent them to an unelected person.

The use of Air Force One is about $200k per hour which far exceeds the limited donation of people to a candidate as well. And for federal employees and contractors it is strictly prohibited anyway.

So I guess you are going to tell me that it is OK if the federal government sends people out door too door campaigning for Hillary as long as the DNC pays for it?
It's only cents on the dollar.
Is this the newest scandal? Howdy Gowdy should launch a full congressional investigation!
Truth hurts little libtards so much they cy scandal like little bitches.
Oh, just pull the bottle of hot sauce that opened up out of you ass and move on.
Better than what is up your ass. You idiots choose to ignore the FACT that the hag lied, but then, that is what all you scum libtards do is lie. KMA retard.
Some people seem very upset today. I heard the guy live....he laid into her good....called her careless. What is everyone so upset about?
Why would you vote such a careless woman into office?


I expect she has been reformed when it comes to her email communications.

She's highly qualified for the job.....and this mistake can be forgiven.

And...the alternative is far more careless. Believe me.
You idiots mistakenly thought obuthole was qualified.
I raised an eyebrow when Hillary got on AF1 to go campaigning, I would have thought this is against campaigning rules, but apparently not ?
Some people seem very upset today. I heard the guy live....he laid into her good....called her careless. What is everyone so upset about?
Why would you vote such a careless woman into office?
if that's a measure of worthiness then Washington would be empty.
Of dimwits for sure.
No of every politician.
You fail.
Particularly the hag hillary, you fail pissant.
This is use of Federal money for aiding Hilarys campaign and is a violation of federal law.

But nothing will happen because Hillary is above the law and the GOP is a bunch of cowardly lap dogs to do a damned thing about it.

More laws for the little people only, not the rulers.

The Latest: Hillary Clinton Joins Obama on Air Force One

Trump protests Clinton riding Air Force One with Obama

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